2019-02-18 15:52:18 SAST [11622-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-18 15:52:17 SAST 2019-02-18 15:52:18 SAST [11622-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-18 15:52:18 SAST [11626-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-18 15:52:18 SAST [11621-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-18 15:52:18 SAST [11628-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-18 15:53:15 SAST [11914-1] postgres@dhis FATAL: database "dhis" does not exist 2019-02-18 16:39:32 SAST [18403-1] postgres@dhis2 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" 2019-02-18 16:39:32 SAST [18403-2] postgres@dhis2 DETAIL: User "postgres" has no password assigned. Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-18 16:39:32 SAST [18404-1] postgres@dhis2 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" 2019-02-18 16:39:32 SAST [18404-2] postgres@dhis2 DETAIL: User "postgres" has no password assigned. Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-18 16:40:33 SAST [11623-1] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:40:33 SAST [11623-2] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:40:47 SAST [11623-3] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:40:47 SAST [11623-4] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:40:58 SAST [11623-5] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (11 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:40:58 SAST [11623-6] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:41:11 SAST [11623-7] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:41:11 SAST [11623-8] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:41:25 SAST [11623-9] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:41:25 SAST [11623-10] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:41:38 SAST [11623-11] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:41:38 SAST [11623-12] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:41:50 SAST [11623-13] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:41:50 SAST [11623-14] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:42:04 SAST [11623-15] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:42:04 SAST [11623-16] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:42:20 SAST [11623-17] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (16 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:42:20 SAST [11623-18] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:42:35 SAST [11623-19] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:42:35 SAST [11623-20] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:42:50 SAST [11623-21] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:42:50 SAST [11623-22] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:43:07 SAST [11623-23] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:43:07 SAST [11623-24] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:43:26 SAST [11623-25] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (19 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:43:26 SAST [11623-26] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:43:41 SAST [11623-27] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:43:41 SAST [11623-28] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:43:56 SAST [11623-29] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-18 16:43:56 SAST [11623-30] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-18 16:44:06 SAST [18889-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-18 16:44:06 SAST [18889-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis2.public.datavalue" 2019-02-18 16:46:59 SAST [18889-3] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-18 16:46:59 SAST [18889-4] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis2.public.datavalueaudit" 2019-02-18 16:47:09 SAST [18924-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-18 16:47:09 SAST [18924-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis2.public.trackedentitydatavalue" 2019-02-18 16:47:28 SAST [18902-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-18 16:47:28 SAST [18902-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis2.public.trackedentitydatavalueaudit" 2019-02-18 16:47:50 SAST [18953-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-18 16:47:50 SAST [18953-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis2.public.datavalueaudit" 2019-02-18 17:01:30 SAST [20207-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:30 SAST [20207-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20262-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20262-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20263-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20263-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20264-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20264-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20264-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20265-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20265-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20266-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20266-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20267-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20267-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20268-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20268-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20269-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20269-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20270-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20270-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20271-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20271-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20272-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20272-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20273-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20273-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20274-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20274-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20275-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20275-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20276-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20276-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20277-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20277-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20278-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20278-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20279-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20279-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20311-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20311-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-18 17:01:37 SAST [20311-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20331-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20331-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20332-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20332-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20332-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20333-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20333-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20334-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20334-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20335-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20335-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20345-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20345-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20346-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20346-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20347-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20347-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20348-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20348-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20349-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20349-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20350-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20350-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20351-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20351-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20353-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20353-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20354-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20354-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20355-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20355-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20358-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20358-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20359-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20359-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20360-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20360-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20361-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20361-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20362-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20362-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20375-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20375-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20378-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20378-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20381-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20381-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20382-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20382-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20383-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20383-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20384-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20384-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20384-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20385-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20385-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20386-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20386-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20386-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20387-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20387-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20388-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20388-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20388-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20389-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20389-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20390-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20390-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20390-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20391-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20391-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20392-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20392-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20392-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20393-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20393-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20394-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20394-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20394-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20395-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:38 SAST [20395-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20205-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20205-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20205-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20205-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20207-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20207-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20407-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20407-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20408-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20408-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20409-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20409-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20410-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20410-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20411-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20411-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20412-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20412-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20413-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20413-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20414-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20414-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20415-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20415-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20416-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20416-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20417-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20417-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20418-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20418-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20419-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20419-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20420-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20420-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20421-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20421-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20422-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20422-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20423-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20423-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20424-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20424-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20425-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20425-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20426-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20426-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20427-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20427-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20428-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20428-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20429-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20429-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20430-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20430-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20431-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20431-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20432-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20432-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20433-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20433-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20434-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20434-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20435-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20435-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20436-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20436-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20437-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20437-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20438-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20438-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20439-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20439-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20440-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20440-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20441-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20441-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20442-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20442-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20443-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20443-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20444-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20444-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20445-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20445-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20446-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20446-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20447-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20447-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20448-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20448-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20449-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20449-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20450-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20450-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20451-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20451-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20452-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20452-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20453-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20453-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20454-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20454-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20455-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20455-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20456-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20456-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20457-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20457-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20458-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20458-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20459-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20459-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20460-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20460-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20461-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20461-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20462-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20462-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20463-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20463-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20464-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20464-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20465-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20465-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20466-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20466-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20467-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20467-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20468-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20468-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20469-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20469-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20469-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20470-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20470-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20471-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20471-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20472-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20472-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20473-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20473-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20474-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20474-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20475-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20475-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20476-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20476-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20477-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20477-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20478-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20478-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20479-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20479-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20480-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20480-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20481-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20481-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20482-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20482-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20483-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20483-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20484-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20484-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20485-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20485-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20486-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20486-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20487-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20487-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20488-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20488-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20489-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20489-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20490-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20490-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20491-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20491-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20492-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20492-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20493-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20493-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20494-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20494-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20495-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20495-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20496-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20496-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20497-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20497-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20498-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20498-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20499-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20499-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20500-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20500-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20501-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20501-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20504-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20504-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20505-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20505-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20506-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20506-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20507-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20507-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20508-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20508-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20509-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20509-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20510-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20510-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20511-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20511-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20512-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20512-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20514-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20514-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20522-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20522-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20523-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20523-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20524-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20524-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20525-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20525-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20526-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20526-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20527-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20527-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20528-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20528-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20529-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20529-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20530-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20530-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20531-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20531-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20546-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20546-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20547-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20547-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20548-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20548-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20549-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20549-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20550-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20550-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20551-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20551-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20553-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20553-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20553-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20557-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20557-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20557-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20558-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20558-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20558-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20561-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20561-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20561-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20564-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20564-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20571-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20571-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20572-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20572-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20573-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20573-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20574-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20574-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20576-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20576-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20577-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20577-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20581-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20581-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20582-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20582-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20584-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20584-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20585-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20585-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20586-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20586-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20587-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20587-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20588-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20588-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20589-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20589-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20590-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20590-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20597-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20597-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20598-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20598-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20599-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20599-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20600-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20600-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20601-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20601-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20602-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20602-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20603-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20603-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20604-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20604-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20605-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20605-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20606-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20606-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20607-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20607-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20608-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20608-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20609-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20609-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-18 17:01:40 SAST [20611-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20611-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20614-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20614-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20615-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20615-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20616-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20616-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20617-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20617-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20618-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20618-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20619-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20619-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20620-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20620-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20621-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20621-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20622-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20622-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20623-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20623-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20624-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20624-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20625-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20625-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20626-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20626-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20627-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20627-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20628-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20628-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20629-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20629-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20630-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20630-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20631-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20631-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20632-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20632-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20633-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20633-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20634-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20634-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20635-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20635-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20636-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20636-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20637-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20637-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20638-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20638-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20639-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20639-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20640-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20640-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20641-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20641-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20642-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20642-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20643-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20643-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20644-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20644-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20645-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20645-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20647-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20647-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20648-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20648-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20649-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20649-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20650-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20650-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20652-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20652-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20653-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20653-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20654-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20654-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20655-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20655-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20656-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20656-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20656-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20657-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20657-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20657-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20658-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20658-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20659-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20659-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20660-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20660-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20661-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20661-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20662-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20662-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20663-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20663-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20664-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20664-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20665-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20665-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20666-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20666-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20667-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20667-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20668-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20668-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20669-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20669-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20670-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20670-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20671-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20671-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20672-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20672-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20673-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20673-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20674-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20674-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20675-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20675-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20676-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20676-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20677-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20677-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20678-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20678-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20679-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20679-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20682-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20682-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20691-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20691-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20694-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20694-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20696-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20696-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20701-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20701-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20716-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20716-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20721-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20721-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20722-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20722-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20723-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20723-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20724-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20724-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20725-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20725-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20726-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20726-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20727-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20727-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20728-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20728-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20729-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20729-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20730-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20730-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20731-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20731-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20732-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20732-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20733-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20733-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20734-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20734-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20735-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20735-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20736-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20736-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20737-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20737-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20738-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20738-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20739-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20739-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20740-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20740-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20758-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20758-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20759-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20759-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20761-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20761-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20763-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20763-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20766-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20766-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20767-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20767-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20771-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20771-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20772-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20772-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20773-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20773-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20774-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20774-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20775-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20775-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20776-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20776-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20777-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20777-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20778-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20778-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20779-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20779-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20780-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20780-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20781-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20781-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20782-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20782-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20783-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20783-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20784-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20784-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20785-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20785-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20786-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20786-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20787-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20787-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20788-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20788-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20796-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20796-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20798-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20798-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20799-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20799-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20801-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20801-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20803-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20803-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20806-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20806-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20807-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20807-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20809-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20809-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20811-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20811-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20811-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20812-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20812-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20825-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20825-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20826-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20826-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20827-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20827-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20828-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20828-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20829-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20829-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20830-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20830-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20834-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20834-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20839-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20839-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20840-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20840-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20841-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20841-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20843-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20843-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20843-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20844-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20844-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20844-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20846-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20846-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-18 17:01:41 SAST [20846-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20913-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20913-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20914-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20914-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20915-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20915-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20916-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20916-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20917-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20917-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20918-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20918-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20919-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20919-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20920-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20920-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20921-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20921-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20922-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20922-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20923-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20923-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20924-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20924-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20925-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20925-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20926-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20926-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20927-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20927-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20934-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20934-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20935-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20935-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20936-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20936-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20938-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20938-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20946-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20946-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20946-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20950-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20950-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20957-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20957-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20991-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20991-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20992-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20992-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20994-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20994-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20995-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20995-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20996-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20996-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20999-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [20999-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21000-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21000-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21001-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21001-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21002-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21002-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21006-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21006-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21007-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21007-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21009-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21009-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21010-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21010-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21011-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21011-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21012-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21012-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21012-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21013-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21013-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21013-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21014-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21014-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21015-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21015-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21016-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21016-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21017-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21017-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21018-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21018-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21018-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21019-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21019-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-18 17:01:42 SAST [21019-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21034-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21034-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21037-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21037-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21038-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21038-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21040-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21040-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21041-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21041-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21042-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21042-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21044-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21044-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21051-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21051-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21052-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21052-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21053-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21053-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21055-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21055-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21056-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21056-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21057-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21057-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21059-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21059-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21061-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21061-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21062-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21062-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21064-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21064-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21065-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21065-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21066-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21066-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21068-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21068-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21069-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21069-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21070-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21070-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21071-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21071-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21072-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21072-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21073-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21073-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21074-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21074-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21075-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21075-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21076-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21076-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21077-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21077-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21078-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21078-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21079-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21079-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21080-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21080-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21081-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21081-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21082-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21082-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21084-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21084-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21084-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21086-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21086-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21088-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21088-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21089-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21089-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21091-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21091-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21092-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21092-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21093-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21093-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21095-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21095-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21096-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21096-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21097-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21097-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21098-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21098-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21099-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21099-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21100-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21100-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21101-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21101-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21102-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21102-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21103-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21103-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21104-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21104-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21105-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21105-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21106-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21106-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21107-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21107-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21108-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21108-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21109-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21109-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21110-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21110-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21111-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21111-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21166-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21166-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21167-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21167-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21168-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21168-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21169-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21169-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21172-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21172-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21172-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21173-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21173-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21174-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21174-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21174-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21175-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21175-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21176-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21176-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21176-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21177-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21177-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21178-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21178-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21179-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21179-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21180-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21180-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21180-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21181-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21181-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21182-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21182-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21183-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21183-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21184-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21184-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21185-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21185-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21190-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21190-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21192-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21192-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21193-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21193-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21194-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21194-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21209-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21209-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21209-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21210-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21210-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21210-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21211-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21211-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21211-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21267-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21267-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21269-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21269-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21269-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21270-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21270-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21270-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21275-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21275-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21275-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21278-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21278-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21278-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21280-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21280-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21280-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21281-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21281-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21281-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21285-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21285-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21285-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21289-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21289-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21296-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-18 17:01:44 SAST [21296-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21298-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21298-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21299-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21299-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21300-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21300-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21330-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "constantid" of relation "constanttranslations" does not exist at character 37 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21330-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into constanttranslations ( constantid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select constantid from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Constant' and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21333-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 649 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21333-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21334-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 175 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21334-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into dashboarditemtranslations ( dashboarditemid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select dashboarditemid from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21380-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21380-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into messagetranslations ( messageid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageid from message where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Message' and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21382-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21382-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into messageconversationtranslations ( messageconversationid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageconversationid from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21399-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programdataelement" does not exist at character 654 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21399-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21400-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21400-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programdataelementtranslations ( programdataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programdataelementid from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21404-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21404-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programinstancetranslations ( programinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programinstanceid from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21410-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21410-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programstagedataelementtranslations ( programstagedataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstagedataelementid from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21412-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21412-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programstageinstancetranslations ( programstageinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstageinstanceid from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21415-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programtrackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 665 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21415-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21416-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21416-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programattributestranslations ( programtrackedentityattributeid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programtrackedentityattributeid from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21420-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21420-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programruleactiontranslations ( programruleactionid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programruleactionid from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21422-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21422-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programrulevariabletranslations ( programrulevariableid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programrulevariableid from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21434-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21434-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into trackedentityinstancetranslations ( trackedentityinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select trackedentityinstanceid from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21436-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21436-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into userinfotranslations ( userinfoid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userinfoid from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'User' and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21440-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21440-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into usertranslations ( userid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userid from users where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21449-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21449-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21450-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21450-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21451-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21451-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21452-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21452-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21456-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21456-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21457-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21457-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21458-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21458-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21459-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21459-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21462-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21462-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21463-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21463-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21468-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21468-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21469-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21469-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21470-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21470-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21471-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21471-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21472-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21472-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21473-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21473-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21474-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21474-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21475-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21475-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21479-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21479-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21480-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21480-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21481-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21481-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21482-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21482-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21483-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21483-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21484-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21484-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21485-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21485-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21486-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21486-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21487-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21487-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21488-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21488-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21489-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21489-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21490-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21490-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21492-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21492-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21492-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21493-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21493-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21494-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21494-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21495-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21495-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21496-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21496-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21497-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21497-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21498-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21498-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21499-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21499-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21500-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21500-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21504-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21504-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21505-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21505-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21509-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21509-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21510-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21510-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21516-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21516-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21516-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21517-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21517-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21517-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21519-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21519-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21520-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21520-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21521-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21521-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21522-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21522-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21523-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21523-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21530-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21530-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21531-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21531-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21532-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21532-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21533-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21533-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21534-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21534-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21538-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21538-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21539-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21539-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21540-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21540-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21540-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21542-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21542-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21543-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21543-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21546-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21546-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21549-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 112 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21549-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattribute ( trackedentityattributeid, uid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule, uniquefield, orgunitScope, programScope ) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), uid, lastUpdated, name, description, type, mandatory, false, false, true, orgunitScope, programScope from patientidentifiertype 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21550-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "patientidentifier" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21550-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributevalue (trackedentityinstanceid, trackedentityattributeid, value ) select trackedentityinstanceid, pa.trackedentityattributeid, identifier from patientidentifier pi inner join patientidentifiertype pit on pi.patientidentifiertypeid=pit.patientidentifiertypeid inner join trackedentityattribute pa on pa.uid=pit.uid where pi.trackedentityinstanceid is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21551-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21551-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21552-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21552-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21553-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21553-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21554-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:45 SAST [21554-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21583-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21583-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21584-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21584-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21585-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21585-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21586-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21586-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21587-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21587-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21588-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21588-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21589-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21589-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21594-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21594-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21595-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21595-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21601-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21601-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21602-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21602-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21603-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21603-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21604-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21604-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21606-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21606-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21608-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21608-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21609-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21609-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21615-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21615-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21616-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21616-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21617-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21617-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21620-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21620-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21621-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21621-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21622-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21622-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21629-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21629-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21629-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21631-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21631-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21633-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21633-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21635-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [21635-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-7] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-8] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-9] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-10] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-11] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-18 17:01:46 SAST [20205-12] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: 2019-02-18 17:14:56 SAST [11621-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-18 17:14:56 SAST [11621-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-18 17:14:56 SAST [11626-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-18 17:14:56 SAST [11623-31] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-18 17:14:56 SAST [11623-32] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-19 06:28:30 SAST [914-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-18 17:14:56 SAST 2019-02-19 06:28:30 SAST [914-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-19 06:28:30 SAST [911-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-19 06:28:30 SAST [924-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-19 06:28:31 SAST [944-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-19 07:57:39 SAST [17747-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:39 SAST [17747-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17783-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17783-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17784-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17784-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17785-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17785-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17785-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17786-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17786-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17787-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17787-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17788-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17788-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17789-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17789-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17790-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17790-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17791-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17791-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17792-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17792-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17793-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17793-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17794-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17794-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17795-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17795-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17796-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17796-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17797-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17797-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17798-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17798-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17799-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17799-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17800-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17800-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17832-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17832-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17832-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17852-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17852-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17853-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17853-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17853-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17854-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17854-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17855-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17855-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17856-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17856-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17866-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17866-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17867-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17867-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17868-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17868-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17869-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17869-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17870-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17870-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17871-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17871-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17872-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17872-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17874-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17874-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17875-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17875-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17876-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17876-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17879-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17879-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17880-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17880-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17881-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17881-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17882-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17882-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17883-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17883-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17896-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17896-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17899-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17899-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17902-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17902-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17903-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17903-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17904-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17904-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17905-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17905-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17905-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17906-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17906-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17907-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17907-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17907-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17908-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17908-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17909-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17909-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17909-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17910-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17910-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17911-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17911-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17911-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17912-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17912-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17913-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17913-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17913-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17914-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17914-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17915-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17915-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17915-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17916-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:47 SAST [17916-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:49 SAST [17747-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:49 SAST [17747-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 07:57:49 SAST [17747-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:49 SAST [17747-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 07:57:49 SAST [17747-7] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:49 SAST [17747-8] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17926-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17926-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17927-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17927-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17928-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17928-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17929-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17929-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17930-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17930-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17931-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17931-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17932-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17932-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17933-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17933-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17934-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17934-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17935-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17935-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17936-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17936-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17937-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17937-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17938-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17938-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17939-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17939-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17940-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17940-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17941-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17941-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17942-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17942-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17943-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17943-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17944-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17944-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17945-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17945-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17946-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17946-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17947-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17947-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17948-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17948-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17949-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17949-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17950-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17950-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17951-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17951-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17952-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17952-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17953-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17953-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17954-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17954-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17955-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17955-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17956-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17956-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17957-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17957-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17958-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17958-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17959-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17959-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17960-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17960-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17961-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17961-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17962-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17962-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17963-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17963-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17964-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17964-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17965-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17965-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17966-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17966-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17967-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17967-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17968-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17968-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17969-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17969-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17970-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17970-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17971-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17971-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17972-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17972-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17973-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17973-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17974-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17974-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17975-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17975-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17976-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17976-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17977-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17977-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17978-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17978-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17979-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17979-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17980-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17980-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17981-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17981-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17982-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17982-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17983-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17983-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17984-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17984-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17985-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17985-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17986-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17986-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17987-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17987-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17988-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17988-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17988-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17989-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17989-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17990-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17990-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17991-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17991-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17992-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17992-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17993-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17993-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17994-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17994-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17995-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17995-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17996-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17996-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17997-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17997-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17998-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17998-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17999-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [17999-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18000-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18000-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18001-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18001-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18002-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18002-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18003-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18003-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18004-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18004-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18005-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18005-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18006-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18006-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18007-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18007-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18008-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18008-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18009-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18009-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18010-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18010-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18011-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18011-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18012-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18012-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18013-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18013-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18014-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18014-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18015-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18015-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18016-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18016-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18017-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18017-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18018-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18018-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18019-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18019-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18020-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18020-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18023-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18023-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18024-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18024-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18025-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18025-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18026-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18026-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18027-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18027-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18028-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18028-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18029-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18029-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18030-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18030-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18031-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18031-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18033-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18033-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18041-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18041-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18042-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18042-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18043-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18043-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18044-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18044-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18045-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18045-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18046-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18046-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18047-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18047-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18048-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18048-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18049-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18049-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18050-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18050-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18065-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18065-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18066-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18066-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18067-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18067-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18068-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18068-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18069-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18069-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18070-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18070-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18072-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18072-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18072-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18076-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18076-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18076-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18077-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18077-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18077-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18080-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18080-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18080-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18083-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18083-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18090-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18090-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18091-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18091-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18092-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18092-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18093-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18093-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18095-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18095-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18096-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18096-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18100-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18100-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18101-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18101-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18103-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18103-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18104-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18104-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18105-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18105-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18106-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18106-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18107-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18107-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18108-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18108-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18109-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18109-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18116-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18116-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18117-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18117-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18118-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18118-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18119-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18119-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18120-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18120-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18121-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18121-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18122-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18122-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18123-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18123-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18124-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18124-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18125-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18125-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18126-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18126-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18127-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18127-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18128-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18128-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18130-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18130-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18133-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18133-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18134-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18134-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18135-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18135-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18136-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18136-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18137-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18137-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18138-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18138-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18139-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18139-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18140-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18140-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18141-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18141-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18142-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18142-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18143-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18143-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18144-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18144-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18145-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18145-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18146-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18146-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18147-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18147-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18148-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18148-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18149-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18149-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18150-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18150-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18151-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18151-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18152-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18152-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18153-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18153-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18154-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18154-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18155-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18155-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18156-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18156-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18157-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18157-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18158-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18158-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18159-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18159-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18160-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18160-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18161-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18161-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18162-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18162-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18163-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18163-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18164-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18164-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18166-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18166-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18167-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18167-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18168-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18168-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18169-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18169-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18171-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18171-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18172-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18172-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18173-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:50 SAST [18173-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18174-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18174-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18175-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18175-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18175-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18176-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18176-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18176-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18177-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18177-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18178-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18178-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18179-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18179-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18180-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18180-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18181-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18181-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18182-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18182-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18183-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18183-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18184-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18184-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18185-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18185-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18186-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18186-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18187-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18187-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18188-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18188-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18189-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18189-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18190-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18190-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18191-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18191-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18192-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18192-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18193-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18193-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18194-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18194-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18195-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18195-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18196-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18196-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18197-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18197-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18198-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18198-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18201-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18201-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18210-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18210-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18213-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18213-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18215-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18215-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18219-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18219-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18233-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18233-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18238-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18238-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18239-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18239-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18240-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18240-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18241-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18241-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18242-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18242-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18243-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18243-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18244-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18244-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18245-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18245-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18246-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18246-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18247-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18247-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18248-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18248-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18249-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18249-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18250-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18250-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18251-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18251-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18252-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18252-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18253-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18253-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18254-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18254-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18255-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18255-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18256-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18256-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18257-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18257-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18275-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18275-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18276-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18276-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18278-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18278-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18280-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18280-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18283-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18283-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18284-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18284-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18288-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18288-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18289-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18289-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18290-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18290-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18291-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18291-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18292-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18292-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18293-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18293-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18294-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18294-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18295-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18295-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18296-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18296-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18297-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18297-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18298-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18298-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18299-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18299-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18300-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18300-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18301-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18301-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18302-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18302-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18303-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18303-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18304-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18304-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18305-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18305-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18313-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18313-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18315-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18315-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18316-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18316-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18318-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18318-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18320-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18320-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18323-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18323-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18324-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18324-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18326-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18326-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18328-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18328-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18328-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18329-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18329-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18342-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18342-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18343-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18343-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18344-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18344-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18345-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18345-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18346-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18346-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18347-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18347-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18351-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18351-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18356-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18356-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18357-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18357-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18358-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18358-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18360-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18360-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18360-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18361-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18361-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18361-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18363-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18363-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18363-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18430-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18430-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18431-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18431-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18432-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18432-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18433-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18433-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18434-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18434-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18435-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18435-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18436-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18436-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18437-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18437-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18438-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18438-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18439-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18439-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18440-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18440-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18441-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18441-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18442-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18442-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18443-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18443-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18444-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:51 SAST [18444-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18451-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18451-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18452-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18452-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18453-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18453-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18455-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18455-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18464-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18464-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18464-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18468-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18468-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18475-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18475-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18508-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18508-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18509-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18509-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18511-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18511-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18512-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18512-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18513-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18513-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18516-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18516-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18517-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18517-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18518-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18518-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18519-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18519-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18523-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18523-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18524-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18524-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18526-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18526-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18527-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18527-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18528-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18528-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18529-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18529-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18529-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18530-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18530-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18530-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18531-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18531-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18532-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18532-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18533-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18533-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18534-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18534-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18535-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18535-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18535-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18536-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18536-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 07:57:52 SAST [18536-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18551-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18551-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18554-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18554-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18555-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18555-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18557-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18557-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18558-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18558-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18559-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18559-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18561-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18561-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18568-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18568-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18569-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18569-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18570-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18570-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18572-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18572-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18573-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18573-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18574-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18574-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18576-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18576-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18578-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18578-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18579-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18579-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18581-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18581-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18582-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18582-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18583-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18583-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18585-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18585-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18586-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18586-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18587-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18587-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18588-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18588-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18589-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18589-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18590-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18590-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18591-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18591-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18592-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18592-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18593-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18593-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18594-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18594-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18595-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18595-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18596-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18596-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18597-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18597-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18598-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18598-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18599-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18599-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18601-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18601-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18601-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18603-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18603-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18605-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18605-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18606-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18606-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18608-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18608-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18609-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18609-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18610-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18610-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18612-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18612-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18613-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18613-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18614-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18614-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18615-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18615-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18616-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18616-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18617-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18617-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18618-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18618-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18619-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18619-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18620-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18620-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18621-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18621-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18622-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18622-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18623-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18623-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18624-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18624-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18625-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18625-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18626-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18626-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18627-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18627-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18628-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18628-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18683-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18683-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18684-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18684-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18685-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18685-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18686-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18686-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18689-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18689-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18689-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18690-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18690-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18691-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18691-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18691-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18692-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18692-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18693-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18693-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18693-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18694-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18694-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18695-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18695-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18696-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18696-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18697-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18697-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18697-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18698-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18698-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18699-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18699-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18700-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18700-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18701-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18701-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18702-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18702-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18707-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18707-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18709-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18709-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18710-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18710-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18711-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18711-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18726-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18726-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18726-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18727-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18727-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18727-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18728-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18728-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 07:57:55 SAST [18728-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18784-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18784-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18786-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18786-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18786-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18787-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18787-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18787-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18792-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18792-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18792-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18795-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18795-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18795-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18797-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18797-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18797-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18798-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18798-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18798-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18802-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18802-2] dhis@dhis2 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18802-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18806-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18806-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18813-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18813-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18815-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18815-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18816-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18816-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18817-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18817-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18847-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "constantid" of relation "constanttranslations" does not exist at character 37 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18847-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into constanttranslations ( constantid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select constantid from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Constant' and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18850-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 649 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18850-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18851-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 175 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18851-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into dashboarditemtranslations ( dashboarditemid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select dashboarditemid from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18897-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18897-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into messagetranslations ( messageid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageid from message where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Message' and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18899-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18899-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into messageconversationtranslations ( messageconversationid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageconversationid from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18916-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programdataelement" does not exist at character 654 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18916-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18917-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18917-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programdataelementtranslations ( programdataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programdataelementid from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18921-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18921-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programinstancetranslations ( programinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programinstanceid from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18927-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18927-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programstagedataelementtranslations ( programstagedataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstagedataelementid from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18929-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18929-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programstageinstancetranslations ( programstageinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstageinstanceid from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18932-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programtrackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 665 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18932-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18933-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18933-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programattributestranslations ( programtrackedentityattributeid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programtrackedentityattributeid from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18937-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18937-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programruleactiontranslations ( programruleactionid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programruleactionid from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18939-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18939-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programrulevariabletranslations ( programrulevariableid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programrulevariableid from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18951-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18951-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into trackedentityinstancetranslations ( trackedentityinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select trackedentityinstanceid from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18953-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18953-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into userinfotranslations ( userinfoid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userinfoid from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'User' and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18957-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18957-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into usertranslations ( userid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userid from users where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18966-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18966-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18967-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18967-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18968-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18968-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18969-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18969-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18973-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18973-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18974-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18974-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18975-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18975-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18976-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18976-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18979-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18979-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18980-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18980-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18985-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18985-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18986-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18986-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18987-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18987-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18988-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18988-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18989-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18989-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18990-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18990-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18991-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18991-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18992-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18992-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18996-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18996-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18997-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18997-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18998-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18998-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18999-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [18999-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [19000-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [19000-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [19001-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:56 SAST [19001-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19002-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19002-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19003-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19003-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19004-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19004-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19005-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19005-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19006-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19006-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19007-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19007-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19009-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19009-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19009-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19010-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19010-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19011-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19011-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19012-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19012-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19013-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19013-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19014-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19014-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19015-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19015-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19016-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19016-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19017-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19017-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19021-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19021-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19022-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19022-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19026-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19026-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19027-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19027-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19033-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19033-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19033-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19034-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19034-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19034-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19036-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19036-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19037-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19037-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19038-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19038-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19039-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19039-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19040-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19040-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19048-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19048-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19049-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19049-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19050-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19050-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19051-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19051-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19052-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19052-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19056-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19056-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19057-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19057-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19058-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19058-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19058-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19060-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19060-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19061-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19061-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19064-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19064-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19067-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 112 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19067-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattribute ( trackedentityattributeid, uid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule, uniquefield, orgunitScope, programScope ) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), uid, lastUpdated, name, description, type, mandatory, false, false, true, orgunitScope, programScope from patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19068-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "patientidentifier" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19068-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributevalue (trackedentityinstanceid, trackedentityattributeid, value ) select trackedentityinstanceid, pa.trackedentityattributeid, identifier from patientidentifier pi inner join patientidentifiertype pit on pi.patientidentifiertypeid=pit.patientidentifiertypeid inner join trackedentityattribute pa on pa.uid=pit.uid where pi.trackedentityinstanceid is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19069-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19069-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19070-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19070-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19071-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19071-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19072-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19072-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19101-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19101-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19102-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19102-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19103-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19103-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19104-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19104-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19105-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19105-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19106-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19106-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19107-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19107-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19112-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19112-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19113-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19113-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19118-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19118-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19119-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19119-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19120-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19120-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19121-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19121-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19123-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19123-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19125-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19125-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19126-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19126-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19132-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19132-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19133-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19133-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19134-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19134-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19137-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19137-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19138-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19138-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19139-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19139-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19146-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19146-2] dhis@dhis2 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19146-3] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19148-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19148-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19150-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19150-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19152-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [19152-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-9] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-10] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-11] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-12] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-13] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-14] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-15] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 07:57:57 SAST [17747-16] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [17749-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [17749-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19792-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19792-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19594-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19594-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19796-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19796-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19796-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [19796-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [17749-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:38:55 SAST [17749-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [17749-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [17749-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-7] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [19793-8] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [17749-7] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:39:11 SAST [17749-8] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [17749-9] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 88 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [17749-10] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19796-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 88 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19796-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19793-9] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 88 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19793-10] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [17749-11] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 98 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [17749-12] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","co","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19793-11] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 98 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19793-12] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","co","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19796-7] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 98 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19796-8] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","co","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19594-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 98 2019-02-19 08:39:43 SAST [19594-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from (select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) union all select "dx","co","uidlevel3", value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "uidlevel3" in ('UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') and ( "yearly" in ('2017', '2016') ) ) as data group by "dx","co","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [19594-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [19594-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('xrRJDcNFiNf', 'IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XMeHPQmQQfj', 'X6bzEn5dP8q', 'xBYX4nZudVa', 'sRNv544u4Kj', 'GSULt43npVq', 'vwksZyBrfuu', 'VsJYgGw8I2V', 'y1Zt8YWUdNN', 'LMr4YmuWQvv', 'E1lNcTks7oO', 'u7B4ym383Ym', 'uoa0uOnsq4p', 'ZOWeZmWabgn', 'vVW5OONMCEb', 'wvCiEOLWdLJ', 'pRYCcGMztpE', 'CHkFIybZoZz', 'oBPpx2f4BcZ', 'ymka44MFryp', 'FY4Xfq9vSyL', 'jeD0I0pX7Wm', 'HauiBnBlDPb', 'DTFZb2oykYX', 'qp3t7V6ygXt', 'qIvgZa9XF0F', 'Y0k1j4epYcj', 'P2iXs6FK8Jl', 'nTzPazt8WkQ', 'IHUQZR8x1bN', 'K4ZW4BeS8Pt', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'wuc6FWqNNAI', 'c316gWMgl8s', 'Ut17UvBEkny', 'tlR06WKFmLq', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'xj0oSi5i0j8', 'D10HCfbQgfx', 'OylcXGXLb9o', 'iwdasV3JI2Q', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hSw3vg7XTEi', 'Yq0MsTCBEh9', 'X5z2kEg04iQ', 'yYywLgj99zC', 'hfal93WttYV', 'Lte0R3q5WXY', 'vc6DkT2fLTK', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'cfIunZ6AHjG', 'wMrz5VSnSBH', 'grNC3APH9gr', 'KKvHLVPvMET', 'bIGyexlgvwA', 'I15mYpPEhoD', 'TO91yRtifd4', 'hq0O1bY8xem', 'ujxBpZ8xm2p', 'b1PPBfDl7DL', 'pvG4xIBefu5', 'YEqpynbPmbi', 'nrfQhBYD64K', 'CX1PESzxU1k', 'AmGj3VvKWQh', 'KlOiSXS4P4I', 'kak9uHMjAGQ', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'ImTNJK7xmb2', 'pV0Oxs3vaWm', 'D0pY5IImAVd', 'uiYzs0pJ0MG', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'ebjiBREB46C', 'EvquUI19tLj', 'x1kIpGHGwhu', 'YKaYfb4mAn1', 'qJ6HHqwbZkN', 'fYTvun4fCWO', 'eM5yk6yMulb', 'QgMyyP0N9Pb', 'JqXuGoKfUAp', 'DD2AsmBpftF', 'bPr4TxvZG2Q', 'gewWANaDP2m', 'KJ6woAlhwwv', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'uQFvWJSIbsP', 'XE1ZpJfYfNj', 'lzlySwPluFg', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'Na4DWa3jMgR', 'lT2R8f3W3g2', 'klqr66p92EF', 'LInacGU6AFv', 'PifTOKrNsLP', 'NkZfZDm52z5', 'VkYsUtcbtAX', 'MB5cxkvi6cS', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'mPlAbVLd3mj', 'SL96A0DNyC8', 'l77JTr5Xare', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'mXBVgsTIUcv', 'sFDQ81MN1hZ', 'ezOjw9M9zjD', 'iaVR6EmYgF3', 'X3kQ8jbu7qh', 'JAwVCC3bMJU', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'mGZ5cjBZ5aP', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'ATaj0GHSKcu', 'bBOyj8MGPVD', 'HVwS8QjwVHP', 'icyGbiW510V', 'HLLTT3f4Mcx', 'BWL9JBJSUwa', 'fhDSkG3mgsO', 'hEro7cs3UPS', 'dRq9l4EdL8D', 'ov3VXqZRBbX', 'RX5ORe4qDSt', 'UINkREUMIoD', 'fJAPoQnPs3Y', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'ncSGf1EQL8X', 'H5H3BX7eMTK', 'h90FmYC4LpY', 'EkzR8PlnJcc', 'lAabfLvpo3x', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'yeY5DW46oNq', 'lFtkXOqR0Gb', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'vUvX5kT347x', 'KtTlSYhBdOb', 'u8uCZRyMEeP', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'XqR1dGzp69t', 'qiLXyIJgiUd', 'PWNHl77ixY3', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'SO1eymmLso8', 'pPhMLlbU0CR', 'gaN84ZsMN3Q', 'Fd8GIZHBuva', 'Tyj1r0t14Ru', 'TswXF8KcqQs', 'kq9IkQmnv23', 'OB5Yufm9JeW', 'udc28CHRi39', 'RyH9NkIm7W1', 'DRBVdFkpc4q', 'ipXZDKPO11m', 'VuVF0o4bzX1', 'WbEwbZYdsRy', 'TvNvfDW9qXV', 'UmTD2jHCcgr', 'Boer8mY5ttU', 'fzSDhw97zFX', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'E2m4b9Ks9O6', 'LREb0naMGjn', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'TWo4ub6KAQX', 'Gdwi5lxtg6G', 'GkEjaFuAniL', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'vD6xLraBMdD', 'kguHStk9LEn', 'WyqEeLGPKR4', 's6pcFIYMk3n', 'k25JBEksmjg', 'pqMffwmOzwj', 'ZdllHGTSpoR', 'FDW43QiyjcC', 'loSJ0YH1q4m', 'tLvcRjISwGh', 'cavJm6BSfz7', 'BPHXfwQ3EoG', 'TOeoYfVstXD', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'CPGajj9DZkv', 'LToKFyfOhor', 'vAN3Th7wMjk', 'nEzu3ecyfV4', 'GCe9aBY1n1Z', 'i8nwPLsMEOr', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'A1vfKsyw8RR', 'iYj4VzcgbJq', 'iyWJA5FWmX4', 'JBG2AcApHio', 'PyOJxIT1ZBr', 'qZXmOlrsgJH', 'rAfn8EEHE2Y', 'p4UVZXCuP9N', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'IjAIBA2r1RS', 'U7jKaCDvd2g', 'iZ2V5TzhWJr', 'NdTornkdje6', 'vTbdf1om7ou', 'Th58ne9RpJr', 'UlZc8SsRM8R', 'Za91bV9Olqz', 'UbAERlrKoXA', 'p3f3hnJh8mU', 'H464bEuajtf', 'TqtZn02K8w1', 'NhnLuaEWuTj', 'oYActcgjUL4', 'w6l8f1E1QwC', 'dJomYrihIKJ', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'MP1OSjlPcLk', 'Jbf1UauJSeF', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'AF5K9GcVCxn', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'YITEqtwRCOk', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'fN5awzu8dk8', 'X5UqXY9VEyq', 'bxNuqzDrrtz', 'JmjnySIX8jY', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'xM40cJzO50T', 'Gz1Pn2Iyy0W', 'HxOwng3Yzgc', 'F5LYZ9fKMDW', 'VRGhVw6fjbZ', 'AE0bGc0IGma', 'D8cFeFpwx55', 'Y7gmm5bMZ1x', 'cFCNRFcgKE8', 'fe42BfDQHzQ', 'PKo22wI3eZu', 'Vy6qPSranFS', 'w2E7aIqgb3y', 'AgiNG0V5DaW', 'Xe7HEj6dAOy', 'hk6NqlBfw4A', 'rWsFt24ScKB', 'YqMYLOf8JOF', 'ICl7Qfarjnm', 'QB0NMx0uijZ', 'z6Nb10NgnwX', 'BtI5pajHYXS', 'gm4T4qEDuEj', 'suauPzRQ94Y', 'm6B5565h09z', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'HBIYhSH7A7W', 'hokuwuyvjEC', 'AyxK8KGkKzT', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'D3Ehsi3Wwxb', 'qVLZzfB1DsF', 'vCE2DexVd4F', 'g8NXX4FP30H', 'otHvX5k0ypl', 'K7AQcyhiYgy', 'oJennxWBOn9', 'k8OCLtIDWSO', 'ta2d3rK31vS', 'cq15ZVxp9Pw', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'Gt2DIOdyZEr', 'GRZpnYMf9a6', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'LE8JDfjOjki', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'KWyl6yJVKQR', 'hBlprTMT1W1', 'ZmfweRAAb0Z', 'KOtdzeXZwQt', 'Iws1b9gMAra', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'W5EzW43sSq3', 'XltmxwxXksr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'sbF6n5esjRq', 'MIj5s34eZRu', 'cWBF2PStzPv', 'aw3KW0vjOzZ', 'vR7TiVABUml', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'LqAEynhNXaP', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'rva0D8cRVZ5', 'W2xhjswWWZx', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'thqPn4eIdgU', 'bj9xW5PhO0H', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'HcR5PaFuZm2', 'kXcsqWNWKMU', 'wc4hFzQXO0d', 'TovqGjO1RFE', 'jhQGDZ7WXgO', 'xhPRCVHS2Hf', 'XpSYzvuY3Vw', 'M7qFOnwmE3A', 'WUL1khwlSiR', 'bIqxVaWY7YA', 'UsWlUEK20kz', 'f0v9yTd0etM', 'sxbO4TD18dr', 'PiNrkSE7pfN', 'vQutOQtcfrM', 'plvtTb7RqJ6', 'MAH4ERFNoUM', 'ILpq8r7jhQe', 's85AU8LaLWX', 'zToApORZs0k', 'js6SmSIW9tO', 'Aal4qeVX2qf', 'k5wU48LKFs6') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [17749-13] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [17749-14] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('xrRJDcNFiNf', 'IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XMeHPQmQQfj', 'X6bzEn5dP8q', 'xBYX4nZudVa', 'sRNv544u4Kj', 'GSULt43npVq', 'vwksZyBrfuu', 'VsJYgGw8I2V', 'y1Zt8YWUdNN', 'LMr4YmuWQvv', 'E1lNcTks7oO', 'u7B4ym383Ym', 'uoa0uOnsq4p', 'ZOWeZmWabgn', 'vVW5OONMCEb', 'wvCiEOLWdLJ', 'pRYCcGMztpE', 'CHkFIybZoZz', 'oBPpx2f4BcZ', 'ymka44MFryp', 'FY4Xfq9vSyL', 'jeD0I0pX7Wm', 'HauiBnBlDPb', 'DTFZb2oykYX', 'qp3t7V6ygXt', 'qIvgZa9XF0F', 'Y0k1j4epYcj', 'P2iXs6FK8Jl', 'nTzPazt8WkQ', 'IHUQZR8x1bN', 'K4ZW4BeS8Pt', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'wuc6FWqNNAI', 'c316gWMgl8s', 'Ut17UvBEkny', 'tlR06WKFmLq', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'xj0oSi5i0j8', 'D10HCfbQgfx', 'OylcXGXLb9o', 'iwdasV3JI2Q', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hSw3vg7XTEi', 'Yq0MsTCBEh9', 'X5z2kEg04iQ', 'yYywLgj99zC', 'hfal93WttYV', 'Lte0R3q5WXY', 'vc6DkT2fLTK', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'cfIunZ6AHjG', 'wMrz5VSnSBH', 'grNC3APH9gr', 'KKvHLVPvMET', 'bIGyexlgvwA', 'I15mYpPEhoD', 'TO91yRtifd4', 'hq0O1bY8xem', 'ujxBpZ8xm2p', 'b1PPBfDl7DL', 'pvG4xIBefu5', 'YEqpynbPmbi', 'nrfQhBYD64K', 'CX1PESzxU1k', 'AmGj3VvKWQh', 'KlOiSXS4P4I', 'kak9uHMjAGQ', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'ImTNJK7xmb2', 'pV0Oxs3vaWm', 'D0pY5IImAVd', 'uiYzs0pJ0MG', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'ebjiBREB46C', 'EvquUI19tLj', 'x1kIpGHGwhu', 'YKaYfb4mAn1', 'qJ6HHqwbZkN', 'fYTvun4fCWO', 'eM5yk6yMulb', 'QgMyyP0N9Pb', 'JqXuGoKfUAp', 'DD2AsmBpftF', 'bPr4TxvZG2Q', 'gewWANaDP2m', 'KJ6woAlhwwv', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'uQFvWJSIbsP', 'XE1ZpJfYfNj', 'lzlySwPluFg', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'Na4DWa3jMgR', 'lT2R8f3W3g2', 'klqr66p92EF', 'LInacGU6AFv', 'PifTOKrNsLP', 'NkZfZDm52z5', 'VkYsUtcbtAX', 'MB5cxkvi6cS', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'mPlAbVLd3mj', 'SL96A0DNyC8', 'l77JTr5Xare', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'mXBVgsTIUcv', 'sFDQ81MN1hZ', 'ezOjw9M9zjD', 'iaVR6EmYgF3', 'X3kQ8jbu7qh', 'JAwVCC3bMJU', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'mGZ5cjBZ5aP', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'ATaj0GHSKcu', 'bBOyj8MGPVD', 'HVwS8QjwVHP', 'icyGbiW510V', 'HLLTT3f4Mcx', 'BWL9JBJSUwa', 'fhDSkG3mgsO', 'hEro7cs3UPS', 'dRq9l4EdL8D', 'ov3VXqZRBbX', 'RX5ORe4qDSt', 'UINkREUMIoD', 'fJAPoQnPs3Y', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'ncSGf1EQL8X', 'H5H3BX7eMTK', 'h90FmYC4LpY', 'EkzR8PlnJcc', 'lAabfLvpo3x', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'yeY5DW46oNq', 'lFtkXOqR0Gb', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'vUvX5kT347x', 'KtTlSYhBdOb', 'u8uCZRyMEeP', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'XqR1dGzp69t', 'qiLXyIJgiUd', 'PWNHl77ixY3', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'SO1eymmLso8', 'pPhMLlbU0CR', 'gaN84ZsMN3Q', 'Fd8GIZHBuva', 'Tyj1r0t14Ru', 'TswXF8KcqQs', 'kq9IkQmnv23', 'OB5Yufm9JeW', 'udc28CHRi39', 'RyH9NkIm7W1', 'DRBVdFkpc4q', 'ipXZDKPO11m', 'VuVF0o4bzX1', 'WbEwbZYdsRy', 'TvNvfDW9qXV', 'UmTD2jHCcgr', 'Boer8mY5ttU', 'fzSDhw97zFX', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'E2m4b9Ks9O6', 'LREb0naMGjn', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'TWo4ub6KAQX', 'Gdwi5lxtg6G', 'GkEjaFuAniL', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'vD6xLraBMdD', 'kguHStk9LEn', 'WyqEeLGPKR4', 's6pcFIYMk3n', 'k25JBEksmjg', 'pqMffwmOzwj', 'ZdllHGTSpoR', 'FDW43QiyjcC', 'loSJ0YH1q4m', 'tLvcRjISwGh', 'cavJm6BSfz7', 'BPHXfwQ3EoG', 'TOeoYfVstXD', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'CPGajj9DZkv', 'LToKFyfOhor', 'vAN3Th7wMjk', 'nEzu3ecyfV4', 'GCe9aBY1n1Z', 'i8nwPLsMEOr', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'A1vfKsyw8RR', 'iYj4VzcgbJq', 'iyWJA5FWmX4', 'JBG2AcApHio', 'PyOJxIT1ZBr', 'qZXmOlrsgJH', 'rAfn8EEHE2Y', 'p4UVZXCuP9N', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'IjAIBA2r1RS', 'U7jKaCDvd2g', 'iZ2V5TzhWJr', 'NdTornkdje6', 'vTbdf1om7ou', 'Th58ne9RpJr', 'UlZc8SsRM8R', 'Za91bV9Olqz', 'UbAERlrKoXA', 'p3f3hnJh8mU', 'H464bEuajtf', 'TqtZn02K8w1', 'NhnLuaEWuTj', 'oYActcgjUL4', 'w6l8f1E1QwC', 'dJomYrihIKJ', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'MP1OSjlPcLk', 'Jbf1UauJSeF', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'AF5K9GcVCxn', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'YITEqtwRCOk', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'fN5awzu8dk8', 'X5UqXY9VEyq', 'bxNuqzDrrtz', 'JmjnySIX8jY', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'xM40cJzO50T', 'Gz1Pn2Iyy0W', 'HxOwng3Yzgc', 'F5LYZ9fKMDW', 'VRGhVw6fjbZ', 'AE0bGc0IGma', 'D8cFeFpwx55', 'Y7gmm5bMZ1x', 'cFCNRFcgKE8', 'fe42BfDQHzQ', 'PKo22wI3eZu', 'Vy6qPSranFS', 'w2E7aIqgb3y', 'AgiNG0V5DaW', 'Xe7HEj6dAOy', 'hk6NqlBfw4A', 'rWsFt24ScKB', 'YqMYLOf8JOF', 'ICl7Qfarjnm', 'QB0NMx0uijZ', 'z6Nb10NgnwX', 'BtI5pajHYXS', 'gm4T4qEDuEj', 'suauPzRQ94Y', 'm6B5565h09z', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'HBIYhSH7A7W', 'hokuwuyvjEC', 'AyxK8KGkKzT', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'D3Ehsi3Wwxb', 'qVLZzfB1DsF', 'vCE2DexVd4F', 'g8NXX4FP30H', 'otHvX5k0ypl', 'K7AQcyhiYgy', 'oJennxWBOn9', 'k8OCLtIDWSO', 'ta2d3rK31vS', 'cq15ZVxp9Pw', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'Gt2DIOdyZEr', 'GRZpnYMf9a6', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'LE8JDfjOjki', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'KWyl6yJVKQR', 'hBlprTMT1W1', 'ZmfweRAAb0Z', 'KOtdzeXZwQt', 'Iws1b9gMAra', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'W5EzW43sSq3', 'XltmxwxXksr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'sbF6n5esjRq', 'MIj5s34eZRu', 'cWBF2PStzPv', 'aw3KW0vjOzZ', 'vR7TiVABUml', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'LqAEynhNXaP', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'rva0D8cRVZ5', 'W2xhjswWWZx', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'thqPn4eIdgU', 'bj9xW5PhO0H', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'HcR5PaFuZm2', 'kXcsqWNWKMU', 'wc4hFzQXO0d', 'TovqGjO1RFE', 'jhQGDZ7WXgO', 'xhPRCVHS2Hf', 'XpSYzvuY3Vw', 'M7qFOnwmE3A', 'WUL1khwlSiR', 'bIqxVaWY7YA', 'UsWlUEK20kz', 'f0v9yTd0etM', 'sxbO4TD18dr', 'PiNrkSE7pfN', 'vQutOQtcfrM', 'plvtTb7RqJ6', 'MAH4ERFNoUM', 'ILpq8r7jhQe', 's85AU8LaLWX', 'zToApORZs0k', 'js6SmSIW9tO', 'Aal4qeVX2qf', 'k5wU48LKFs6') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [19795-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [19795-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('xrRJDcNFiNf', 'IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XMeHPQmQQfj', 'X6bzEn5dP8q', 'xBYX4nZudVa', 'sRNv544u4Kj', 'GSULt43npVq', 'vwksZyBrfuu', 'VsJYgGw8I2V', 'y1Zt8YWUdNN', 'LMr4YmuWQvv', 'E1lNcTks7oO', 'u7B4ym383Ym', 'uoa0uOnsq4p', 'ZOWeZmWabgn', 'vVW5OONMCEb', 'wvCiEOLWdLJ', 'pRYCcGMztpE', 'CHkFIybZoZz', 'oBPpx2f4BcZ', 'ymka44MFryp', 'FY4Xfq9vSyL', 'jeD0I0pX7Wm', 'HauiBnBlDPb', 'DTFZb2oykYX', 'qp3t7V6ygXt', 'qIvgZa9XF0F', 'Y0k1j4epYcj', 'P2iXs6FK8Jl', 'nTzPazt8WkQ', 'IHUQZR8x1bN', 'K4ZW4BeS8Pt', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'wuc6FWqNNAI', 'c316gWMgl8s', 'Ut17UvBEkny', 'tlR06WKFmLq', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'xj0oSi5i0j8', 'D10HCfbQgfx', 'OylcXGXLb9o', 'iwdasV3JI2Q', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hSw3vg7XTEi', 'Yq0MsTCBEh9', 'X5z2kEg04iQ', 'yYywLgj99zC', 'hfal93WttYV', 'Lte0R3q5WXY', 'vc6DkT2fLTK', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'cfIunZ6AHjG', 'wMrz5VSnSBH', 'grNC3APH9gr', 'KKvHLVPvMET', 'bIGyexlgvwA', 'I15mYpPEhoD', 'TO91yRtifd4', 'hq0O1bY8xem', 'ujxBpZ8xm2p', 'b1PPBfDl7DL', 'pvG4xIBefu5', 'YEqpynbPmbi', 'nrfQhBYD64K', 'CX1PESzxU1k', 'AmGj3VvKWQh', 'KlOiSXS4P4I', 'kak9uHMjAGQ', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'ImTNJK7xmb2', 'pV0Oxs3vaWm', 'D0pY5IImAVd', 'uiYzs0pJ0MG', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'ebjiBREB46C', 'EvquUI19tLj', 'x1kIpGHGwhu', 'YKaYfb4mAn1', 'qJ6HHqwbZkN', 'fYTvun4fCWO', 'eM5yk6yMulb', 'QgMyyP0N9Pb', 'JqXuGoKfUAp', 'DD2AsmBpftF', 'bPr4TxvZG2Q', 'gewWANaDP2m', 'KJ6woAlhwwv', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'uQFvWJSIbsP', 'XE1ZpJfYfNj', 'lzlySwPluFg', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'Na4DWa3jMgR', 'lT2R8f3W3g2', 'klqr66p92EF', 'LInacGU6AFv', 'PifTOKrNsLP', 'NkZfZDm52z5', 'VkYsUtcbtAX', 'MB5cxkvi6cS', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'mPlAbVLd3mj', 'SL96A0DNyC8', 'l77JTr5Xare', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'mXBVgsTIUcv', 'sFDQ81MN1hZ', 'ezOjw9M9zjD', 'iaVR6EmYgF3', 'X3kQ8jbu7qh', 'JAwVCC3bMJU', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'mGZ5cjBZ5aP', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'ATaj0GHSKcu', 'bBOyj8MGPVD', 'HVwS8QjwVHP', 'icyGbiW510V', 'HLLTT3f4Mcx', 'BWL9JBJSUwa', 'fhDSkG3mgsO', 'hEro7cs3UPS', 'dRq9l4EdL8D', 'ov3VXqZRBbX', 'RX5ORe4qDSt', 'UINkREUMIoD', 'fJAPoQnPs3Y', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'ncSGf1EQL8X', 'H5H3BX7eMTK', 'h90FmYC4LpY', 'EkzR8PlnJcc', 'lAabfLvpo3x', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'yeY5DW46oNq', 'lFtkXOqR0Gb', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'vUvX5kT347x', 'KtTlSYhBdOb', 'u8uCZRyMEeP', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'XqR1dGzp69t', 'qiLXyIJgiUd', 'PWNHl77ixY3', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'SO1eymmLso8', 'pPhMLlbU0CR', 'gaN84ZsMN3Q', 'Fd8GIZHBuva', 'Tyj1r0t14Ru', 'TswXF8KcqQs', 'kq9IkQmnv23', 'OB5Yufm9JeW', 'udc28CHRi39', 'RyH9NkIm7W1', 'DRBVdFkpc4q', 'ipXZDKPO11m', 'VuVF0o4bzX1', 'WbEwbZYdsRy', 'TvNvfDW9qXV', 'UmTD2jHCcgr', 'Boer8mY5ttU', 'fzSDhw97zFX', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'E2m4b9Ks9O6', 'LREb0naMGjn', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'TWo4ub6KAQX', 'Gdwi5lxtg6G', 'GkEjaFuAniL', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'vD6xLraBMdD', 'kguHStk9LEn', 'WyqEeLGPKR4', 's6pcFIYMk3n', 'k25JBEksmjg', 'pqMffwmOzwj', 'ZdllHGTSpoR', 'FDW43QiyjcC', 'loSJ0YH1q4m', 'tLvcRjISwGh', 'cavJm6BSfz7', 'BPHXfwQ3EoG', 'TOeoYfVstXD', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'CPGajj9DZkv', 'LToKFyfOhor', 'vAN3Th7wMjk', 'nEzu3ecyfV4', 'GCe9aBY1n1Z', 'i8nwPLsMEOr', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'A1vfKsyw8RR', 'iYj4VzcgbJq', 'iyWJA5FWmX4', 'JBG2AcApHio', 'PyOJxIT1ZBr', 'qZXmOlrsgJH', 'rAfn8EEHE2Y', 'p4UVZXCuP9N', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'IjAIBA2r1RS', 'U7jKaCDvd2g', 'iZ2V5TzhWJr', 'NdTornkdje6', 'vTbdf1om7ou', 'Th58ne9RpJr', 'UlZc8SsRM8R', 'Za91bV9Olqz', 'UbAERlrKoXA', 'p3f3hnJh8mU', 'H464bEuajtf', 'TqtZn02K8w1', 'NhnLuaEWuTj', 'oYActcgjUL4', 'w6l8f1E1QwC', 'dJomYrihIKJ', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'MP1OSjlPcLk', 'Jbf1UauJSeF', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'AF5K9GcVCxn', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'YITEqtwRCOk', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'fN5awzu8dk8', 'X5UqXY9VEyq', 'bxNuqzDrrtz', 'JmjnySIX8jY', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'xM40cJzO50T', 'Gz1Pn2Iyy0W', 'HxOwng3Yzgc', 'F5LYZ9fKMDW', 'VRGhVw6fjbZ', 'AE0bGc0IGma', 'D8cFeFpwx55', 'Y7gmm5bMZ1x', 'cFCNRFcgKE8', 'fe42BfDQHzQ', 'PKo22wI3eZu', 'Vy6qPSranFS', 'w2E7aIqgb3y', 'AgiNG0V5DaW', 'Xe7HEj6dAOy', 'hk6NqlBfw4A', 'rWsFt24ScKB', 'YqMYLOf8JOF', 'ICl7Qfarjnm', 'QB0NMx0uijZ', 'z6Nb10NgnwX', 'BtI5pajHYXS', 'gm4T4qEDuEj', 'suauPzRQ94Y', 'm6B5565h09z', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'HBIYhSH7A7W', 'hokuwuyvjEC', 'AyxK8KGkKzT', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'D3Ehsi3Wwxb', 'qVLZzfB1DsF', 'vCE2DexVd4F', 'g8NXX4FP30H', 'otHvX5k0ypl', 'K7AQcyhiYgy', 'oJennxWBOn9', 'k8OCLtIDWSO', 'ta2d3rK31vS', 'cq15ZVxp9Pw', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'Gt2DIOdyZEr', 'GRZpnYMf9a6', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'LE8JDfjOjki', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'KWyl6yJVKQR', 'hBlprTMT1W1', 'ZmfweRAAb0Z', 'KOtdzeXZwQt', 'Iws1b9gMAra', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'W5EzW43sSq3', 'XltmxwxXksr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'sbF6n5esjRq', 'MIj5s34eZRu', 'cWBF2PStzPv', 'aw3KW0vjOzZ', 'vR7TiVABUml', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'LqAEynhNXaP', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'rva0D8cRVZ5', 'W2xhjswWWZx', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'thqPn4eIdgU', 'bj9xW5PhO0H', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'HcR5PaFuZm2', 'kXcsqWNWKMU', 'wc4hFzQXO0d', 'TovqGjO1RFE', 'jhQGDZ7WXgO', 'xhPRCVHS2Hf', 'XpSYzvuY3Vw', 'M7qFOnwmE3A', 'WUL1khwlSiR', 'bIqxVaWY7YA', 'UsWlUEK20kz', 'f0v9yTd0etM', 'sxbO4TD18dr', 'PiNrkSE7pfN', 'vQutOQtcfrM', 'plvtTb7RqJ6', 'MAH4ERFNoUM', 'ILpq8r7jhQe', 's85AU8LaLWX', 'zToApORZs0k', 'js6SmSIW9tO', 'Aal4qeVX2qf', 'k5wU48LKFs6') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [20692-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [20692-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('xrRJDcNFiNf', 'IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XMeHPQmQQfj', 'X6bzEn5dP8q', 'xBYX4nZudVa', 'sRNv544u4Kj', 'GSULt43npVq', 'vwksZyBrfuu', 'VsJYgGw8I2V', 'y1Zt8YWUdNN', 'LMr4YmuWQvv', 'E1lNcTks7oO', 'u7B4ym383Ym', 'uoa0uOnsq4p', 'ZOWeZmWabgn', 'vVW5OONMCEb', 'wvCiEOLWdLJ', 'pRYCcGMztpE', 'CHkFIybZoZz', 'oBPpx2f4BcZ', 'ymka44MFryp', 'FY4Xfq9vSyL', 'jeD0I0pX7Wm', 'HauiBnBlDPb', 'DTFZb2oykYX', 'qp3t7V6ygXt', 'qIvgZa9XF0F', 'Y0k1j4epYcj', 'P2iXs6FK8Jl', 'nTzPazt8WkQ', 'IHUQZR8x1bN', 'K4ZW4BeS8Pt', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'wuc6FWqNNAI', 'c316gWMgl8s', 'Ut17UvBEkny', 'tlR06WKFmLq', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'xj0oSi5i0j8', 'D10HCfbQgfx', 'OylcXGXLb9o', 'iwdasV3JI2Q', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hSw3vg7XTEi', 'Yq0MsTCBEh9', 'X5z2kEg04iQ', 'yYywLgj99zC', 'hfal93WttYV', 'Lte0R3q5WXY', 'vc6DkT2fLTK', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'cfIunZ6AHjG', 'wMrz5VSnSBH', 'grNC3APH9gr', 'KKvHLVPvMET', 'bIGyexlgvwA', 'I15mYpPEhoD', 'TO91yRtifd4', 'hq0O1bY8xem', 'ujxBpZ8xm2p', 'b1PPBfDl7DL', 'pvG4xIBefu5', 'YEqpynbPmbi', 'nrfQhBYD64K', 'CX1PESzxU1k', 'AmGj3VvKWQh', 'KlOiSXS4P4I', 'kak9uHMjAGQ', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'ImTNJK7xmb2', 'pV0Oxs3vaWm', 'D0pY5IImAVd', 'uiYzs0pJ0MG', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'ebjiBREB46C', 'EvquUI19tLj', 'x1kIpGHGwhu', 'YKaYfb4mAn1', 'qJ6HHqwbZkN', 'fYTvun4fCWO', 'eM5yk6yMulb', 'QgMyyP0N9Pb', 'JqXuGoKfUAp', 'DD2AsmBpftF', 'bPr4TxvZG2Q', 'gewWANaDP2m', 'KJ6woAlhwwv', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'uQFvWJSIbsP', 'XE1ZpJfYfNj', 'lzlySwPluFg', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'Na4DWa3jMgR', 'lT2R8f3W3g2', 'klqr66p92EF', 'LInacGU6AFv', 'PifTOKrNsLP', 'NkZfZDm52z5', 'VkYsUtcbtAX', 'MB5cxkvi6cS', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'mPlAbVLd3mj', 'SL96A0DNyC8', 'l77JTr5Xare', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'mXBVgsTIUcv', 'sFDQ81MN1hZ', 'ezOjw9M9zjD', 'iaVR6EmYgF3', 'X3kQ8jbu7qh', 'JAwVCC3bMJU', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'mGZ5cjBZ5aP', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'ATaj0GHSKcu', 'bBOyj8MGPVD', 'HVwS8QjwVHP', 'icyGbiW510V', 'HLLTT3f4Mcx', 'BWL9JBJSUwa', 'fhDSkG3mgsO', 'hEro7cs3UPS', 'dRq9l4EdL8D', 'ov3VXqZRBbX', 'RX5ORe4qDSt', 'UINkREUMIoD', 'fJAPoQnPs3Y', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'ncSGf1EQL8X', 'H5H3BX7eMTK', 'h90FmYC4LpY', 'EkzR8PlnJcc', 'lAabfLvpo3x', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'yeY5DW46oNq', 'lFtkXOqR0Gb', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'vUvX5kT347x', 'KtTlSYhBdOb', 'u8uCZRyMEeP', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'XqR1dGzp69t', 'qiLXyIJgiUd', 'PWNHl77ixY3', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'SO1eymmLso8', 'pPhMLlbU0CR', 'gaN84ZsMN3Q', 'Fd8GIZHBuva', 'Tyj1r0t14Ru', 'TswXF8KcqQs', 'kq9IkQmnv23', 'OB5Yufm9JeW', 'udc28CHRi39', 'RyH9NkIm7W1', 'DRBVdFkpc4q', 'ipXZDKPO11m', 'VuVF0o4bzX1', 'WbEwbZYdsRy', 'TvNvfDW9qXV', 'UmTD2jHCcgr', 'Boer8mY5ttU', 'fzSDhw97zFX', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'E2m4b9Ks9O6', 'LREb0naMGjn', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'TWo4ub6KAQX', 'Gdwi5lxtg6G', 'GkEjaFuAniL', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'vD6xLraBMdD', 'kguHStk9LEn', 'WyqEeLGPKR4', 's6pcFIYMk3n', 'k25JBEksmjg', 'pqMffwmOzwj', 'ZdllHGTSpoR', 'FDW43QiyjcC', 'loSJ0YH1q4m', 'tLvcRjISwGh', 'cavJm6BSfz7', 'BPHXfwQ3EoG', 'TOeoYfVstXD', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'CPGajj9DZkv', 'LToKFyfOhor', 'vAN3Th7wMjk', 'nEzu3ecyfV4', 'GCe9aBY1n1Z', 'i8nwPLsMEOr', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'A1vfKsyw8RR', 'iYj4VzcgbJq', 'iyWJA5FWmX4', 'JBG2AcApHio', 'PyOJxIT1ZBr', 'qZXmOlrsgJH', 'rAfn8EEHE2Y', 'p4UVZXCuP9N', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'IjAIBA2r1RS', 'U7jKaCDvd2g', 'iZ2V5TzhWJr', 'NdTornkdje6', 'vTbdf1om7ou', 'Th58ne9RpJr', 'UlZc8SsRM8R', 'Za91bV9Olqz', 'UbAERlrKoXA', 'p3f3hnJh8mU', 'H464bEuajtf', 'TqtZn02K8w1', 'NhnLuaEWuTj', 'oYActcgjUL4', 'w6l8f1E1QwC', 'dJomYrihIKJ', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'MP1OSjlPcLk', 'Jbf1UauJSeF', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'AF5K9GcVCxn', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'YITEqtwRCOk', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'fN5awzu8dk8', 'X5UqXY9VEyq', 'bxNuqzDrrtz', 'JmjnySIX8jY', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'xM40cJzO50T', 'Gz1Pn2Iyy0W', 'HxOwng3Yzgc', 'F5LYZ9fKMDW', 'VRGhVw6fjbZ', 'AE0bGc0IGma', 'D8cFeFpwx55', 'Y7gmm5bMZ1x', 'cFCNRFcgKE8', 'fe42BfDQHzQ', 'PKo22wI3eZu', 'Vy6qPSranFS', 'w2E7aIqgb3y', 'AgiNG0V5DaW', 'Xe7HEj6dAOy', 'hk6NqlBfw4A', 'rWsFt24ScKB', 'YqMYLOf8JOF', 'ICl7Qfarjnm', 'QB0NMx0uijZ', 'z6Nb10NgnwX', 'BtI5pajHYXS', 'gm4T4qEDuEj', 'suauPzRQ94Y', 'm6B5565h09z', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'HBIYhSH7A7W', 'hokuwuyvjEC', 'AyxK8KGkKzT', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'D3Ehsi3Wwxb', 'qVLZzfB1DsF', 'vCE2DexVd4F', 'g8NXX4FP30H', 'otHvX5k0ypl', 'K7AQcyhiYgy', 'oJennxWBOn9', 'k8OCLtIDWSO', 'ta2d3rK31vS', 'cq15ZVxp9Pw', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'Gt2DIOdyZEr', 'GRZpnYMf9a6', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'LE8JDfjOjki', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'KWyl6yJVKQR', 'hBlprTMT1W1', 'ZmfweRAAb0Z', 'KOtdzeXZwQt', 'Iws1b9gMAra', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'W5EzW43sSq3', 'XltmxwxXksr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'sbF6n5esjRq', 'MIj5s34eZRu', 'cWBF2PStzPv', 'aw3KW0vjOzZ', 'vR7TiVABUml', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'LqAEynhNXaP', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'rva0D8cRVZ5', 'W2xhjswWWZx', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'thqPn4eIdgU', 'bj9xW5PhO0H', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'HcR5PaFuZm2', 'kXcsqWNWKMU', 'wc4hFzQXO0d', 'TovqGjO1RFE', 'jhQGDZ7WXgO', 'xhPRCVHS2Hf', 'XpSYzvuY3Vw', 'M7qFOnwmE3A', 'WUL1khwlSiR', 'bIqxVaWY7YA', 'UsWlUEK20kz', 'f0v9yTd0etM', 'sxbO4TD18dr', 'PiNrkSE7pfN', 'vQutOQtcfrM', 'plvtTb7RqJ6', 'MAH4ERFNoUM', 'ILpq8r7jhQe', 's85AU8LaLWX', 'zToApORZs0k', 'js6SmSIW9tO', 'Aal4qeVX2qf', 'k5wU48LKFs6') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [17749-15] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [17749-16] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('xrRJDcNFiNf', 'IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XMeHPQmQQfj', 'X6bzEn5dP8q', 'xBYX4nZudVa', 'sRNv544u4Kj', 'GSULt43npVq', 'vwksZyBrfuu', 'VsJYgGw8I2V', 'y1Zt8YWUdNN', 'LMr4YmuWQvv', 'E1lNcTks7oO', 'u7B4ym383Ym', 'uoa0uOnsq4p', 'ZOWeZmWabgn', 'vVW5OONMCEb', 'wvCiEOLWdLJ', 'pRYCcGMztpE', 'CHkFIybZoZz', 'oBPpx2f4BcZ', 'ymka44MFryp', 'FY4Xfq9vSyL', 'jeD0I0pX7Wm', 'HauiBnBlDPb', 'DTFZb2oykYX', 'qp3t7V6ygXt', 'qIvgZa9XF0F', 'Y0k1j4epYcj', 'P2iXs6FK8Jl', 'nTzPazt8WkQ', 'IHUQZR8x1bN', 'K4ZW4BeS8Pt', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'wuc6FWqNNAI', 'c316gWMgl8s', 'Ut17UvBEkny', 'tlR06WKFmLq', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'xj0oSi5i0j8', 'D10HCfbQgfx', 'OylcXGXLb9o', 'iwdasV3JI2Q', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hSw3vg7XTEi', 'Yq0MsTCBEh9', 'X5z2kEg04iQ', 'yYywLgj99zC', 'hfal93WttYV', 'Lte0R3q5WXY', 'vc6DkT2fLTK', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'cfIunZ6AHjG', 'wMrz5VSnSBH', 'grNC3APH9gr', 'KKvHLVPvMET', 'bIGyexlgvwA', 'I15mYpPEhoD', 'TO91yRtifd4', 'hq0O1bY8xem', 'ujxBpZ8xm2p', 'b1PPBfDl7DL', 'pvG4xIBefu5', 'YEqpynbPmbi', 'nrfQhBYD64K', 'CX1PESzxU1k', 'AmGj3VvKWQh', 'KlOiSXS4P4I', 'kak9uHMjAGQ', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'ImTNJK7xmb2', 'pV0Oxs3vaWm', 'D0pY5IImAVd', 'uiYzs0pJ0MG', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'ebjiBREB46C', 'EvquUI19tLj', 'x1kIpGHGwhu', 'YKaYfb4mAn1', 'qJ6HHqwbZkN', 'fYTvun4fCWO', 'eM5yk6yMulb', 'QgMyyP0N9Pb', 'JqXuGoKfUAp', 'DD2AsmBpftF', 'bPr4TxvZG2Q', 'gewWANaDP2m', 'KJ6woAlhwwv', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'uQFvWJSIbsP', 'XE1ZpJfYfNj', 'lzlySwPluFg', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'Na4DWa3jMgR', 'lT2R8f3W3g2', 'klqr66p92EF', 'LInacGU6AFv', 'PifTOKrNsLP', 'NkZfZDm52z5', 'VkYsUtcbtAX', 'MB5cxkvi6cS', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'mPlAbVLd3mj', 'SL96A0DNyC8', 'l77JTr5Xare', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'mXBVgsTIUcv', 'sFDQ81MN1hZ', 'ezOjw9M9zjD', 'iaVR6EmYgF3', 'X3kQ8jbu7qh', 'JAwVCC3bMJU', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'mGZ5cjBZ5aP', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'ATaj0GHSKcu', 'bBOyj8MGPVD', 'HVwS8QjwVHP', 'icyGbiW510V', 'HLLTT3f4Mcx', 'BWL9JBJSUwa', 'fhDSkG3mgsO', 'hEro7cs3UPS', 'dRq9l4EdL8D', 'ov3VXqZRBbX', 'RX5ORe4qDSt', 'UINkREUMIoD', 'fJAPoQnPs3Y', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'ncSGf1EQL8X', 'H5H3BX7eMTK', 'h90FmYC4LpY', 'EkzR8PlnJcc', 'lAabfLvpo3x', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'yeY5DW46oNq', 'lFtkXOqR0Gb', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'vUvX5kT347x', 'KtTlSYhBdOb', 'u8uCZRyMEeP', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'XqR1dGzp69t', 'qiLXyIJgiUd', 'PWNHl77ixY3', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'SO1eymmLso8', 'pPhMLlbU0CR', 'gaN84ZsMN3Q', 'Fd8GIZHBuva', 'Tyj1r0t14Ru', 'TswXF8KcqQs', 'kq9IkQmnv23', 'OB5Yufm9JeW', 'udc28CHRi39', 'RyH9NkIm7W1', 'DRBVdFkpc4q', 'ipXZDKPO11m', 'VuVF0o4bzX1', 'WbEwbZYdsRy', 'TvNvfDW9qXV', 'UmTD2jHCcgr', 'Boer8mY5ttU', 'fzSDhw97zFX', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'E2m4b9Ks9O6', 'LREb0naMGjn', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'TWo4ub6KAQX', 'Gdwi5lxtg6G', 'GkEjaFuAniL', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'vD6xLraBMdD', 'kguHStk9LEn', 'WyqEeLGPKR4', 's6pcFIYMk3n', 'k25JBEksmjg', 'pqMffwmOzwj', 'ZdllHGTSpoR', 'FDW43QiyjcC', 'loSJ0YH1q4m', 'tLvcRjISwGh', 'cavJm6BSfz7', 'BPHXfwQ3EoG', 'TOeoYfVstXD', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'CPGajj9DZkv', 'LToKFyfOhor', 'vAN3Th7wMjk', 'nEzu3ecyfV4', 'GCe9aBY1n1Z', 'i8nwPLsMEOr', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'A1vfKsyw8RR', 'iYj4VzcgbJq', 'iyWJA5FWmX4', 'JBG2AcApHio', 'PyOJxIT1ZBr', 'qZXmOlrsgJH', 'rAfn8EEHE2Y', 'p4UVZXCuP9N', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'IjAIBA2r1RS', 'U7jKaCDvd2g', 'iZ2V5TzhWJr', 'NdTornkdje6', 'vTbdf1om7ou', 'Th58ne9RpJr', 'UlZc8SsRM8R', 'Za91bV9Olqz', 'UbAERlrKoXA', 'p3f3hnJh8mU', 'H464bEuajtf', 'TqtZn02K8w1', 'NhnLuaEWuTj', 'oYActcgjUL4', 'w6l8f1E1QwC', 'dJomYrihIKJ', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'MP1OSjlPcLk', 'Jbf1UauJSeF', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'AF5K9GcVCxn', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'YITEqtwRCOk', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'fN5awzu8dk8', 'X5UqXY9VEyq', 'bxNuqzDrrtz', 'JmjnySIX8jY', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'xM40cJzO50T', 'Gz1Pn2Iyy0W', 'HxOwng3Yzgc', 'F5LYZ9fKMDW', 'VRGhVw6fjbZ', 'AE0bGc0IGma', 'D8cFeFpwx55', 'Y7gmm5bMZ1x', 'cFCNRFcgKE8', 'fe42BfDQHzQ', 'PKo22wI3eZu', 'Vy6qPSranFS', 'w2E7aIqgb3y', 'AgiNG0V5DaW', 'Xe7HEj6dAOy', 'hk6NqlBfw4A', 'rWsFt24ScKB', 'YqMYLOf8JOF', 'ICl7Qfarjnm', 'QB0NMx0uijZ', 'z6Nb10NgnwX', 'BtI5pajHYXS', 'gm4T4qEDuEj', 'suauPzRQ94Y', 'm6B5565h09z', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'HBIYhSH7A7W', 'hokuwuyvjEC', 'AyxK8KGkKzT', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'D3Ehsi3Wwxb', 'qVLZzfB1DsF', 'vCE2DexVd4F', 'g8NXX4FP30H', 'otHvX5k0ypl', 'K7AQcyhiYgy', 'oJennxWBOn9', 'k8OCLtIDWSO', 'ta2d3rK31vS', 'cq15ZVxp9Pw', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'Gt2DIOdyZEr', 'GRZpnYMf9a6', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'LE8JDfjOjki', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'KWyl6yJVKQR', 'hBlprTMT1W1', 'ZmfweRAAb0Z', 'KOtdzeXZwQt', 'Iws1b9gMAra', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'W5EzW43sSq3', 'XltmxwxXksr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'sbF6n5esjRq', 'MIj5s34eZRu', 'cWBF2PStzPv', 'aw3KW0vjOzZ', 'vR7TiVABUml', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'LqAEynhNXaP', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'rva0D8cRVZ5', 'W2xhjswWWZx', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'thqPn4eIdgU', 'bj9xW5PhO0H', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'HcR5PaFuZm2', 'kXcsqWNWKMU', 'wc4hFzQXO0d', 'TovqGjO1RFE', 'jhQGDZ7WXgO', 'xhPRCVHS2Hf', 'XpSYzvuY3Vw', 'M7qFOnwmE3A', 'WUL1khwlSiR', 'bIqxVaWY7YA', 'UsWlUEK20kz', 'f0v9yTd0etM', 'sxbO4TD18dr', 'PiNrkSE7pfN', 'vQutOQtcfrM', 'plvtTb7RqJ6', 'MAH4ERFNoUM', 'ILpq8r7jhQe', 's85AU8LaLWX', 'zToApORZs0k', 'js6SmSIW9tO', 'Aal4qeVX2qf', 'k5wU48LKFs6') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [17749-17] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:40:34 SAST [17749-18] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('xrRJDcNFiNf', 'IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XMeHPQmQQfj', 'X6bzEn5dP8q', 'xBYX4nZudVa', 'sRNv544u4Kj', 'GSULt43npVq', 'vwksZyBrfuu', 'VsJYgGw8I2V', 'y1Zt8YWUdNN', 'LMr4YmuWQvv', 'E1lNcTks7oO', 'u7B4ym383Ym', 'uoa0uOnsq4p', 'ZOWeZmWabgn', 'vVW5OONMCEb', 'wvCiEOLWdLJ', 'pRYCcGMztpE', 'CHkFIybZoZz', 'oBPpx2f4BcZ', 'ymka44MFryp', 'FY4Xfq9vSyL', 'jeD0I0pX7Wm', 'HauiBnBlDPb', 'DTFZb2oykYX', 'qp3t7V6ygXt', 'qIvgZa9XF0F', 'Y0k1j4epYcj', 'P2iXs6FK8Jl', 'nTzPazt8WkQ', 'IHUQZR8x1bN', 'K4ZW4BeS8Pt', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'wuc6FWqNNAI', 'c316gWMgl8s', 'Ut17UvBEkny', 'tlR06WKFmLq', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'xj0oSi5i0j8', 'D10HCfbQgfx', 'OylcXGXLb9o', 'iwdasV3JI2Q', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hSw3vg7XTEi', 'Yq0MsTCBEh9', 'X5z2kEg04iQ', 'yYywLgj99zC', 'hfal93WttYV', 'Lte0R3q5WXY', 'vc6DkT2fLTK', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'cfIunZ6AHjG', 'wMrz5VSnSBH', 'grNC3APH9gr', 'KKvHLVPvMET', 'bIGyexlgvwA', 'I15mYpPEhoD', 'TO91yRtifd4', 'hq0O1bY8xem', 'ujxBpZ8xm2p', 'b1PPBfDl7DL', 'pvG4xIBefu5', 'YEqpynbPmbi', 'nrfQhBYD64K', 'CX1PESzxU1k', 'AmGj3VvKWQh', 'KlOiSXS4P4I', 'kak9uHMjAGQ', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'ImTNJK7xmb2', 'pV0Oxs3vaWm', 'D0pY5IImAVd', 'uiYzs0pJ0MG', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'ebjiBREB46C', 'EvquUI19tLj', 'x1kIpGHGwhu', 'YKaYfb4mAn1', 'qJ6HHqwbZkN', 'fYTvun4fCWO', 'eM5yk6yMulb', 'QgMyyP0N9Pb', 'JqXuGoKfUAp', 'DD2AsmBpftF', 'bPr4TxvZG2Q', 'gewWANaDP2m', 'KJ6woAlhwwv', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'uQFvWJSIbsP', 'XE1ZpJfYfNj', 'lzlySwPluFg', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'Na4DWa3jMgR', 'lT2R8f3W3g2', 'klqr66p92EF', 'LInacGU6AFv', 'PifTOKrNsLP', 'NkZfZDm52z5', 'VkYsUtcbtAX', 'MB5cxkvi6cS', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'mPlAbVLd3mj', 'SL96A0DNyC8', 'l77JTr5Xare', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'mXBVgsTIUcv', 'sFDQ81MN1hZ', 'ezOjw9M9zjD', 'iaVR6EmYgF3', 'X3kQ8jbu7qh', 'JAwVCC3bMJU', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'mGZ5cjBZ5aP', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'ATaj0GHSKcu', 'bBOyj8MGPVD', 'HVwS8QjwVHP', 'icyGbiW510V', 'HLLTT3f4Mcx', 'BWL9JBJSUwa', 'fhDSkG3mgsO', 'hEro7cs3UPS', 'dRq9l4EdL8D', 'ov3VXqZRBbX', 'RX5ORe4qDSt', 'UINkREUMIoD', 'fJAPoQnPs3Y', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'ncSGf1EQL8X', 'H5H3BX7eMTK', 'h90FmYC4LpY', 'EkzR8PlnJcc', 'lAabfLvpo3x', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'yeY5DW46oNq', 'lFtkXOqR0Gb', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'vUvX5kT347x', 'KtTlSYhBdOb', 'u8uCZRyMEeP', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'XqR1dGzp69t', 'qiLXyIJgiUd', 'PWNHl77ixY3', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'SO1eymmLso8', 'pPhMLlbU0CR', 'gaN84ZsMN3Q', 'Fd8GIZHBuva', 'Tyj1r0t14Ru', 'TswXF8KcqQs', 'kq9IkQmnv23', 'OB5Yufm9JeW', 'udc28CHRi39', 'RyH9NkIm7W1', 'DRBVdFkpc4q', 'ipXZDKPO11m', 'VuVF0o4bzX1', 'WbEwbZYdsRy', 'TvNvfDW9qXV', 'UmTD2jHCcgr', 'Boer8mY5ttU', 'fzSDhw97zFX', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'E2m4b9Ks9O6', 'LREb0naMGjn', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'TWo4ub6KAQX', 'Gdwi5lxtg6G', 'GkEjaFuAniL', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'vD6xLraBMdD', 'kguHStk9LEn', 'WyqEeLGPKR4', 's6pcFIYMk3n', 'k25JBEksmjg', 'pqMffwmOzwj', 'ZdllHGTSpoR', 'FDW43QiyjcC', 'loSJ0YH1q4m', 'tLvcRjISwGh', 'cavJm6BSfz7', 'BPHXfwQ3EoG', 'TOeoYfVstXD', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'CPGajj9DZkv', 'LToKFyfOhor', 'vAN3Th7wMjk', 'nEzu3ecyfV4', 'GCe9aBY1n1Z', 'i8nwPLsMEOr', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'A1vfKsyw8RR', 'iYj4VzcgbJq', 'iyWJA5FWmX4', 'JBG2AcApHio', 'PyOJxIT1ZBr', 'qZXmOlrsgJH', 'rAfn8EEHE2Y', 'p4UVZXCuP9N', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'IjAIBA2r1RS', 'U7jKaCDvd2g', 'iZ2V5TzhWJr', 'NdTornkdje6', 'vTbdf1om7ou', 'Th58ne9RpJr', 'UlZc8SsRM8R', 'Za91bV9Olqz', 'UbAERlrKoXA', 'p3f3hnJh8mU', 'H464bEuajtf', 'TqtZn02K8w1', 'NhnLuaEWuTj', 'oYActcgjUL4', 'w6l8f1E1QwC', 'dJomYrihIKJ', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'MP1OSjlPcLk', 'Jbf1UauJSeF', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'AF5K9GcVCxn', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'YITEqtwRCOk', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'fN5awzu8dk8', 'X5UqXY9VEyq', 'bxNuqzDrrtz', 'JmjnySIX8jY', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'xM40cJzO50T', 'Gz1Pn2Iyy0W', 'HxOwng3Yzgc', 'F5LYZ9fKMDW', 'VRGhVw6fjbZ', 'AE0bGc0IGma', 'D8cFeFpwx55', 'Y7gmm5bMZ1x', 'cFCNRFcgKE8', 'fe42BfDQHzQ', 'PKo22wI3eZu', 'Vy6qPSranFS', 'w2E7aIqgb3y', 'AgiNG0V5DaW', 'Xe7HEj6dAOy', 'hk6NqlBfw4A', 'rWsFt24ScKB', 'YqMYLOf8JOF', 'ICl7Qfarjnm', 'QB0NMx0uijZ', 'z6Nb10NgnwX', 'BtI5pajHYXS', 'gm4T4qEDuEj', 'suauPzRQ94Y', 'm6B5565h09z', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'HBIYhSH7A7W', 'hokuwuyvjEC', 'AyxK8KGkKzT', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'D3Ehsi3Wwxb', 'qVLZzfB1DsF', 'vCE2DexVd4F', 'g8NXX4FP30H', 'otHvX5k0ypl', 'K7AQcyhiYgy', 'oJennxWBOn9', 'k8OCLtIDWSO', 'ta2d3rK31vS', 'cq15ZVxp9Pw', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'Gt2DIOdyZEr', 'GRZpnYMf9a6', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'LE8JDfjOjki', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'KWyl6yJVKQR', 'hBlprTMT1W1', 'ZmfweRAAb0Z', 'KOtdzeXZwQt', 'Iws1b9gMAra', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'W5EzW43sSq3', 'XltmxwxXksr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'sbF6n5esjRq', 'MIj5s34eZRu', 'cWBF2PStzPv', 'aw3KW0vjOzZ', 'vR7TiVABUml', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'LqAEynhNXaP', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'rva0D8cRVZ5', 'W2xhjswWWZx', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'thqPn4eIdgU', 'bj9xW5PhO0H', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'HcR5PaFuZm2', 'kXcsqWNWKMU', 'wc4hFzQXO0d', 'TovqGjO1RFE', 'jhQGDZ7WXgO', 'xhPRCVHS2Hf', 'XpSYzvuY3Vw', 'M7qFOnwmE3A', 'WUL1khwlSiR', 'bIqxVaWY7YA', 'UsWlUEK20kz', 'f0v9yTd0etM', 'sxbO4TD18dr', 'PiNrkSE7pfN', 'vQutOQtcfrM', 'plvtTb7RqJ6', 'MAH4ERFNoUM', 'ILpq8r7jhQe', 's85AU8LaLWX', 'zToApORZs0k', 'js6SmSIW9tO', 'Aal4qeVX2qf', 'k5wU48LKFs6') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [19594-7] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [19594-8] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [17749-19] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [17749-20] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [20691-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [20691-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [20689-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [20689-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [20691-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2016" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [20691-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2016 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2016') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [17749-21] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2017" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 08:40:40 SAST [17749-22] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","co","yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics_2017 where "dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and "co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and "yearly" in ('2017') and ( "uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by "dx","co","yearly" 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [20689-3] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2019" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [20689-4] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from analytics_2019 where "dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and "uidlevel3" in ('IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hfal93WttYV', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'M7qFOnwmE3A') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [19594-9] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2019" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [19594-10] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from analytics_2019 where "dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'uo9PCnvIUPN', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'LO70PBYrBE9', 'ihGKgkEUpfz') and "uidlevel3" in ('IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hfal93WttYV', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'M7qFOnwmE3A') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [19591-1] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2019" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [19591-2] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from analytics_2019 where "dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'emsyqv9XjW3', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and "uidlevel3" in ('IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hfal93WttYV', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'M7qFOnwmE3A') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [20691-5] dhis@dhis2 ERROR: relation "analytics_2019" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 08:44:47 SAST [20691-6] dhis@dhis2 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel3", sum(value) as value from analytics_2019 where "dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and "uidlevel3" in ('IcNxbmpx3Zj', 'XCeODlNp7oA', 'AMYrzyYqmlb', 'gifWui4TTHy', 'eDgAHqpPjPM', 'Gw5b9wto4y4', 'hfal93WttYV', 'JEhqFsfXxTt', 'LzJI3yFWpc0', 'A73YbX5NQJR', 'GBeQB9YNmP4', 'H9ayYLXsEDb', 'yZGYjlKhoZn', 'osTkLI5RrAh', 'w6dhUcIakI9', 'QpiqvEtO8SX', 'ZEENiRelcIG', 'MUbPjxx8e4d', 'L4FwAUd37Wp', 'Kts15CHhP3h', 'dJssgIzIiL4', 'Qq4jYe5tHnl', 'isI5LRdu80m', 'Eaw5AoZoJ21', 'B1Q3IdveUYq', 'TBh00t5LnBZ', 'Er2eXRYQ5kD', 'mdpCE7IYau0', 'HqJwxVQhfyM', 'lpjb08mkXcY', 'UZEqmu6K3cp', 'soweCPFSM7L', 'mNzjvxYEHkq', 'kHrgyuwhxA6', 'hX2H4gEmXnj', 'VSxknPhjR6o', 'CJjB4zak3zO', 'aeBwvrjdh7m', 'nFPxXeZftGm', 'z3ebTv2Fzr3', 'ZTMocdM2E7w', 'NEOX7R0cJA9', 'D7pkkNPxPkH', 'uqh2OI3no6W', 'qnw9ul9mgww', 'HR8JDs4Sae5', 'KlCB0HQHtbg', 'eWjt9Zl76FS', 'M7qFOnwmE3A') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel3" 2019-02-19 08:57:48 SAST [921-1] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:57:48 SAST [921-2] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:58:01 SAST [921-3] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:58:01 SAST [921-4] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:58:14 SAST [921-5] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:58:14 SAST [921-6] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:58:27 SAST [921-7] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:58:27 SAST [921-8] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:58:40 SAST [921-9] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:58:40 SAST [921-10] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:58:53 SAST [921-11] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:58:53 SAST [921-12] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:59:06 SAST [921-13] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:59:06 SAST [921-14] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:59:21 SAST [921-15] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:59:21 SAST [921-16] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:59:35 SAST [921-17] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:59:35 SAST [921-18] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 08:59:50 SAST [921-19] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 08:59:50 SAST [921-20] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 09:00:04 SAST [921-21] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 09:00:04 SAST [921-22] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 09:00:21 SAST [921-23] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 09:00:21 SAST [921-24] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 09:00:39 SAST [921-25] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (18 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 09:00:39 SAST [921-26] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 09:00:54 SAST [921-27] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 09:00:54 SAST [921-28] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 09:01:12 SAST [921-29] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (18 seconds apart) 2019-02-19 09:01:12 SAST [921-30] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-19 09:01:20 SAST [21373-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-19 09:01:20 SAST [21373-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis230.public.datavalue" 2019-02-19 09:04:12 SAST [21373-3] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-19 09:04:12 SAST [21373-4] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis230.public.datavalueaudit" 2019-02-19 09:04:22 SAST [21452-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-19 09:04:22 SAST [21452-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis230.public.trackedentitydatavalue" 2019-02-19 09:04:43 SAST [21431-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-19 09:04:43 SAST [21431-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis230.public.trackedentitydatavalueaudit" 2019-02-19 09:05:11 SAST [21487-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-19 09:05:11 SAST [21487-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis230.public.datavalue" 2019-02-19 09:08:58 SAST [21657-1] ERROR: canceling autovacuum task 2019-02-19 09:08:58 SAST [21657-2] CONTEXT: automatic analyze of table "dhis230.public.datavalue" 2019-02-19 09:39:45 SAST [25884-1] dhis@dhis230 LOG: provided user name (dhis) and authenticated user name (postgres) do not match 2019-02-19 09:39:45 SAST [25884-2] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-19 09:39:45 SAST [25884-3] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 90: "local all all peer" 2019-02-19 09:40:03 SAST [25904-1] dhis@dhis230 LOG: provided user name (dhis) and authenticated user name (postgres) do not match 2019-02-19 09:40:03 SAST [25904-2] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-19 09:40:03 SAST [25904-3] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 90: "local all all peer" 2019-02-19 09:40:44 SAST [25924-1] dhis@dhis230 LOG: provided user name (dhis) and authenticated user name (root) do not match 2019-02-19 09:40:44 SAST [25924-2] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-19 09:40:44 SAST [25924-3] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 90: "local all all peer" 2019-02-19 09:40:49 SAST [25934-1] dhis@dhis230 LOG: provided user name (dhis) and authenticated user name (khatman) do not match 2019-02-19 09:40:49 SAST [25934-2] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-19 09:40:49 SAST [25934-3] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 90: "local all all peer" 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentity" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity rename to trackedentitytype; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytype rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_program_trackedentityid" for table "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program rename constraint fk_program_trackedentityid to fk_program_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentityid" for table "trackedentityinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename constraint fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentityid to fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attribute rename trackedentityattribute to trackedentitytypeattribute; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityattributevalues" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalues rename to trackedentitytypeattributevalues; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytypeattributevalues rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_objecttranslation_trackedentityid" for table "trackedentitytranslations" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename constraint fk_objecttranslation_trackedentityid to fk_objecttranslation_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchable" of relation "program_attributes" already exists 2019-02-19 09:45:05 SAST [26184-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_attributes add column searchable boolean default true; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-1] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "userroleauthorities" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-2] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set authority = 'M_dhis-web-dashboard' where authority = 'M_dhis-web-dashboard-integration'; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-3] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentity" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-4] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity rename to trackedentitytype; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-5] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentitytype" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-6] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytype rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-7] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-8] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table program rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-9] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-10] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table program rename constraint fk_program_trackedentityid to fk_program_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-11] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-12] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-13] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-14] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename constraint fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentityid to fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-15] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-16] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table attribute rename trackedentityattribute to trackedentitytypeattribute; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-17] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentityattributevalues" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-18] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalues rename to trackedentitytypeattributevalues; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-19] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentitytypeattributevalues" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-20] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytypeattributevalues rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-21] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentitytranslations" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-22] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-23] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "trackedentitytranslations" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-24] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename constraint fk_objecttranslation_trackedentityid to fk_objecttranslation_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-25] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "dataset" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-26] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update dataset set publicaccess = 'rwr-----' where publicaccess = 'rw------'; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-27] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "dataset" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-28] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update dataset set publicaccess = 'r-r-----' where publicaccess = 'r-------'; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-29] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-30] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update dataelementcategoryoption set publicaccess = 'rwr-----' where publicaccess = 'rw------'; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-31] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-32] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update dataelementcategoryoption set publicaccess = 'r-r-----' where publicaccess = 'r-------'; 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-33] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "usergroupaccess" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-34] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update usergroupaccess set access = 'rwr-----' where access = 'rw------' and usergroupaccessid in ( select usergroupaccessid from programusergroupaccesses union all select usergroupaccessid from datasetuseraccesses union all select usergroupaccessid from dataelementcategoryoption); 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-35] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "usergroupaccess" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-36] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: update usergroupaccess set access = 'r-r-----' where access = 'r-------' and usergroupaccessid in ( select usergroupaccessid from programusergroupaccesses union all select usergroupaccessid from datasetuseraccesses union all select usergroupaccessid from dataelementcategoryoption); 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-37] postgres@postgres ERROR: relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:55:23 SAST [26863-38] postgres@postgres STATEMENT: alter table program_attributes add column searchable boolean default true; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentity" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity rename to trackedentitytype; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytype rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_program_trackedentityid" for table "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program rename constraint fk_program_trackedentityid to fk_program_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentityid" for table "trackedentityinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename constraint fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentityid to fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attribute rename trackedentityattribute to trackedentitytypeattribute; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityattributevalues" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalues rename to trackedentitytypeattributevalues; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytypeattributevalues rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_objecttranslation_trackedentityid" for table "trackedentitytranslations" does not exist 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename constraint fk_objecttranslation_trackedentityid to fk_objecttranslation_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchable" of relation "program_attributes" already exists 2019-02-19 09:57:00 SAST [26893-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_attributes add column searchable boolean default true; 2019-02-19 10:11:15 SAST [27670-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "uk_jjt6ctp2xi4d7vtv4pwkkdhh0" of relation "datasetnotificationtemplate" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:15 SAST [27670-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetnotificationtemplate drop constraint UK_jjt6ctp2xi4d7vtv4pwkkdhh0 2019-02-19 10:11:15 SAST [27670-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "uk_mq0y6uuq2erprg2siebo2mk1o" of relation "datasetnotificationtemplate" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:15 SAST [27670-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetnotificationtemplate drop constraint UK_mq0y6uuq2erprg2siebo2mk1o 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "uk_fymtho48lmccwmlag2amy7gc1" of relation "trackedentity" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity drop constraint UK_fymtho48lmccwmlag2amy7gc1 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "uk_r7hbkahkkbgfg9xtxlp9mhq3q" of relation "trackedentity" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity drop constraint UK_r7hbkahkkbgfg9xtxlp9mhq3q 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "uk_b0aojuanxabfuylrbc2k6xk20" of relation "trackedentity" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity drop constraint UK_b0aojuanxabfuylrbc2k6xk20 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "uk_smv9qylxikotjgjc26t86ps4w" of relation "trackedentityattributevalues" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalues drop constraint UK_smv9qylxikotjgjc26t86ps4w 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "uk_smv9qylxikotjgjc26t86ps4w" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:16 SAST [27670-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalues add constraint UK_smv9qylxikotjgjc26t86ps4w unique (attributevalueid) 2019-02-19 10:11:24 SAST [27670-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:24 SAST [27670-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27721-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27721-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27769-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27769-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27769-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27790-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27790-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27792-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27792-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27811-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27817-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27818-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27818-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27820-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:31 SAST [27820-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27843-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27843-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27845-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27845-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27847-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27847-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27849-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27849-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27849-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27851-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27851-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27853-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27853-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:32 SAST [27854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27672-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27672-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27670-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27670-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27866-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27866-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27867-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27871-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27872-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27873-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27896-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27927-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27927-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27966-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27966-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27967-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27967-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27994-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27995-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27995-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [27998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28015-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28017-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28017-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28021-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28021-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28025-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28025-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28026-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28026-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28029-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28029-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28053-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:11:34 SAST [28055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28075-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28088-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28089-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28089-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28107-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28108-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28108-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28110-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28110-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28111-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28111-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28112-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28112-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28121-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28125-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28125-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28126-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28126-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28127-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28128-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28128-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28141-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28141-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28146-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28192-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28192-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28196-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28196-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28201-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28202-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28202-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28203-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28203-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28204-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28204-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28206-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28206-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28208-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28208-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28248-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28249-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28249-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28250-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28253-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28253-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28254-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28254-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28264-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28271-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28275-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28275-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28277-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28279-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28279-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28311-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28311-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28312-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28312-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28314-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:11:35 SAST [28314-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28402-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28413-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28413-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28466-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28479-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28479-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28480-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28480-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28485-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28485-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28486-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 10:11:36 SAST [28486-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28548-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28550-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28550-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28552-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28552-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28554-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28554-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28563-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28563-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28565-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28565-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28566-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28566-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28567-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28567-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28574-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28574-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28642-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28642-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28644-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28644-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28646-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28646-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28650-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28650-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28651-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28652-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28652-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28653-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28654-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28655-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28679-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28679-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28680-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28680-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28681-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28681-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28681-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28739-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28739-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28740-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28740-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28745-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28745-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28748-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28748-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28750-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28750-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28751-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28751-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28751-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28755-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28755-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28768-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28769-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 10:11:39 SAST [28769-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "constantid" of relation "constanttranslations" does not exist at character 37 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into constanttranslations ( constantid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select constantid from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Constant' and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 649 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 175 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into dashboarditemtranslations ( dashboarditemid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select dashboarditemid from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28867-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into messagetranslations ( messageid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageid from message where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Message' and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into messageconversationtranslations ( messageconversationid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageconversationid from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelement" does not exist at character 654 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28896-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programdataelementtranslations ( programdataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programdataelementid from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programinstancetranslations ( programinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programinstanceid from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagedataelementtranslations ( programstagedataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstagedataelementid from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstageinstancetranslations ( programstageinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstageinstanceid from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programtrackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 665 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programattributestranslations ( programtrackedentityattributeid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programtrackedentityattributeid from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programruleactiontranslations ( programruleactionid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programruleactionid from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programrulevariabletranslations ( programrulevariableid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programrulevariableid from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into trackedentityinstancetranslations ( trackedentityinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select trackedentityinstanceid from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into userinfotranslations ( userinfoid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userinfoid from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'User' and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into usertranslations ( userid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userid from users where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28967-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28967-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28971-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28991-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28991-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28994-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28995-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28995-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [28999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29008-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29009-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29009-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29015-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29015-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29016-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29016-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29030-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29039-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29039-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 112 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattribute ( trackedentityattributeid, uid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule, uniquefield, orgunitScope, programScope ) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), uid, lastUpdated, name, description, type, mandatory, false, false, true, orgunitScope, programScope from patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "patientidentifier" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributevalue (trackedentityinstanceid, trackedentityattributeid, value ) select trackedentityinstanceid, pa.trackedentityattributeid, identifier from patientidentifier pi inner join patientidentifiertype pit on pi.patientidentifiertypeid=pit.patientidentifiertypeid inner join trackedentityattribute pa on pa.uid=pit.uid where pi.trackedentityinstanceid is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:40 SAST [29053-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29088-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29107-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29127-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29127-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [29133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 10:11:41 SAST [27670-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 10:12:14 SAST [29180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:14 SAST [29180-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29226-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29226-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29273-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29273-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29295-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29295-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:21 SAST [29325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29341-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29346-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29347-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29347-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29347-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29348-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29348-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29349-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29349-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29349-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29351-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29351-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29353-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29353-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29353-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29355-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29355-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29357-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29357-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:22 SAST [29358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29181-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29181-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29181-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29181-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29396-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29396-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29397-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29400-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29402-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29412-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29415-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29430-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29430-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29431-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29432-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29432-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29525-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29525-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29529-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29529-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29530-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29530-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29533-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29533-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29548-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29553-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29553-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29574-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29574-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:24 SAST [29577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29587-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29587-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29594-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29594-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29596-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29596-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29597-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29597-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29599-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29599-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29603-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29603-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29628-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29628-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29629-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29629-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29650-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29651-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29654-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29668-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29668-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29687-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29687-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29692-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29693-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29694-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29694-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29695-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29695-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29696-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29696-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29697-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29697-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29701-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29707-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29745-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29750-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29751-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29751-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29752-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29752-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29753-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29753-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29755-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29769-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29769-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29782-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29782-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29798-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29798-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29799-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29799-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29810-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29811-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29814-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29814-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29815-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29815-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29815-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29817-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:12:25 SAST [29817-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29896-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29916-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29916-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29971-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29981-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29981-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29982-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29982-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29987-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29987-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29988-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 10:12:26 SAST [29988-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30008-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30010-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30010-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30023-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30023-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30025-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30054-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30054-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30075-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30078-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30078-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30142-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30142-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30144-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30144-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30146-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30146-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30150-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30150-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30164-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30179-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30179-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30179-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30180-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30180-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30181-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30181-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 10:12:28 SAST [30237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30239-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30239-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30240-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30240-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30245-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30245-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30248-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30248-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30250-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30250-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30251-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30251-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30255-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30255-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30270-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30270-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "constantid" of relation "constanttranslations" does not exist at character 37 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into constanttranslations ( constantid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select constantid from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Constant' and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 649 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 175 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into dashboarditemtranslations ( dashboarditemid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select dashboarditemid from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into messagetranslations ( messageid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageid from message where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Message' and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into messageconversationtranslations ( messageconversationid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageconversationid from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelement" does not exist at character 654 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programdataelementtranslations ( programdataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programdataelementid from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programinstancetranslations ( programinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programinstanceid from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagedataelementtranslations ( programstagedataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstagedataelementid from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstageinstancetranslations ( programstageinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstageinstanceid from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programtrackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 665 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programattributestranslations ( programtrackedentityattributeid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programtrackedentityattributeid from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programruleactiontranslations ( programruleactionid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programruleactionid from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programrulevariabletranslations ( programrulevariableid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programrulevariableid from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into trackedentityinstancetranslations ( trackedentityinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select trackedentityinstanceid from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into userinfotranslations ( userinfoid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userinfoid from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'User' and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into usertranslations ( userid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userid from users where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30432-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30462-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30462-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30465-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30465-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30466-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30486-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30486-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30487-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30487-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:29 SAST [30500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30510-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30510-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 112 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattribute ( trackedentityattributeid, uid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule, uniquefield, orgunitScope, programScope ) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), uid, lastUpdated, name, description, type, mandatory, false, false, true, orgunitScope, programScope from patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "patientidentifier" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributevalue (trackedentityinstanceid, trackedentityattributeid, value ) select trackedentityinstanceid, pa.trackedentityattributeid, identifier from patientidentifier pi inner join patientidentifiertype pit on pi.patientidentifiertypeid=pit.patientidentifiertypeid inner join trackedentityattribute pa on pa.uid=pit.uid where pi.trackedentityinstanceid is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30553-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30553-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30565-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30565-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30598-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30598-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [30604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 10:12:30 SAST [29181-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentitytype" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentity rename to trackedentitytype; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytype rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitytypeid" of relation "program" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_program_trackedentitytypeid" for relation "program" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program rename constraint fk_program_trackedentityid to fk_program_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitytypeid" of relation "trackedentityinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentitytypeid" for relation "trackedentityinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityinstance rename constraint fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentityid to fk_trackedentityinstance_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitytypeattribute" of relation "attribute" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attribute rename trackedentityattribute to trackedentitytypeattribute; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentitytypeattributevalues" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalues rename to trackedentitytypeattributevalues; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytypeattributevalues rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitytypeid" of relation "trackedentitytranslations" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename trackedentityid to trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_objecttranslation_trackedentitytypeid" for relation "trackedentitytranslations" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitytranslations rename constraint fk_objecttranslation_trackedentityid to fk_objecttranslation_trackedentitytypeid; 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchable" of relation "program_attributes" already exists 2019-02-19 10:23:35 SAST [31183-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_attributes add column searchable boolean default true; 2019-02-19 10:59:27 SAST [2002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:27 SAST [2002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2134-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2134-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 10:59:35 SAST [2145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2146-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2150-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2185-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2185-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2206-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2206-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2206-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2208-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2208-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2209-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2209-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2222-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2222-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2249-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2249-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2258-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2258-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2260-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2260-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2261-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2262-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2262-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2263-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2264-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2264-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2265-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2265-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2266-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2266-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2268-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2268-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:36 SAST [2269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2006-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2006-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2006-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2006-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2305-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2315-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2315-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2329-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2329-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2331-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2331-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2336-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2341-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2341-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2346-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2347-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2347-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2348-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2348-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2349-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2349-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2351-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2353-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2353-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2357-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2359-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2359-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2360-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2360-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2361-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2361-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2362-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2362-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2363-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2363-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2364-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2364-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2365-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2365-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2366-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2366-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2367-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2367-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2368-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2368-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2412-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2430-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2430-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2431-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2432-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2434-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2434-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2438-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2438-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2439-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2439-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2442-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2442-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2465-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2465-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2466-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2487-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:39 SAST [2507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2541-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2541-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2542-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2542-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2550-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2550-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2563-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2563-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2651-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2656-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2669-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2669-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2676-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2676-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2681-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2681-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2682-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2685-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2685-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2686-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2686-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2687-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2687-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2688-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2688-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2691-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2691-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2692-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2693-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2762-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2768-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2775-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2775-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2872-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2903-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2903-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2904-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2904-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2906-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 10:59:40 SAST [2906-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [2998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3008-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3008-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3075-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3089-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3089-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3092-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3092-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3093-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3093-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3098-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3098-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3099-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 10:59:41 SAST [3099-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3161-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3173-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3173-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3174-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3174-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3177-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3177-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3178-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3180-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3186-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3187-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3187-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3192-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3192-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3196-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3196-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3201-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3202-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3202-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3203-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3203-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3205-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3205-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3209-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3209-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3210-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3210-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3212-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3214-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3214-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3222-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3222-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3297-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3297-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3299-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3299-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3301-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:43 SAST [3301-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3305-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3305-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3315-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3315-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3334-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3334-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3335-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3335-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3336-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3336-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3394-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3394-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3395-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3395-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3400-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3400-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3403-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3403-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3405-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3405-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3406-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3406-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3410-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3410-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "constantid" of relation "constanttranslations" does not exist at character 37 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into constanttranslations ( constantid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select constantid from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Constant' and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 649 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 175 2019-02-19 10:59:44 SAST [3459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into dashboarditemtranslations ( dashboarditemid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select dashboarditemid from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into messagetranslations ( messageid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageid from message where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'Message' and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into messageconversationtranslations ( messageconversationid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select messageconversationid from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelement" does not exist at character 654 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programdataelementtranslations ( programdataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programdataelementid from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programinstancetranslations ( programinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programinstanceid from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagedataelementtranslations ( programstagedataelementid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstagedataelementid from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstageinstancetranslations ( programstageinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programstageinstanceid from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programtrackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 665 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation where objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programattributestranslations ( programtrackedentityattributeid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programtrackedentityattributeid from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programruleactiontranslations ( programruleactionid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programruleactionid from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programrulevariabletranslations ( programrulevariableid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select programrulevariableid from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into trackedentityinstancetranslations ( trackedentityinstanceid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select trackedentityinstanceid from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into userinfotranslations ( userinfoid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userinfoid from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'User' and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3566-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 14 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3566-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into usertranslations ( userid, objecttranslationid ) select case when t.objectid is not null then t.objectid else ( select userid from users where uid = t.objectuid ) end, o.objecttranslationid from objecttranslation o inner join translation t on o.objecttranslationid = t.translationid and t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations where objecttranslationid = o.objecttranslationid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3594-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3594-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3596-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3596-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3597-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3597-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3599-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3599-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3618-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3618-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3642-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3642-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3643-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3643-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3656-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3666-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3666-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3668-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3668-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3669-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3669-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 112 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattribute ( trackedentityattributeid, uid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule, uniquefield, orgunitScope, programScope ) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), uid, lastUpdated, name, description, type, mandatory, false, false, true, orgunitScope, programScope from patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3676-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "patientidentifier" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3676-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributevalue (trackedentityinstanceid, trackedentityattributeid, value ) select trackedentityinstanceid, pa.trackedentityattributeid, identifier from patientidentifier pi inner join patientidentifiertype pit on pi.patientidentifiertypeid=pit.patientidentifiertypeid inner join trackedentityattribute pa on pa.uid=pit.uid where pi.trackedentityinstanceid is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3677-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3677-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3678-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3678-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3679-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3680-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:45 SAST [3741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3745-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3754-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3754-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [3760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 10:59:46 SAST [2006-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 11:01:35 SAST [4096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-19 11:01:35 SAST [4096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-19 11:01:35 SAST [4096-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-19 11:01:35 SAST [4096-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-19 11:01:46 SAST [4096-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:46 SAST [4096-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4210-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4210-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4211-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4211-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4212-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4212-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4214-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4214-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4222-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4222-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4259-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 11:01:53 SAST [4259-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4280-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4280-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4336-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4336-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4338-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4338-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4340-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4340-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4341-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4342-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4342-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4344-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4344-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4346-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4346-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4347-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4347-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:01:54 SAST [4358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4098-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4098-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4098-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4098-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4396-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4396-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4397-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4400-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4402-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4412-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4415-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4430-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4430-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4431-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4432-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4432-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4531-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 11:01:58 SAST [4531-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4535-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4535-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4536-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4536-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4539-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4539-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4550-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4550-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4552-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4552-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4565-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4565-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4567-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4567-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4580-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4580-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4587-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4587-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4599-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4599-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4603-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4603-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4618-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4640-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4640-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4641-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4641-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4650-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4651-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4652-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4652-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4653-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4654-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4655-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4656-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4678-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4678-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4680-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4707-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4750-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4755-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4761-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4762-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4765-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4765-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4768-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4769-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4769-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 11:01:59 SAST [4782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4787-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4787-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4795-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4795-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4795-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4810-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4811-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4814-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4818-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4818-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4828-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4828-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4829-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4829-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4831-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4831-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4931-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4931-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [4999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5002-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5002-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5003-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5003-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5005-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5008-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5008-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5009-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5009-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 11:02:00 SAST [5009-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5028-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5030-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5064-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5064-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5074-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5074-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5078-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5078-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5088-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5089-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5089-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5157-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5163-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:02:02 SAST [5163-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5164-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5165-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5165-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5167-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5167-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5167-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5168-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5168-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5171-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5171-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5173-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5173-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5174-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5174-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5200-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5200-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5201-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5201-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5202-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5202-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5202-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5260-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5260-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5261-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5261-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5266-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5266-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5269-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5269-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5271-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5271-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5272-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5272-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5276-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5276-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5368-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5368-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 11:02:03 SAST [5390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5396-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5396-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5397-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5402-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5487-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5495-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5495-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5521-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5521-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5522-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5522-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5545-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5545-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5548-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 112 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattribute ( trackedentityattributeid, uid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule, uniquefield, orgunitScope, programScope ) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), uid, lastUpdated, name, description, type, mandatory, false, false, true, orgunitScope, programScope from patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "patientidentifier" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributevalue (trackedentityinstanceid, trackedentityattributeid, value ) select trackedentityinstanceid, pa.trackedentityattributeid, identifier from patientidentifier pi inner join patientidentifiertype pit on pi.patientidentifiertypeid=pit.patientidentifiertypeid inner join trackedentityattribute pa on pa.uid=pit.uid where pi.trackedentityinstanceid is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5594-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5594-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5597-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5597-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5633-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5633-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 11:02:04 SAST [5637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [5639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [5639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 11:02:05 SAST [4098-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5765-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5765-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [4097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [4097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5754-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5768-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5763-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5759-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5758-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:41 SAST [5764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4096-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4096-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5765-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5765-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5759-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5759-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5776-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5776-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5759-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5759-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4096-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4096-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5764-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5764-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5764-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5764-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5759-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5759-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5772-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5772-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5766-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5766-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5771-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4097-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5758-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5754-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5772-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5772-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5757-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5757-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5776-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5776-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5756-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5768-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5763-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5755-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [4098-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5757-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5757-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5767-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5765-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5765-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5766-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:42 SAST [5766-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5766-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5766-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5767-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5767-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5765-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5765-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5755-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5755-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4098-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4098-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5759-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5759-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4097-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4097-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5764-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5764-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5754-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5754-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4096-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4096-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4098-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4098-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4096-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4096-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5764-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5764-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5768-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5768-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5772-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5772-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5757-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5757-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5776-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5776-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4097-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4097-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4096-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [4096-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5764-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5764-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5757-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5757-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5777-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5777-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5782-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5782-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5777-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5777-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5775-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5781-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5782-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5782-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5757-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5757-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5778-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5754-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5754-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:02:43 SAST [5780-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5764-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5764-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5757-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5757-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5779-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5779-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5757-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5757-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5778-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5778-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5778-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5778-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5778-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5778-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5766-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5766-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5780-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5764-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5764-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5776-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5776-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5782-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5782-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5765-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5765-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4098-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4098-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5767-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5781-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4096-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5759-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5759-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5779-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5779-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5759-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5759-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5759-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5759-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5755-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5777-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5768-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5756-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5773-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [4097-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5758-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5754-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:39 SAST [5772-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5777-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5777-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5763-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5763-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5777-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5777-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5758-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5758-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5757-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5757-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5756-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5756-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5773-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5773-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5767-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5767-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5771-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4098-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4098-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5759-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5772-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5772-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5754-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5754-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5766-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5766-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4097-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4097-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5779-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5779-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4097-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4097-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [4096-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5776-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5765-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5768-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5778-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5782-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5782-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5780-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5758-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5758-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5756-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5756-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5755-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:03:40 SAST [5774-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5771-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5771-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5755-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5780-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5774-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5782-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5775-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5775-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5772-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5758-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5764-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5764-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5773-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5757-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5777-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5771-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5771-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5756-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5767-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5767-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:09 SAST [5779-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5771-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5771-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5758-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5758-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5758-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5758-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5757-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5757-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5780-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5780-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5771-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5771-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5756-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5756-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5774-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5754-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5775-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5777-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5777-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5763-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5763-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5779-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5772-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4097-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4098-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5755-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5778-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5767-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5776-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5781-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5781-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5765-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5765-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5780-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5780-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [4096-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5766-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5765-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5765-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5759-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5929-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5929-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5765-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5765-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5929-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5929-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:04:10 SAST [5764-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5759-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5759-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5925-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5925-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5764-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5764-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5759-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5759-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5925-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5925-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5764-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5764-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5764-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5764-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5765-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5772-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5772-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5780-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5758-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5758-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5777-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5777-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5925-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5925-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5929-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5929-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5758-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5758-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5929-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5929-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5766-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5766-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5763-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5928-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5928-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5771-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5768-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5930-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5777-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5777-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5926-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4096-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5767-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5776-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6017-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6017-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5766-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5766-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5755-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5929-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5929-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6011-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5758-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5758-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5781-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6013-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5756-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5779-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5757-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [6016-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5774-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5778-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [4097-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:05:41 SAST [5775-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6012-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6012-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6012-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6012-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5930-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6011-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6011-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4096-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4096-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5776-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5776-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5771-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5771-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5776-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5776-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6017-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6017-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5767-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5767-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5771-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5771-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5775-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5780-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5757-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6011-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6011-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6016-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4097-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5778-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5779-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5765-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6012-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6012-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5777-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5777-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5776-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5776-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5764-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5764-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6015-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6015-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6015-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6013-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5766-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5766-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4098-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4098-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5927-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5927-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5782-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5756-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5756-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5926-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5758-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5759-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4098-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [4098-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5781-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5771-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5771-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5754-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5764-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5764-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5763-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5929-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5755-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5768-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5928-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5773-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [6014-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5772-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5925-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:16 SAST [5774-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5778-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5778-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5777-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5777-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4097-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4097-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [6016-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [6016-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5759-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5759-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4097-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4097-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5926-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5926-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5771-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5771-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5781-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5781-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4098-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4098-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5756-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5756-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5757-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5757-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [6015-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [6015-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5777-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5777-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5778-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5778-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5764-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5764-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5771-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5771-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5764-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5764-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5771-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5771-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5926-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5926-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5759-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5759-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5777-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5777-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5757-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5757-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [6015-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [6015-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5758-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5758-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5754-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5754-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5756-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5756-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5756-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5756-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [5782-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4098-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:48 SAST [4098-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5757-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5757-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6015-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6015-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5758-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5758-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5782-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5782-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5759-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5759-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5758-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5758-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5926-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5926-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5757-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5757-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5758-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5758-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6013-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6013-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6013-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6013-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6015-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6015-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5775-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5775-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5764-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5778-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5775-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5775-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4097-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6015-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6015-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5754-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6013-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6013-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5756-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5756-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5926-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5926-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5757-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5757-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4096-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4096-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5767-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5767-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5925-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5925-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4096-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4096-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5773-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5773-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5767-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5767-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5766-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5766-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5768-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5768-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5925-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5925-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5776-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5776-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5773-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5773-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5766-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5766-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5930-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5930-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5768-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5768-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5777-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5777-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5759-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5759-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5772-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6016-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6016-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5782-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5782-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6016-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6016-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6016-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6016-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5774-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5781-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5768-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5768-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5773-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5773-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5929-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5927-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5927-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5925-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5925-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5766-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5766-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5767-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5767-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5776-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5776-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5771-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5780-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5780-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5776-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5776-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6012-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [4098-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5780-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5780-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5779-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5755-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6014-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [5765-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:06:49 SAST [6017-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5771-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5771-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4097-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4097-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5755-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5755-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5755-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5755-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5771-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5771-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4097-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4097-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4097-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4097-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5773-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5773-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5763-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5763-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4096-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4096-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5774-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5774-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5928-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5773-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5773-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5771-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5771-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5763-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5763-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5779-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6014-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6014-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5929-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5777-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5766-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5781-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5759-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6016-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6016-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6016-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6016-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5774-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5774-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5927-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5930-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6012-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6011-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4096-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4096-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5767-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5772-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5782-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5765-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5768-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5775-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5925-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [6017-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [4098-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:07:15 SAST [5780-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5757-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5757-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5755-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5755-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5779-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5779-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5755-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5755-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5779-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5779-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5779-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5779-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5754-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5757-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5757-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5758-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5780-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6015-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5926-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6013-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5778-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5756-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5765-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5765-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5927-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5927-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5928-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5928-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5776-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5776-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6017-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6017-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4097-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4097-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6017-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6017-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4097-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4097-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5771-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5928-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5928-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5776-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5776-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5781-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5781-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6014-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6014-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5764-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6014-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6014-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5781-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5781-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4097-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4097-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6016-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5930-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5763-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4096-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4096-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5767-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5767-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6011-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6011-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6012-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6012-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5759-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5759-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5774-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5774-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6011-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6011-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6012-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [6012-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5766-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5767-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5767-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5767-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5767-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5777-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5777-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5774-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5774-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5777-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5777-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [4098-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5768-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5782-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5772-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5772-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5929-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5775-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5773-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:29 SAST [5925-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5925-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5925-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5768-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5768-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5925-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5925-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5773-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [4098-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [4098-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [4098-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [4098-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [6012-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [6012-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5768-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5768-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5772-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5772-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5927-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5927-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5772-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5772-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5772-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5772-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5927-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5927-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [6012-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [6012-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5775-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5768-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5768-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5929-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5782-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:12:30 SAST [5782-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5782-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5782-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5774-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5767-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5928-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5926-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5926-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4096-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4096-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5930-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5930-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5779-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5779-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5778-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5778-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5756-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5756-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5763-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5763-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5765-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5765-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5755-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5755-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5779-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5779-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6013-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6013-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5778-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5778-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5779-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5779-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5763-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5763-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5778-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5778-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5755-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5755-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5756-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5756-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5768-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5780-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5780-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5759-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5759-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5759-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5759-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5927-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5927-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5927-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5927-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5927-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5927-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5929-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [6012-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [5772-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:21 SAST [4098-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5929-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5929-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5777-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5777-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5766-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5766-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5759-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5759-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5759-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5759-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5782-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5782-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5774-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5773-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6012-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5782-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5782-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5771-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5771-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4097-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4097-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5780-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5780-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5767-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5777-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5777-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6014-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5766-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5766-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5775-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5925-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5766-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5766-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5779-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5779-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5777-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5777-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5928-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5771-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5771-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5780-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5780-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5756-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5756-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6016-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6016-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5772-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5778-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5778-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [4098-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5781-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6013-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5764-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [6011-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:13:22 SAST [5927-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6011-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6011-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5756-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5756-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5768-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5768-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5755-137] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5755-138] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5771-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5771-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5759-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5759-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6012-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6012-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5929-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5929-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5771-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5771-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5782-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5782-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-137] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-138] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5755-139] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5755-140] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5755-141] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5755-142] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5780-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5777-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5759-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5759-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5758-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5927-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5927-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6013-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6013-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6013-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6013-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5926-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5926-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5776-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5776-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-139] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-140] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5928-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5782-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5782-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-141] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-142] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5782-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5782-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5768-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5768-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5756-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5756-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5764-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5756-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5756-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-143] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-144] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4096-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4096-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-145] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-146] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4096-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4096-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-147] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-148] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4098-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5754-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5775-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6015-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5773-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6014-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5766-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5763-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5925-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5925-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4096-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4096-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-149] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5774-150] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5771-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5771-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6012-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6012-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5767-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5779-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5779-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5926-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5926-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5768-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5768-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5779-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5779-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5779-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5779-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5772-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5778-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5757-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5776-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5776-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [4097-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6016-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5930-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [6017-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:27 SAST [5781-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5781-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5781-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6014-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6014-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5778-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5778-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5930-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5930-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5771-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5771-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5773-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5773-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5781-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5781-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5778-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5778-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5776-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5776-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6014-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6014-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5927-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5927-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5775-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5775-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6015-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6015-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5764-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5764-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5774-151] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5774-152] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5776-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5776-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5778-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5778-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-143] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-144] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5758-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5758-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-145] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-146] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-147] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-148] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-149] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-150] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5768-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5777-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5777-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5759-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-151] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-152] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5779-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-153] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-154] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5767-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6011-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-155] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-156] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5780-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5765-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5777-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5777-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6013-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-157] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-158] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5926-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6017-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5929-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-137] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-138] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-139] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [4097-140] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-159] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5755-160] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5925-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5777-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5777-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5758-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5758-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6012-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [6012-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5757-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5928-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5763-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:52 SAST [5766-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5928-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5928-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5757-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5757-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5766-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5766-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5781-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5781-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5781-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5781-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5763-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5763-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5757-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5757-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5766-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5766-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-137] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-138] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-139] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-140] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-153] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-154] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 39 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5927-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and "monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( "uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by "dx","monthly" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5772-137] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5772-138] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-155] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-156] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-157] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-158] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5765-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5782-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "monthly" in ('201901') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5776-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5776-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5754-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-141] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5768-142] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5776-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5776-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5778-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5764-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5764-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5928-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5928-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-159] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-160] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [6016-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [6016-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and (("ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "ouopeningdate" is null) and ("oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "oucloseddate" is null)) and (("costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or "costartdate" is null) and ("coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or "coenddate" is null)) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [6016-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [6016-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5928-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5928-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5764-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5764-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-161] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 11:45:53 SAST [5774-162] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select "dx","uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where "dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and "uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( "quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by "dx","uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:42:50 SAST [11547-1] dhis@dhis230 LOG: provided user name (dhis) and authenticated user name (postgres) do not match 2019-02-19 12:42:50 SAST [11547-2] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-19 12:42:50 SAST [11547-3] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 90: "local all all peer" 2019-02-19 12:44:41 SAST [11675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 12:44:41 SAST [11675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 12:44:46 SAST [11675-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-19 12:44:46 SAST [11675-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-19 12:44:46 SAST [11675-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-19 12:44:46 SAST [11675-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11707-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11707-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11754-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11754-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11775-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11775-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11788-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11788-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11792-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11792-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11794-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11798-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11798-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:03 SAST [11805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11831-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11831-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11833-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11833-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11835-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11835-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11837-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11837-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11839-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11839-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11841-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11841-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:04 SAST [11853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:22 SAST [11883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:22 SAST [11883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-19 12:45:22 SAST [11884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:22 SAST [11884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-19 12:45:22 SAST [11885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:22 SAST [11885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11673-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11673-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11673-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11673-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11675-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11675-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11957-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11957-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11957-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11960-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11960-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11966-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11966-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11967-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11967-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11971-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [11999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12063-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12063-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12067-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12067-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12068-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12068-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12071-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12071-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 12:45:24 SAST [12105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12112-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12112-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12112-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12121-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12127-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12141-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12141-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12146-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12150-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12157-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12161-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12164-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12168-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12168-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12171-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12172-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12172-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12173-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12173-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12173-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12174-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12174-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12177-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12177-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12178-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12179-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12179-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12180-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12186-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12187-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12187-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12188-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12188-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12192-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12192-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12210-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12210-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12212-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12248-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12249-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12249-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12250-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12253-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12253-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12254-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12254-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12273-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12276-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12326-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12326-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12341-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12349-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12349-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12357-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12360-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12360-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12360-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12361-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12361-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12361-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12364-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12364-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 12:45:25 SAST [12364-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12466-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12466-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12538-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12538-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12539-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12539-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12544-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12544-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12545-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 12:45:26 SAST [12545-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 12:45:27 SAST [12561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:27 SAST [12561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 12:45:27 SAST [12564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 12:45:27 SAST [12564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 12:45:27 SAST [12565-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 12:45:27 SAST [12565-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12567-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12567-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12596-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12596-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12597-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12597-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12599-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12599-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12603-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12603-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12611-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12611-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12618-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12696-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12696-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12697-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12697-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12702-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12702-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12704-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12704-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12706-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12706-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12707-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12710-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12710-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12739-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12739-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12740-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12740-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12741-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12741-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12799-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12799-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12799-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12800-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12800-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12805-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12805-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12808-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12808-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12810-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12810-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12811-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12811-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12815-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12815-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12815-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:28 SAST [12830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12966-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12966-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [12997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "secret" contains null values 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE users alter column secret set not null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13005-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13008-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13009-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13009-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13023-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13023-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13025-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13044-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13044-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13070-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13070-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13071-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13071-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13075-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13088-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13094-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13094-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:29 SAST [13107-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13108-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13108-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13110-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13110-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13111-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13111-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13112-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13112-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13126-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13127-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13152-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13152-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [13162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 12:45:30 SAST [11673-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11675-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11675-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13320-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13320-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11675-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11675-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13320-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13320-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13327-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13327-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13316-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13316-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13330-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13184-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13184-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13316-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13316-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13186-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13331-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13331-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13334-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13334-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13184-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13184-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11673-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11673-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13332-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13332-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13329-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13325-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13325-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13185-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13185-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13182-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13182-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11673-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [11673-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13326-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13319-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13336-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:03 SAST [13317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13318-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13318-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13326-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13326-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13182-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13182-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [11673-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [11673-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13336-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13336-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13318-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13318-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13326-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13326-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13325-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13325-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13329-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13329-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13325-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13325-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13325-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13325-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13318-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13318-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13332-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13329-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13329-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:49:04 SAST [13181-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13186-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13186-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13320-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13320-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13328-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13328-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13328-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13328-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13373-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13373-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13317-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13317-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13327-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13327-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13336-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13336-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13334-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13334-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13321-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13321-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13182-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13182-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13319-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13319-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13184-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13184-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13375-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13375-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13184-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13184-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13336-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13336-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13186-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13186-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13336-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13336-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13186-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13186-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13326-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13326-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13325-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13325-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13325-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13325-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13381-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13381-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13332-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13335-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [13318-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [11673-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:15 SAST [11673-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13182-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13182-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13375-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13375-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13375-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13375-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13184-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13184-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13373-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13373-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13331-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13331-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13316-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13316-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13376-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13376-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13334-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13334-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13334-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13334-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13334-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13334-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13384-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13384-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13320-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13320-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13328-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13328-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13326-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13326-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13336-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13336-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13326-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13326-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13320-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13320-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13328-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13328-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13318-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13318-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13317-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13317-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13373-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13373-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13326-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13326-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13317-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13317-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13328-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13328-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13185-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13185-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13372-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13372-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13336-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13336-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13382-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13335-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [11673-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:16 SAST [13183-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13330-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13330-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13376-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13376-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13376-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13376-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13330-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13330-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13185-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13185-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13327-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13327-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13320-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13320-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13326-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13326-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13382-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13382-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13373-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13373-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11673-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11673-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13373-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13373-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13318-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13318-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13333-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13373-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13373-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13184-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13336-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13336-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13334-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13334-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13326-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13326-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13334-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13334-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13327-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13327-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13384-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13384-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13319-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13319-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13330-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13330-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13332-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13332-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13381-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13381-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13336-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13336-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13376-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13376-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13331-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13326-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13326-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13183-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13183-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13182-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13182-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11674-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13329-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13375-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13375-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13186-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11675-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [11675-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13316-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13316-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13332-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13332-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13336-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:54 SAST [13336-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13387-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13387-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13186-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13186-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13330-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13330-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13182-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13182-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13377-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13377-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13387-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13387-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13325-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13325-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13376-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13376-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13336-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13336-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13336-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13336-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13186-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13186-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [11674-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [11674-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13330-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13330-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [11674-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [11674-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [11674-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [11674-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13330-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13330-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13336-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13336-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13374-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13375-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:50:55 SAST [13316-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11674-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11674-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13316-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13316-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13316-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13316-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13321-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13321-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13316-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13316-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13331-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13331-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13381-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13381-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11674-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11674-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11675-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11675-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13376-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13376-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11673-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11673-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13186-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13329-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13329-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11674-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11674-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13381-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13381-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11675-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [11675-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13326-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13332-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13332-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13377-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13332-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13332-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13331-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13331-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13325-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13381-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13381-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13384-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13182-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13387-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13335-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13183-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13330-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13327-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13319-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:51:12 SAST [13375-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13386-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13386-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13336-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13336-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [11673-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [11673-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13319-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13319-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [11674-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [11674-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13185-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13185-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13336-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13336-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13376-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13376-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13387-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13387-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13183-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13183-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13183-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13183-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13387-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13387-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13328-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13387-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13387-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13336-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:02 SAST [13336-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13185-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13185-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13320-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13320-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13387-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13387-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13387-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13387-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13334-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13333-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [11673-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [11673-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13335-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13335-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [11675-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [11675-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13184-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13184-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13186-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13186-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13372-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13372-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13181-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13182-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13182-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13384-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13384-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13329-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13321-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13321-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13319-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13182-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13182-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13321-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13321-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13320-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13320-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13317-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13317-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13184-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13184-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13320-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13320-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13330-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13330-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13321-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13321-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13330-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13330-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13376-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13376-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13186-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13186-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [11674-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [11674-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13385-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13383-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13382-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13318-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13376-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:03 SAST [13376-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13182-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13182-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13320-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13320-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13182-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13182-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13182-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13182-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13331-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13331-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13331-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13331-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13181-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13181-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13375-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13375-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13375-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13375-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13335-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13335-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13335-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13335-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13181-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13181-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13381-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13381-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [11673-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [11673-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13319-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13319-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13332-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13332-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13334-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13334-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13333-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13333-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13184-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13184-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13184-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13184-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13333-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13333-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13334-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13334-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13184-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13184-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13387-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13387-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13333-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13333-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [11674-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [11674-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13383-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13330-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13386-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13386-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13318-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13321-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13384-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13385-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13186-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13376-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:52:31 SAST [13382-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13334-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13334-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13387-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13387-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13382-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13382-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13381-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13381-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13382-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13382-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13336-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13336-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13325-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13325-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13318-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13318-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13387-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13387-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13186-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13186-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13385-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13385-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13374-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13374-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13319-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13319-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13321-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13321-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13330-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13330-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13184-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13184-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13330-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13330-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13330-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13330-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13333-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13333-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13319-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13319-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13321-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13321-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13383-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13383-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13383-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13383-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13384-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13384-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13375-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13375-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13384-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13384-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13329-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13329-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13383-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13383-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13384-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13384-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13184-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13184-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13329-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13329-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13334-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13334-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13316-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13316-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13326-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13326-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13181-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13181-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13317-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13317-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13181-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13181-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13326-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13326-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13317-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13317-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13181-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13181-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13185-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13326-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13326-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13327-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13327-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13376-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13317-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13317-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11675-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11675-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13372-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13372-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13372-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13372-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13372-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13372-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13335-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11674-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13331-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [11673-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13332-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:53:56 SAST [13183-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13332-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13332-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13331-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13331-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [11675-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [11675-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13326-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13326-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13335-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13335-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13331-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13331-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13316-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13316-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13326-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13326-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [11675-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [11675-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13321-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13321-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13386-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13386-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13320-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13320-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13336-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13336-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13320-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13320-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13320-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13320-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13321-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13321-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13318-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13325-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13325-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13373-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13373-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13325-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13325-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13373-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13373-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13333-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13333-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13384-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13373-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13373-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13321-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13321-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13381-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13381-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13182-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13182-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13319-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13181-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13182-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13182-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13328-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13329-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13372-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:54:08 SAST [13330-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13329-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13329-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201901') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13372-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13372-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13328-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13328-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201901') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13182-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13182-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13182-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13182-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201901') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13329-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-19 12:54:44 SAST [13329-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13182-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13182-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201901') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13181-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13181-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201901') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13329-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13329-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13372-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13372-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13329-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13329-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201901') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13372-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-19 12:54:59 SAST [13372-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel3" in ('NkZfZDm52z5', 'hxgYYAehx0h', 'fvgapUYTOBv', 'vGko1AmzPpl', 'ZoSUcMSfhcI', 'GCNLWbyR1C4', 'fvMUNNhWiWm', 'qvBMp2FcKq0', 'D0M46KrTVnL', 'gANLlgfAFLT', 'mcB1oCtT1BP', 'WaTXJ22g0qs', 'cOhU77t7bDE', 'HMZh8JQ8yc4', 'KcB3SB1dwk8', 'UCLw2UnqwDr', 'LKD7TaumDn1', 'OfFA48YybPV', 'CwqYm8wR35w', 'vQutOQtcfrM') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13321-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13321-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13182-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13182-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13329-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13329-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13329-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13329-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13321-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13321-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13321-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13321-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13329-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13329-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13330-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13330-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13373-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13373-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13381-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13381-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13333-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13333-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13386-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13386-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13387-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13387-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13381-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13381-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13386-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13386-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13182-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13182-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13334-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13334-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13182-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13182-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13328-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13328-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13334-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13334-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13327-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13327-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [11674-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [11674-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13327-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13327-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [11674-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [11674-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13332-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13332-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [11674-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [11674-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13183-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13316-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13316-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13185-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13185-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13316-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13316-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13316-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13316-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13318-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13318-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13331-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13382-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13327-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13327-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13386-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:30 SAST [13386-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13321-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13321-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13386-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13386-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13386-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13386-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13376-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13376-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13327-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13327-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13316-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13316-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13321-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13321-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [11674-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [11674-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13183-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13183-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [11673-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [11673-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13321-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13321-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13376-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13376-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13386-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13386-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [11675-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [11675-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13384-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13384-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13384-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13384-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13384-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13384-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13381-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13381-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13377-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13318-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13318-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13325-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13325-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13381-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13381-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13325-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13325-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13317-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13330-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:31 SAST [13332-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13376-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13376-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11675-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11675-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13386-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13386-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13185-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13185-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11675-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11675-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13386-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13386-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13381-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13381-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11674-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11674-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13183-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13183-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13382-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13382-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13332-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13332-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13330-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13330-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13331-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13331-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13331-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13331-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13185-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13185-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13316-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13316-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13382-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13382-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13316-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13316-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13316-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13316-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13318-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13377-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13376-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13376-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13335-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13335-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13372-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13372-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13336-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13321-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13372-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13372-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13385-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13335-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13335-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13374-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [11673-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:55:40 SAST [13387-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13332-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13332-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13332-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13332-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13381-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13381-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13183-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13183-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13386-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13386-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13373-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13331-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13331-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13183-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13183-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13331-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13331-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13316-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13316-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13327-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13331-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13331-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [11675-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [11675-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13316-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13316-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13381-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13381-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13330-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13384-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13333-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13381-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:56:31 SAST [13381-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13329-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13329-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13326-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13326-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13326-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13326-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13377-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13377-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13377-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13377-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13383-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13383-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13329-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13329-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13335-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13335-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13330-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13330-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13386-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13386-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13374-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13374-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [11674-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [11674-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13327-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13327-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13373-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13373-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13387-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13387-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [11673-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [11673-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13318-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13318-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13374-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13374-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13321-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13321-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13381-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13381-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13381-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13381-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13381-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13381-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [11674-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [11674-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13330-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13330-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13386-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13386-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13331-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13331-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13376-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13376-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13376-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13376-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13383-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13383-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13331-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13331-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13332-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13336-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13372-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13372-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:57:49 SAST [13184-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13372-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13372-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13372-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13372-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13318-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13318-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13372-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13372-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13327-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13327-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13318-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13318-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13373-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13373-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13373-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13373-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11674-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11674-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13375-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13375-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13316-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13316-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13386-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13386-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13387-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13387-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13387-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13387-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13335-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11673-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11673-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13387-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13387-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13331-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13316-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13316-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13386-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13386-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13332-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13332-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13373-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13373-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13375-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13375-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13329-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13329-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13375-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13375-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11673-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11673-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13336-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13383-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11673-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [11673-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13333-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13329-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:05 SAST [13329-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13317-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13317-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13384-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13384-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13382-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13382-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13372-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13372-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13331-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13331-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13385-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13385-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13383-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13383-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13321-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13321-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13336-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13336-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13383-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13383-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13385-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13385-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13381-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13381-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13318-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13318-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13336-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13336-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13319-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13319-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13316-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13316-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13316-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13316-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13316-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13316-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11673-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11673-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13183-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13183-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13182-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13182-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13382-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13382-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13383-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13383-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13332-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13332-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13320-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13320-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13382-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13382-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13333-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13332-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13332-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11674-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13320-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13320-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13332-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13332-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13385-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13385-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13329-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13373-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13318-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13318-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13318-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13318-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13321-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13321-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13376-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13334-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11673-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11673-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13185-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11673-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11673-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13377-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13377-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13331-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13331-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11675-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [11675-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13330-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13330-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13330-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13330-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13335-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13377-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13377-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13184-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13184-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13387-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13387-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13181-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13181-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13377-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13377-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13181-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13181-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13182-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13182-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13331-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13331-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13184-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13184-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13327-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13374-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13374-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13328-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13186-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13330-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13330-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13375-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:24 SAST [13386-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13317-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13317-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13372-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13372-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13382-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13382-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13334-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13334-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13319-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13319-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13376-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13376-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13320-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13320-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13382-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13382-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13333-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13333-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13335-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13335-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13329-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13329-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13325-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13325-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13181-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13181-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13331-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13331-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13331-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13331-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13387-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13387-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13375-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13375-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13373-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13373-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13328-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13330-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13330-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13375-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13375-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13331-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13331-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13373-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13373-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13375-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13375-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13327-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13381-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13381-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13386-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13383-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11675-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11675-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13318-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13318-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13186-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13186-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13186-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13186-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13186-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13186-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11673-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11673-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13326-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13326-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13387-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13387-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13384-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13326-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13326-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13330-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13330-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13318-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13318-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13387-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13387-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13185-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13330-123] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13330-124] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13326-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13326-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13318-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13318-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11675-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11675-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13181-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [13181-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11673-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:58:25 SAST [11673-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [11674-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [11674-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13327-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13327-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13336-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13336-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13331-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13331-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13377-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13377-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13336-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13336-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13377-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13377-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13377-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13377-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13336-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13336-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13383-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13383-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13327-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13327-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13331-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13331-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [11674-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [11674-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13318-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:35 SAST [13318-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13327-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13327-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13387-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13387-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13185-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13185-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13384-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13384-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13332-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13332-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13336-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13336-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13186-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13186-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13329-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13329-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13335-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13335-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13334-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13334-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13320-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13320-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13334-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13334-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13320-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13320-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13330-125] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13330-126] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13333-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13382-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13325-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 12:59:36 SAST [13319-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11675-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11675-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13335-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13335-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11673-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11673-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13373-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13373-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13376-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13376-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13376-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13376-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13319-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13319-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13184-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13184-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13184-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13184-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13331-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13331-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13184-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13184-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13330-127] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13330-128] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13374-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13374-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13377-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13377-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13374-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13374-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11673-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11673-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13377-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13377-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13376-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13376-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11674-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11674-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13186-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13186-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13318-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13318-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13185-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13185-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13387-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13387-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13326-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13326-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13375-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13375-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13372-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13372-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13386-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13386-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13387-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13387-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13186-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13186-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13320-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13320-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13335-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13335-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13321-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13328-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13328-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13381-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13374-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13374-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11675-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11675-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13373-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13373-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13186-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13186-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13183-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11675-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11675-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13333-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13329-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13329-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11673-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11673-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13327-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13327-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13181-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13181-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13316-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13316-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13332-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13332-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11674-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11674-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13325-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11674-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [11674-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13382-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13334-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13317-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:01:33 SAST [13182-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13185-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13185-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13372-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13372-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13327-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13327-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13184-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13184-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13333-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13333-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13385-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13385-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13372-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13372-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [11673-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [11673-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13327-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13327-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13329-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13329-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13385-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13385-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13333-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13333-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13184-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13184-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13182-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13182-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [11675-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [11675-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13185-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13185-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13317-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13317-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13319-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13319-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13334-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13334-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13372-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13372-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13186-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13186-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13321-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13321-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13381-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13381-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13330-129] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13330-130] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13381-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13381-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13335-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13335-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13321-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13321-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13183-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13183-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13328-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13328-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13374-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13374-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13336-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13336-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13319-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13319-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13183-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13183-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13374-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13374-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13385-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13385-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13186-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13186-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13330-131] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13330-132] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13326-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13326-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13376-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13326-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13326-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13186-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13186-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13318-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13320-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13336-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13336-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13336-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13336-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13375-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13332-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13383-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13184-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13184-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13386-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13386-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13386-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13386-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13373-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13387-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13386-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13386-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13382-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:03:30 SAST [13181-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13381-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13381-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13318-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13318-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13386-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13386-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13381-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13381-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-133] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-134] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13376-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13376-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13182-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13182-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13386-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13386-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13376-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13376-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13318-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13318-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [11674-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [11674-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13373-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13373-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13336-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13336-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13336-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13336-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13328-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13320-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13325-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13325-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13336-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13336-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13325-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13325-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-119] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13382-120] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-135] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-136] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-137] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-138] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13387-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13317-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-139] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13330-140] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:05:35 SAST [13186-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13186-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13186-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13181-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13181-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13186-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13186-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13184-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13184-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13332-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13332-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13327-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13327-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13318-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13318-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13329-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13329-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13375-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13375-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13181-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13181-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13326-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13326-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13184-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13184-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13387-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13387-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13186-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13186-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13318-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13318-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13328-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13328-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13328-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13328-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13320-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13320-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13328-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13328-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13373-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13373-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13373-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13373-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13382-121] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13382-122] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13376-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13376-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13325-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13325-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13373-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13373-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13336-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13336-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13320-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13320-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13383-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13383-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13332-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13332-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13182-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13182-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13183-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13183-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13316-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13316-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13334-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13334-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13183-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13183-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13330-141] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13330-142] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13316-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13316-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13387-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13387-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13182-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13182-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13316-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13316-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13181-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13181-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13387-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13387-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13377-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13377-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13321-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13321-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13333-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13333-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13372-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13372-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13374-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13374-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13321-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13321-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13333-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13333-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13372-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13372-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13317-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13385-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13372-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13372-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11674-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11674-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [11675-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13335-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13377-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13377-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:07 SAST [13331-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13374-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13374-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13333-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13333-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13317-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13317-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13385-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13385-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13385-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13385-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13374-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13374-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13333-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13333-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13317-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13317-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13181-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13181-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13327-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13327-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13316-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13316-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13372-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13372-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13372-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13372-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13316-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13316-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13181-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13181-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13327-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:07:08 SAST [13327-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:20:40 SAST [15088-1] khatman@khatman FATAL: role "khatman" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:02 SAST [15742-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:02 SAST [15742-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-19 13:44:08 SAST [15742-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-19 13:44:08 SAST [15742-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-19 13:44:08 SAST [15742-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-19 13:44:08 SAST [15742-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15788-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15788-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15789-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15789-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15790-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15790-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15790-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15791-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15791-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15792-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15792-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15793-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15793-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15794-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15794-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15795-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15795-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15796-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15796-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15797-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15797-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15798-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15798-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15799-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15799-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15800-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15800-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15801-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15801-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15802-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15802-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15803-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15803-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15804-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15804-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15805-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15805-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15837-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15837-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-19 13:44:28 SAST [15837-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15857-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15857-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15858-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15858-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15858-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15859-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15859-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15860-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15860-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15861-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15861-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15871-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15871-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15872-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15872-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15873-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15873-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15874-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15874-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15875-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15875-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15876-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15876-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15877-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15877-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15879-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15879-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15880-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15880-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15881-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15881-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15884-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15884-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15885-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15885-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15886-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15886-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15887-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15887-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15888-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15888-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15905-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15905-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15908-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15908-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15911-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15911-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15912-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15912-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15913-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15913-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15914-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15914-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15914-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15915-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15915-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15916-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15916-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15916-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15917-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15917-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15918-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15918-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15918-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15919-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15919-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15920-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15920-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15920-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15921-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15921-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15922-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15922-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15922-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15923-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15923-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15924-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15924-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15924-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15925-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15925-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15936-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15936-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15952-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15952-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15953-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15953-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15954-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15954-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15961-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15961-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15962-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15962-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15963-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:29 SAST [15963-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15741-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15741-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15741-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15741-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15742-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15742-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15973-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15973-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15974-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15974-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15975-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15975-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15976-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15976-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15977-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15977-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15978-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15978-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15979-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15979-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15980-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15980-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15981-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15981-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15982-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15982-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15983-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:31 SAST [15983-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15984-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15984-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15985-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15985-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15986-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15986-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15987-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15987-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15988-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15988-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15989-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15989-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15990-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15990-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15991-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15991-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15992-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15992-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15993-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15993-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15994-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15994-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15995-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15995-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15996-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15996-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15997-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15997-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15998-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15998-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15999-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [15999-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16000-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16000-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16001-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16001-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16002-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16002-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16003-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16003-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16004-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16004-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16005-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16005-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16006-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16006-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16007-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16007-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16008-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16008-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16009-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16009-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16010-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16010-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16011-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16011-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16012-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16012-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16013-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16013-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16014-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16014-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16015-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16015-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16016-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16016-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16017-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16017-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16018-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16018-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16019-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16019-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16020-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16020-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16021-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16021-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16022-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16022-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16023-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16023-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16024-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16024-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16025-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16025-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16026-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16026-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16027-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16027-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16028-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16028-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16029-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16029-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16030-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16030-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16031-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16031-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16032-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16032-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16033-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16033-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16033-3] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16033-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16034-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16034-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16035-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16035-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16036-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16036-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16036-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16037-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16037-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16038-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16038-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16039-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16039-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16040-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16040-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16041-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16041-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16042-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16042-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16043-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16043-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16044-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16044-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16045-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16045-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16046-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16046-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16047-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16047-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16048-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16048-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16049-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16049-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16050-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16050-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16051-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16051-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16052-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16052-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16053-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16053-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16054-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16054-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16055-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16055-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16056-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16056-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16057-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16057-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16058-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16058-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16059-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16059-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16060-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16060-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16061-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16061-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16062-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16062-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16063-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16063-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16064-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16064-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16065-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16065-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16066-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16066-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16067-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16067-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16068-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16068-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16072-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16072-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16073-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16073-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16074-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16074-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16075-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16075-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16076-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16076-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16077-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16077-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16078-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16078-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16079-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16079-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16080-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16080-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16090-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16090-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16107-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16107-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16108-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16108-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16109-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16109-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16110-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16110-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16111-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16111-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16112-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16112-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16113-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16113-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16114-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16114-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16115-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16115-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16116-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16116-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16131-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16131-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16132-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16132-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16133-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16133-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16134-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16134-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16135-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16135-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16136-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16136-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16138-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16138-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16138-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16142-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16142-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16142-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16143-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16143-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16143-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16146-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16146-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16146-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16149-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16149-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16156-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16156-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16157-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16157-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16158-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16158-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16159-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16159-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16161-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16161-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16162-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16162-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16171-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16171-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16172-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16172-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16174-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16174-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16175-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16175-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16176-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16176-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16177-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16177-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16178-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16178-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16179-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16179-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16180-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16180-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16187-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16187-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16187-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16188-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16188-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16189-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16189-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16190-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16190-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16191-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16191-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16192-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16192-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16193-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16193-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16194-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16194-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16195-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16195-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16196-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16196-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16197-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16197-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16198-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16198-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16199-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16199-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16200-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16200-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16202-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16202-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16205-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16205-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16206-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16206-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16207-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16207-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16208-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16208-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16209-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16209-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16210-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16210-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16211-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16211-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16212-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16212-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16213-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16213-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16214-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16214-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16215-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16215-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16216-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16216-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16217-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16217-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16218-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16218-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16219-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16219-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16220-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16220-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16221-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16221-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16222-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16222-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16223-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16223-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16224-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16224-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16225-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16225-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16226-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16226-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16227-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16227-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16228-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16228-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16229-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16229-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16230-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16230-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16231-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16231-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16232-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16232-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16233-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16233-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16234-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16234-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16235-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16235-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16236-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16236-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16238-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16238-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16239-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16239-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16240-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16240-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16241-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16241-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16243-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16243-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16244-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16244-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16245-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16245-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16246-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16246-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16247-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16247-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16247-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16248-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16248-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16248-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16249-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16249-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16250-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16250-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16251-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16251-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16252-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16252-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16253-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16253-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16254-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16254-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16255-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16255-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16256-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16256-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16257-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16257-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16258-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:32 SAST [16258-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16259-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16259-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16260-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16260-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16261-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16261-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16262-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16262-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16263-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16263-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16264-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16264-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16265-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16265-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16266-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16266-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16267-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16267-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16268-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16268-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16269-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16269-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16270-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16270-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16273-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16273-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16282-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16282-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16285-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16285-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16287-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16287-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16291-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16291-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16306-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16306-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16311-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16311-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16312-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16312-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16313-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16313-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16314-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16314-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16315-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16315-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16316-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16316-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16317-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16317-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16318-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16318-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16319-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16319-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16320-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16320-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16321-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16321-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16322-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16322-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16323-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16323-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16324-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16324-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16325-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16325-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16326-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16326-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16327-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16327-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16329-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16329-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16330-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16330-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16331-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16331-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16349-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16349-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16350-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16350-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16352-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16352-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16354-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16354-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16357-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16357-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16358-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16358-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16362-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16362-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16363-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16363-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16364-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16364-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16365-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16365-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16366-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16366-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16367-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16367-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16368-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16368-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16369-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16369-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16370-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16370-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16371-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16371-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16372-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16372-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16373-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16373-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16374-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16374-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16375-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16375-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16376-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16376-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16377-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16377-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16378-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16378-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16379-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16379-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16387-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16387-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16389-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16389-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16390-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16390-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16392-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16392-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16394-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16394-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16397-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16397-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16398-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16398-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16400-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16400-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16402-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16402-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16402-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16403-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16403-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16416-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16416-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16417-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16417-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16418-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16418-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16419-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16419-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16420-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16420-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16421-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16421-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16425-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16425-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16430-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16430-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16431-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16431-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16433-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16433-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16435-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16435-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16435-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16436-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16436-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16436-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16438-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16438-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16438-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16507-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16507-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16508-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16508-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16509-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16509-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16510-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16510-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16511-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16511-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16512-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16512-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16513-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16513-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16514-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16514-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16515-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16515-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16516-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16516-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16517-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16517-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16518-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16518-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16519-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16519-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16520-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16520-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16525-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16525-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16532-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16532-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16533-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16533-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16534-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 13:44:33 SAST [16534-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16536-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16536-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16544-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16544-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16544-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16548-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16548-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16555-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16555-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16595-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16595-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16596-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16596-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16598-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16598-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16599-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16599-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16600-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16600-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16603-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16603-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16604-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16604-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16605-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16605-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16606-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16606-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16610-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16610-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16611-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16611-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16613-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16613-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16614-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16614-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16615-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16615-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16616-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16616-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16616-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16617-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16617-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16617-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16618-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16618-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16619-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16619-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16620-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16620-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16621-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16621-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16622-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16622-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16622-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16623-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16623-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-19 13:44:34 SAST [16623-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16641-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16641-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16644-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16644-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16645-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16645-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16647-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16647-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16648-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16648-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16649-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16649-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16651-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16651-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16658-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16658-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16659-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16659-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16660-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16660-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16662-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16662-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16663-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16663-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16664-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16664-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16666-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16666-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16668-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16668-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16669-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16669-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16671-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16671-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16672-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16672-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16673-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16673-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16675-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16675-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16676-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16676-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16677-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16677-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16678-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16678-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16679-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16679-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16680-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16680-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16681-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16681-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16682-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16682-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16683-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16683-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16684-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16684-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16685-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16685-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16686-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16686-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16687-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16687-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16688-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16688-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16689-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16689-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16691-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16691-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16691-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16693-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16693-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16695-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16695-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16696-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16696-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16697-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16697-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16698-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16698-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16700-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16700-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16701-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16701-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16702-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16702-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16704-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16704-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16705-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16705-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16706-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16706-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16707-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16707-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16708-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16708-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16709-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16709-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16710-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16710-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16711-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16711-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16712-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16712-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16713-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16713-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16714-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16714-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16715-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16715-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16716-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16716-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16717-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16717-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16718-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16718-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16719-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16719-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16720-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16720-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16775-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16775-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16776-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16776-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16777-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16777-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16778-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16778-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16781-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16781-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16781-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16782-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16782-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16783-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16783-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16783-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16784-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16784-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16785-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16785-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16785-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16786-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16786-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16787-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16787-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16788-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16788-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16789-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16789-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16789-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16790-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16790-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16791-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16791-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16792-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16792-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16793-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16793-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16794-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16794-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16799-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16799-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16801-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16801-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16802-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16802-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16803-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16803-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16818-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16818-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16818-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16819-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16819-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16819-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16820-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16820-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-19 13:44:36 SAST [16820-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16876-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16876-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16878-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16878-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16878-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16879-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16879-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16879-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16884-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16884-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16884-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16887-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16887-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16887-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16889-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16889-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16889-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16890-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16890-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16890-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16894-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16894-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16894-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16898-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16898-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16905-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16905-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16907-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16907-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16908-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16908-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16909-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16909-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16937-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16937-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16938-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16938-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16941-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16941-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16942-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16942-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16987-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16987-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16988-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16988-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16989-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16989-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16990-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 13:44:37 SAST [16990-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17005-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17005-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17006-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17006-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17009-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17009-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17010-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17010-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17015-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17015-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17016-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17016-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17017-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17017-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17018-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17018-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17021-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17021-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17022-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17022-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17025-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17025-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17026-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17026-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17027-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17027-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17028-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17028-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17039-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17039-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17040-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17040-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17041-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17041-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17042-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17042-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17045-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17045-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17046-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17046-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17055-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17055-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17056-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17056-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17057-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17057-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17058-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17058-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17063-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17063-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17064-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17064-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17065-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17065-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17066-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17066-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17069-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17069-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17070-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17070-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17078-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17078-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17082-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17082-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17083-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "secret" contains null values 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17083-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE users alter column secret set not null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17084-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17084-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17086-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17086-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17087-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17087-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17088-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17088-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17089-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17089-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17090-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17090-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17099-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17099-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17100-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17100-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17101-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17101-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17102-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17102-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17103-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17103-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17104-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17104-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17105-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17105-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17106-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17106-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17107-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17107-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17108-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17108-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17112-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17112-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17113-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17113-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17114-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17114-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17115-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17115-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17116-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17116-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17117-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17117-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17118-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17118-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17119-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17119-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17120-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17120-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17121-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17121-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17122-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17122-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17123-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17123-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17125-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17125-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17125-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17126-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17126-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17127-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17127-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17128-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17128-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17129-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17129-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17130-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17130-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17131-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17131-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17132-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17132-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17133-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17133-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17137-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17137-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17138-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17138-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17142-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17142-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17143-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17143-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17151-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17151-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17151-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17152-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17152-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17152-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17154-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17154-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17155-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17155-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17156-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17156-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17157-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17157-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17158-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17158-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17165-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17165-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17166-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17166-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17167-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17167-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17168-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17168-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17169-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17169-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17173-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17173-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17174-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17174-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17175-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17175-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17175-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17177-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17177-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17178-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17178-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17180-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17180-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17181-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17181-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17184-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17184-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17185-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17185-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17186-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17186-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17187-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17187-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17188-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17188-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17189-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17189-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17190-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17190-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17191-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17191-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17192-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17192-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17193-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17193-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17194-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17194-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17195-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17195-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17196-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17196-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17197-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17197-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17198-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17198-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17200-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17200-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17205-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17205-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17206-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17206-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17207-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17207-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17208-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17208-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17210-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17210-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17212-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17212-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17213-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17213-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17219-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17219-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17220-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17220-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17221-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17221-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17224-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17224-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17225-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17225-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17226-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17226-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17233-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17233-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17233-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17235-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17235-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17237-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-19 13:44:38 SAST [17237-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [17239-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [17239-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [17243-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [17243-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-19 13:44:39 SAST [15741-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15741-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15741-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17348-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17348-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17360-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17360-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17361-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17361-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17345-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17345-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17349-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17349-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15742-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15742-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17354-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17354-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17357-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17357-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17356-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17356-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17359-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17359-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17355-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17355-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17352-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17352-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17362-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17362-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17363-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17363-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17357-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17357-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15741-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15741-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15741-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15741-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17354-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17354-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15742-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [15742-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17361-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17361-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17348-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:15 SAST [17348-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17361-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17361-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17357-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17357-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17363-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17363-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17354-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17354-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17360-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17360-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17362-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17362-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17354-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17354-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17348-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17348-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17362-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17362-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17360-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17360-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17357-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17357-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17363-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17363-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17349-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17349-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17360-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17360-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17349-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17349-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17362-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17362-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17369-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17369-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17364-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17364-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17355-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17355-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17369-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17369-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17353-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15742-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17358-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17358-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17352-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17356-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17355-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17355-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17364-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17364-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17344-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15740-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17364-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17364-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [15741-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17368-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 13:46:16 SAST [17345-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17367-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17367-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18095-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18095-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18099-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18099-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17348-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17348-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18094-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18094-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17348-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17348-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18098-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18098-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15742-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15742-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17348-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17348-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17357-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17357-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17363-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17360-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18099-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18099-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15740-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15740-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17352-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17352-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17358-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17358-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17354-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17354-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17353-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17353-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17354-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17354-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17366-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17366-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17354-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17354-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17352-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17352-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17369-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17369-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17358-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17358-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17362-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17362-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17345-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17345-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17356-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17356-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17364-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17364-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17345-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17345-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17345-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17345-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17352-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17352-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17368-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17356-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17356-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17365-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17365-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17366-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17366-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17347-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17358-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17358-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17346-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17346-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [15741-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17344-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17346-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17346-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17353-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17353-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18094-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18094-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17359-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17369-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17369-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17353-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17353-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18094-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18094-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17349-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18096-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [17361-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:05:23 SAST [18097-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17355-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17355-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17344-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17344-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17347-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17347-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17354-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17354-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17359-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17359-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17358-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17359-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17359-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18095-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18095-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17355-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17355-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15740-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15740-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18095-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18095-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17353-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17353-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18095-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18095-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17364-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17364-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15740-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15740-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15741-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17364-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17364-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17366-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17367-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17347-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17347-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17354-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17354-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17359-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17359-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18094-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17357-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17347-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17347-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17346-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17346-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18097-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18097-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17348-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17348-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17352-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17356-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17356-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18097-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18097-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15742-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [15742-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18097-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [18097-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17348-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17348-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17345-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17346-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17346-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17346-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17346-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17368-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17360-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:09:58 SAST [17361-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17368-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17368-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17345-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17345-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17365-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17365-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17344-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17344-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18095-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18095-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17360-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17360-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17356-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17356-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18095-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18095-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17344-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17344-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17364-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17364-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17365-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17365-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17356-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17356-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17354-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17354-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17360-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17360-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17364-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17364-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17345-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17345-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17354-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17354-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17362-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17362-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17365-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17365-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17344-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17344-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17358-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15741-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15741-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15741-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15741-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15741-59] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15741-60] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18097-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18097-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17347-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17347-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17348-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17348-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17349-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17352-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17361-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17348-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17348-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17369-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17368-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17368-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18097-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18097-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18097-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18097-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [15742-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18094-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17346-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17357-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [17355-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:21:35 SAST [18096-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17357-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17357-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17346-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17346-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17353-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17353-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18099-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18099-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17366-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17366-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17354-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17354-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18098-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18098-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19021-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19021-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19020-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19020-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19020-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19020-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18098-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18098-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18098-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18098-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17362-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17359-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17359-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19018-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19018-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17366-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17366-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19018-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19018-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17356-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17356-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17355-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17355-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17369-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17369-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17344-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17344-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18097-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18097-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17344-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17344-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17361-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17361-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17349-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17349-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17364-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17364-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17355-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17355-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17369-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17369-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17348-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18095-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18095-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17363-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-61] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-62] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17369-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17369-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17359-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17359-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17344-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17344-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17358-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17358-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17365-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17365-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17358-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17358-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17360-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19017-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17354-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17354-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17356-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17356-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17356-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17356-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17345-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17345-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18097-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18097-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17366-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17366-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19019-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19019-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17352-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17352-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19018-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19018-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17357-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17357-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18097-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18097-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15740-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17352-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17352-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17357-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17357-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18095-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18095-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19025-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19025-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-63] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-64] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18099-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18099-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17367-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17367-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17346-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17346-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18099-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [18099-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19022-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19022-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17347-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17367-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17367-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17367-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17367-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-65] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-66] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19025-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19025-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-67] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [15741-68] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17346-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [17346-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19022-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19022-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19022-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:22:35 SAST [19022-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17354-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17354-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17354-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17354-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15740-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15740-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17368-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17368-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15741-69] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15741-70] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18099-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18099-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17362-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17362-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17357-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17357-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17360-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17360-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17360-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17360-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17368-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17368-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17368-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17368-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17362-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17362-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17369-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15740-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15740-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17355-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17355-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17360-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17360-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19020-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19020-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17344-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17357-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17357-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17355-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17355-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17363-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17363-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18099-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18099-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15741-71] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15741-72] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15740-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [15740-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18097-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17362-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17362-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18094-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18094-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17347-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17359-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17359-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18095-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18095-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18094-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18094-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18094-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18094-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17359-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17359-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19017-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17358-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17366-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17349-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [18096-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [19022-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17359-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:52 SAST [17359-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [18098-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [18098-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19019-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19019-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17369-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19020-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19020-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19018-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19018-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19020-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19020-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17356-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17344-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17346-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17346-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19019-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19019-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19021-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17367-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17345-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17353-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17352-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17355-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-59] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17368-60] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-59] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-60] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-61] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-62] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17362-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [19025-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-63] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:25:54 SAST [17358-64] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17352-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17352-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17345-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17345-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17352-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17352-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [15742-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [15742-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17347-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17347-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [15742-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [15742-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17362-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17362-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-61] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-62] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17364-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17364-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-63] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-64] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17362-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17362-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17348-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17348-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17345-59] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17345-60] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17355-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17355-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-65] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-66] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17369-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17369-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17345-61] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17345-62] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17364-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17364-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-59] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-60] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-67] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-68] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-69] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-70] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-71] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-72] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-73] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-74] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-75] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-76] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-77] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-78] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-61] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-62] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-59] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [18097-60] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [19020-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-63] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17344-64] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-79] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17368-80] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17362-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17362-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-19 14:26:02 SAST [17357-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [911-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [911-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19020-19] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17353-33] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17359-27] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17349-51] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19019-7] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17357-51] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19025-27] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [18096-55] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17347-41] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [15742-37] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19022-23] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [18094-31] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17344-65] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17365-11] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19021-13] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [15740-29] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17348-31] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19018-9] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [924-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [19017-21] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17346-33] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [18099-15] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [18098-11] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [18097-61] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [18095-19] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17369-41] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17368-81] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17367-41] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17366-33] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17364-23] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17363-29] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [15741-73] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17345-63] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17352-59] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17354-31] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17355-47] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17356-35] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17358-65] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17360-45] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17361-43] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [17362-47] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [921-31] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST [921-32] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-19 17:00:50 SAST [980-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-19 14:48:49 SAST 2019-02-19 17:00:50 SAST [980-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-19 17:00:50 SAST [986-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-19 17:00:50 SAST [972-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-19 17:00:50 SAST [994-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-19 19:27:05 SAST [972-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-19 19:27:05 SAST [972-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-19 19:27:05 SAST [986-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-19 19:27:05 SAST [983-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-19 19:27:05 SAST [983-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-19 19:27:43 SAST [971-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-19 19:27:05 SAST 2019-02-19 19:27:43 SAST [971-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-19 19:27:43 SAST [975-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-19 19:27:43 SAST [933-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-19 19:27:43 SAST [991-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-19 19:28:00 SAST [933-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-19 19:28:00 SAST [933-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-19 19:28:00 SAST [975-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-19 19:28:00 SAST [972-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-19 19:28:00 SAST [972-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-20 06:53:55 SAST [973-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-19 19:28:00 SAST 2019-02-20 06:53:55 SAST [973-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-20 06:53:55 SAST [964-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-20 06:53:55 SAST [979-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-20 06:53:55 SAST [987-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-20 07:13:17 SAST [4892-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:17 SAST [4892-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-20 07:13:24 SAST [4892-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-20 07:13:24 SAST [4892-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-20 07:13:24 SAST [4892-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-20 07:13:24 SAST [4892-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4919-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4919-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4920-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4920-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4921-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4921-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4921-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4922-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4922-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4923-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4923-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4924-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4924-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4925-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4925-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4926-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4926-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4927-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4927-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4928-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4928-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4929-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4929-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4930-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4930-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4931-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4931-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4932-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4932-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4933-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4933-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4934-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4934-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4935-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4935-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4936-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4936-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4968-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4968-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4968-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4988-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4988-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4989-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4989-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4989-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4990-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4990-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4991-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4991-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4992-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [4992-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5002-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5002-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5003-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5003-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5004-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5004-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5005-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5005-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5006-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5006-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5007-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5007-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5008-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5008-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5010-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5010-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5011-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5011-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5012-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5012-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5015-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5015-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5016-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5016-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5017-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5017-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5018-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5018-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5019-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5019-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5036-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5036-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5039-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5039-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5042-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5042-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5043-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5043-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5044-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5044-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5045-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5045-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5045-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5046-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5046-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5047-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5047-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5047-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5048-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5048-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5049-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5049-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5049-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5050-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5050-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5051-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5051-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5051-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5052-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5052-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5053-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5053-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5053-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5054-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5054-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5055-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5055-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5055-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5056-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5056-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5067-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:43 SAST [5067-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5083-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5083-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5084-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5084-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5085-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5085-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5092-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5092-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5093-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5093-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5094-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:44 SAST [5094-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [4893-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [4893-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [4893-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [4893-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [4892-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [4892-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5104-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5104-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5105-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5105-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5106-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5106-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5107-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5107-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5108-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5108-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5109-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5109-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5110-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5110-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5111-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5111-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5112-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5112-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5113-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5113-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5114-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5114-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5115-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5115-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5116-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5116-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5117-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5117-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5118-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5118-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5119-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5119-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5120-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5120-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5121-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5121-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5122-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5122-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5123-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5123-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5124-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5124-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5125-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5125-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5126-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5126-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5127-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5127-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5128-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5128-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5129-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5129-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5130-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5130-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5131-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5131-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5132-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5132-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5133-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5133-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5134-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5134-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5135-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5135-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5136-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5136-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5137-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5137-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5138-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5138-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5139-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5139-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5140-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5140-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5141-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5141-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5142-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5142-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5143-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5143-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5144-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5144-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5145-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5145-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5146-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5146-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5147-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5147-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5148-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5148-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5149-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5149-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5150-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5150-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5151-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5151-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5152-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5152-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5153-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5153-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5154-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5154-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5155-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5155-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5156-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5156-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5157-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5157-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5158-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5158-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5159-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5159-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5160-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5160-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5161-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5161-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5162-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5162-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5163-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5163-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5164-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5164-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5164-3] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5164-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5165-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5165-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5166-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5166-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5167-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5167-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5167-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5168-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5168-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5169-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5169-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5170-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5170-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5171-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5171-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5172-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5172-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5173-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5173-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5174-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5174-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5175-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5175-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5176-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5176-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5177-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5177-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5178-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5178-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5179-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5179-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5180-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5180-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5181-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5181-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5182-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5182-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5183-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5183-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5184-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5184-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5185-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5185-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5186-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5186-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5187-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5187-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5188-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5188-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5189-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5189-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5190-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5190-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5191-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5191-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5192-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5192-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5193-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5193-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5194-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5194-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5195-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5195-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5196-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5196-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5197-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5197-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5198-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5198-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5199-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5199-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5203-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5203-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5204-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5204-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5205-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5205-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5206-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5206-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5207-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5207-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5208-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5208-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5209-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5209-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5210-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5210-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5211-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5211-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5221-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5221-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5238-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5238-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5239-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5239-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5240-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5240-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5241-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5241-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5242-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5242-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5243-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5243-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5244-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5244-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5245-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5245-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5246-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5246-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5247-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5247-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5262-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5262-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5263-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5263-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5264-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5264-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5265-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5265-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5266-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5266-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5267-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5267-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5269-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5269-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5269-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5273-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5273-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5273-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5274-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5274-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5274-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5277-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5277-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 07:13:46 SAST [5277-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5280-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5280-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5287-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5287-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5288-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5288-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5289-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5289-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5290-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5290-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5292-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5292-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5293-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5293-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5302-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5302-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5303-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5303-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5305-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5305-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5306-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5306-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5307-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5307-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5308-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5308-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5309-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5309-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5310-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5310-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5311-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5311-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5318-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5318-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5318-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5319-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5319-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5320-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5320-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5321-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5321-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5322-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5322-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5323-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5323-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5324-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5324-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5325-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5325-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5326-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5326-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5327-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5327-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5328-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5328-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5329-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5329-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5330-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5330-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5331-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5331-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5333-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5333-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5336-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5336-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5337-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5337-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5338-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5338-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5339-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5339-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5340-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5340-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5341-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5341-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5342-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5342-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5343-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5343-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5344-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5344-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5345-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5345-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5346-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5346-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5347-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5347-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5348-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5348-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5349-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5349-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5350-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5350-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5351-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5351-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5352-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5352-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5353-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5353-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5354-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5354-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5355-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5355-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5357-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5357-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5359-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5359-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5360-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5360-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5361-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5361-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5362-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5362-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5363-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5363-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5364-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5364-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5365-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5365-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5366-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5366-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5367-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5367-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5368-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5368-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5369-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5369-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5371-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5371-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5372-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5372-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5373-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5373-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5374-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5374-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5390-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5390-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5392-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5392-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5393-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5393-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5398-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5398-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5402-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5402-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5402-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5403-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5403-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5403-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5404-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5404-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5405-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5405-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5406-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5406-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5407-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5407-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5408-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5408-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5409-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5409-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5410-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5410-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5411-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5411-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5412-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5412-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5413-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5413-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5414-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5414-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5415-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5415-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5416-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5416-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5417-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5417-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5418-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5418-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5419-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5419-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5420-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5420-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5422-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5422-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5423-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5423-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5424-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5424-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5425-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5425-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5426-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5426-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5429-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5429-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5439-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5439-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5442-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5442-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5444-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5444-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5448-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5448-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5463-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5463-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5468-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5468-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5469-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5469-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5470-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5470-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5471-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5471-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5472-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5472-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5473-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5473-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5474-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5474-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5476-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5476-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5477-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5477-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5482-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5482-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5484-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5484-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5485-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5485-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5486-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5486-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5487-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5487-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5488-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5488-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5489-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5489-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5490-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5490-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5491-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5491-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5492-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5492-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5493-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5493-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5511-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5511-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5512-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5512-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5514-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5514-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5516-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5516-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5519-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5519-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5520-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5520-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5524-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5524-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5525-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5525-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5526-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5526-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5527-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5527-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5528-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5528-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5529-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5529-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5530-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5530-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5531-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5531-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5532-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5532-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5533-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5533-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5534-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5534-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5535-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5535-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5536-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5536-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5537-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5537-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5538-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5538-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5539-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5539-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5540-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5540-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5541-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:47 SAST [5541-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5549-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5549-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5551-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5551-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5552-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5552-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5554-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5554-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5556-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5556-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5559-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5559-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5560-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5560-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5562-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5562-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5564-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5564-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5564-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5565-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5565-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5578-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5578-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5579-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5579-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5580-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5580-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5581-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5581-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5582-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5582-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5583-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5583-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5587-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5587-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5592-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5592-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5593-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5593-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5595-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5595-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5597-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5597-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5597-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5598-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5598-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5598-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5600-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5600-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5600-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5669-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5669-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5670-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5670-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5671-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5671-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5672-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5672-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5673-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5673-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5674-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5674-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5675-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5675-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5676-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5676-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5677-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5677-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5678-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5678-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5679-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5679-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5680-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5680-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5681-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5681-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5682-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5682-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5683-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5683-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5690-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5690-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5691-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5691-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5692-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5692-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5694-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5694-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5703-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5703-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5703-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5707-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5707-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5714-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:48 SAST [5714-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5754-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5754-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5755-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5755-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5757-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5757-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5758-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5758-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5759-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5759-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5762-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5762-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5763-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5763-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5764-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5764-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5765-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5765-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5769-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5769-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5770-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5770-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5772-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5772-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5773-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5773-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5774-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5774-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5775-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5775-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5775-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5776-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5776-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5776-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5777-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5777-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5778-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5778-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5779-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5779-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5780-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5780-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5781-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5781-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5781-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5782-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5782-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 07:13:49 SAST [5782-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5811-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5811-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5814-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5814-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5815-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5815-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5817-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5817-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5818-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5818-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5819-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5819-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5821-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5821-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5828-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5828-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5829-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5829-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5830-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5830-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5832-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5832-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5833-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5833-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5834-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5834-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5836-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5836-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5838-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5838-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5839-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5839-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5841-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5841-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5842-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5842-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5843-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5843-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5845-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5845-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5846-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5846-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5847-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5847-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5848-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5848-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5849-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5849-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5850-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5850-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5851-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5851-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5852-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5852-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5853-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5853-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5854-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:51 SAST [5854-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5855-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5855-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5856-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5856-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5857-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5857-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5858-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5858-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5859-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5859-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5861-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5861-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5861-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5863-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5863-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5865-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5865-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5866-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5866-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5867-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5867-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5868-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5868-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5870-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5870-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5871-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5871-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5872-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5872-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5874-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5874-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5875-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5875-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5876-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5876-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5877-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5877-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5878-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5878-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5879-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5879-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5880-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5880-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5881-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5881-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5882-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5882-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5883-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5883-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5884-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5884-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5885-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5885-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5886-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5886-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5887-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5887-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5888-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5888-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5889-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5889-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5890-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5890-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5947-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5947-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5948-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5948-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5949-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5949-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5950-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5950-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5953-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5953-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5953-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5954-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5954-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5955-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5955-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5955-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5956-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5956-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5957-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5957-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5957-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5958-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5958-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5959-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5959-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5960-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5960-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5961-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5961-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5961-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5962-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5962-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5963-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5963-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5964-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5964-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5965-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5965-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5966-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5966-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5971-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5971-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5973-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5973-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5974-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5974-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5975-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5975-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5990-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5990-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5990-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5991-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5991-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5991-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5992-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5992-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [5992-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6048-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6048-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6050-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6050-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6050-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6051-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6051-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6051-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6056-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6056-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6056-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6059-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6059-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6059-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6061-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6061-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6061-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6062-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6062-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6062-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6066-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6066-2] postgres@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6066-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6070-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6070-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6077-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6077-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6079-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6079-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6080-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6080-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6081-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:52 SAST [6081-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6108-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6108-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6109-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6109-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6112-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6112-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6113-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6113-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6158-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6158-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6159-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6159-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6160-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6160-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6161-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6161-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6176-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6176-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6177-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6177-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6180-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6180-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6181-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6181-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6186-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6186-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6187-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6187-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6188-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6188-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6189-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6189-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6192-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6192-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6193-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6193-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6196-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6196-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6197-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6197-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6198-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6198-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6199-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6199-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6210-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6210-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6211-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6211-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6212-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6212-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6213-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6213-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6216-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6216-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6217-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6217-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6226-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6226-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6227-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6227-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6228-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6228-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6230-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6230-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6234-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6234-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6235-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6235-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6236-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6236-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6237-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6237-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6240-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6240-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6241-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6241-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6249-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6249-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6253-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6253-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6254-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "secret" contains null values 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6254-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE users alter column secret set not null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6255-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6255-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6257-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6257-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6258-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6258-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6259-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6259-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6260-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6260-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6261-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6261-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6270-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6270-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6271-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6271-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6272-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6272-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6273-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6273-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6274-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6274-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6275-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6275-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6276-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6276-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6277-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6277-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6278-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6278-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6279-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6279-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6283-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6283-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6284-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6284-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6285-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6285-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6286-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6286-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6287-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6287-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6288-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6288-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6289-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6289-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6290-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6290-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6291-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6291-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6292-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6292-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6293-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6293-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6294-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6294-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6296-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6296-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-20 07:13:53 SAST [6296-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6297-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6297-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6298-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6298-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6299-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6299-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6300-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6300-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6301-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6301-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6302-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6302-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6303-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6303-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6304-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6304-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6308-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6308-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6309-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6309-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6313-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6313-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6314-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6314-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6322-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6322-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6322-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6323-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6323-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6323-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6325-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6325-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6326-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6326-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6327-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6327-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6328-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6328-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6329-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6329-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6336-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6336-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6337-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6337-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6338-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6338-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6339-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6339-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6340-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6340-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6344-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6344-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6345-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6345-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6346-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6346-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6346-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6348-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6348-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6349-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6349-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6351-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6351-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6352-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6352-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6355-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6355-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6356-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6356-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6357-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6357-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6358-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6358-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6359-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6359-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6360-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6360-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6361-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6361-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6362-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6362-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6363-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6363-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6364-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6364-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6365-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6365-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6366-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6366-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6367-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6367-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6368-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6368-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6369-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6369-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6371-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6371-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6376-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6376-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6377-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6377-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6378-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6378-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6379-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6379-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6381-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6381-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6383-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6383-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6384-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6384-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6390-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6390-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6391-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6391-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6392-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6392-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6395-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6395-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6396-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6396-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6397-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6397-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6404-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6404-2] postgres@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6404-3] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6406-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6406-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6408-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6408-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6410-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6410-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6414-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [6414-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 07:13:54 SAST [4892-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4892-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4892-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4891-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4891-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6493-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6493-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6492-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6492-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6502-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6502-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4891-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4891-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6491-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6491-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6493-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6493-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6491-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6491-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6493-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6493-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6491-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6491-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6497-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6494-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6499-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6498-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [4893-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6501-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:14:18 SAST [6490-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6493-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6493-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6501-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6501-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6491-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6491-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6498-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6498-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6499-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6499-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4891-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4891-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6501-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6501-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6499-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6499-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6491-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6491-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6491-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6491-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9217-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9217-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9217-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9217-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4891-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4891-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6499-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6499-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6502-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6494-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9215-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9218-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9218-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9225-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9225-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9223-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9223-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9229-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9229-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9225-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9225-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9229-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9229-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9232-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9232-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9232-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9232-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9216-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9230-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9230-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9218-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9218-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9222-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9222-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9231-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9231-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9230-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9230-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9232-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9232-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9218-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9218-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9231-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9231-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9227-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9227-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9228-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9228-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9223-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9223-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4891-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4891-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9227-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9227-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9224-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9223-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9223-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [6495-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [4893-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:05 SAST [9221-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [6495-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [6495-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9228-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9228-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9226-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9226-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9229-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9229-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9227-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9227-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9231-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9231-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9227-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9227-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9229-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9229-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9227-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:06 SAST [9227-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [9217-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [9217-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [4892-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [4892-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6498-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6498-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6497-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6497-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6492-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6492-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6490-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6490-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6490-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6490-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6497-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6497-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [4892-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [4892-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [9220-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [9220-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6492-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6492-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6502-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [6502-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [9219-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:26 SAST [9219-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9223-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9223-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6491-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6491-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6493-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6493-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6493-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6493-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9216-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9216-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9232-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9232-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9227-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9227-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9227-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9227-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6497-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6497-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6493-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6493-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9227-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9227-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9279-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9279-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9221-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9221-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9226-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9226-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9222-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9222-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9279-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9279-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9229-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9229-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9230-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9230-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9232-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9232-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9217-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9217-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9230-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9230-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9223-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9223-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6500-1] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6500-2] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9217-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9217-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9217-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9217-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4892-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6492-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9218-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9228-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9228-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9215-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [4891-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9281-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [6501-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:29:27 SAST [9224-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9279-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9279-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6500-3] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6500-4] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9232-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9232-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6492-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6492-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6491-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6491-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9227-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9227-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6493-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6493-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9224-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9224-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9279-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9279-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9230-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9230-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9216-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9218-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9218-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-41] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-42] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9218-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9218-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9218-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9218-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [9223-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4891-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-57] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6501-58] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-43] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [4892-44] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:31:27 SAST [6490-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6493-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6493-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6491-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6491-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-45] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-46] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9230-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9230-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6493-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6493-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9230-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9230-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6493-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6493-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6491-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6491-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9221-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9221-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9215-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9215-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9223-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9223-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9223-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9223-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-47] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-48] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9218-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9218-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9217-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9217-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9215-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9215-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9215-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9215-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9218-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9218-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9223-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9223-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-49] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-50] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9217-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9217-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-51] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [4892-52] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9217-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9217-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6497-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9226-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [6502-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9279-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:33:45 SAST [9216-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9215-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9215-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9223-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9223-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [4892-53] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [4892-54] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6493-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6493-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9221-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9221-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9223-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9223-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6492-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6492-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9231-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9231-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-5] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-6] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9281-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-7] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-8] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9231-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9231-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9223-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9223-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [4892-55] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [4892-56] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9221-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9221-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-17] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-18] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-9] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-10] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9228-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-19] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-20] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6492-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6492-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6492-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [6492-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9230-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-31] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-32] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-21] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-22] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-23] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-24] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-11] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-12] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-25] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-26] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-13] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-14] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-27] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-28] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-37] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-38] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-33] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-34] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-15] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9222-16] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-39] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9224-40] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-35] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9218-36] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-29] postgres@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:34:08 SAST [9227-30] postgres@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:42:36 SAST [10182-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:36 SAST [10182-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:36 SAST [10181-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:36 SAST [10181-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:36 SAST [10180-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:36 SAST [10180-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:37 SAST [10184-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:37 SAST [10184-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:37 SAST [10185-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:37 SAST [10185-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:37 SAST [10186-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:37 SAST [10186-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:38 SAST [10187-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:38 SAST [10187-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:38 SAST [10188-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:38 SAST [10188-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:38 SAST [10189-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:38 SAST [10189-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:39 SAST [10191-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:39 SAST [10191-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:39 SAST [10190-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:39 SAST [10190-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:39 SAST [10192-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:39 SAST [10192-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:40 SAST [10204-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:40 SAST [10204-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:40 SAST [10205-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:40 SAST [10205-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:40 SAST [10206-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:40 SAST [10206-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:41 SAST [10207-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:41 SAST [10207-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:41 SAST [10208-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:41 SAST [10208-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:41 SAST [10209-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:41 SAST [10209-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:42 SAST [10212-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:42 SAST [10212-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:42 SAST [10213-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:42 SAST [10213-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:43 SAST [10214-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:43 SAST [10214-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:44 SAST [10215-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:44 SAST [10215-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:44 SAST [10216-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:44 SAST [10216-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:44 SAST [10217-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:44 SAST [10217-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:45 SAST [10218-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:45 SAST [10218-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:45 SAST [10219-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:45 SAST [10219-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:45 SAST [10220-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:45 SAST [10220-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:46 SAST [10221-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:46 SAST [10221-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:46 SAST [10222-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:46 SAST [10222-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:46 SAST [10223-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:46 SAST [10223-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:47 SAST [10224-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:47 SAST [10224-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:47 SAST [10225-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:47 SAST [10225-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:47 SAST [10226-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:47 SAST [10226-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:48 SAST [10228-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:48 SAST [10228-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:48 SAST [10229-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:48 SAST [10229-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:48 SAST [10230-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:48 SAST [10230-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:49 SAST [10231-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:49 SAST [10231-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:49 SAST [10232-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:49 SAST [10232-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:49 SAST [10233-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:49 SAST [10233-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:50 SAST [10234-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:50 SAST [10234-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:50 SAST [10235-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:50 SAST [10235-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:50 SAST [10236-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:50 SAST [10236-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:51 SAST [10238-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:51 SAST [10238-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:51 SAST [10239-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:51 SAST [10239-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:51 SAST [10240-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:51 SAST [10240-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:52 SAST [10241-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:52 SAST [10241-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:52 SAST [10242-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:52 SAST [10242-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:52 SAST [10243-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:52 SAST [10243-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:53 SAST [10244-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:53 SAST [10244-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:53 SAST [10245-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:53 SAST [10245-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:53 SAST [10246-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:53 SAST [10246-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:54 SAST [10247-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:54 SAST [10247-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:54 SAST [10248-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:54 SAST [10248-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:54 SAST [10249-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:54 SAST [10249-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:55 SAST [10250-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:55 SAST [10250-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:55 SAST [10252-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:55 SAST [10252-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:55 SAST [10251-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:55 SAST [10251-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:56 SAST [10254-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:56 SAST [10254-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:56 SAST [10255-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:56 SAST [10255-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:56 SAST [10256-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:56 SAST [10256-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:57 SAST [10257-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:57 SAST [10257-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:57 SAST [10258-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:57 SAST [10258-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:57 SAST [10259-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:57 SAST [10259-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:58 SAST [10260-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:58 SAST [10260-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:58 SAST [10261-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:58 SAST [10261-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:58 SAST [10262-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:58 SAST [10262-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:59 SAST [10263-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:59 SAST [10263-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:59 SAST [10264-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:59 SAST [10264-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:42:59 SAST [10265-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:42:59 SAST [10265-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:00 SAST [10266-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:00 SAST [10266-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:00 SAST [10267-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:00 SAST [10267-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:00 SAST [10268-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:00 SAST [10268-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:01 SAST [10269-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:01 SAST [10269-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:01 SAST [10270-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:01 SAST [10270-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:01 SAST [10271-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:01 SAST [10271-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:02 SAST [10272-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:02 SAST [10272-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:02 SAST [10273-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:02 SAST [10273-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:02 SAST [10274-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:02 SAST [10274-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:03 SAST [10275-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:03 SAST [10275-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:03 SAST [10276-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:03 SAST [10276-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:03 SAST [10277-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:03 SAST [10277-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:04 SAST [10278-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:04 SAST [10278-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:04 SAST [10279-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:04 SAST [10279-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:04 SAST [10280-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:04 SAST [10280-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:05 SAST [10281-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:05 SAST [10281-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:05 SAST [10282-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:05 SAST [10282-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:05 SAST [10283-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:05 SAST [10283-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:06 SAST [10284-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:06 SAST [10284-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:06 SAST [10285-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:06 SAST [10285-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:06 SAST [10286-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:06 SAST [10286-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10287-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10287-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10288-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10288-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10289-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10289-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10290-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: password authentication failed for user "dhis" 2019-02-20 07:43:07 SAST [10290-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 92: "host all all md5" 2019-02-20 07:44:13 SAST [10374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:13 SAST [10374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-20 07:44:20 SAST [10374-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-20 07:44:20 SAST [10374-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-20 07:44:20 SAST [10374-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-20 07:44:20 SAST [10374-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10412-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10412-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10415-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10459-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-20 07:44:38 SAST [10459-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10480-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10480-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10536-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10536-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10538-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10538-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10540-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10540-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10542-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10542-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10544-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10544-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10546-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10546-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:39 SAST [10586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10374-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10374-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10374-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10374-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10374-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10374-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10596-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10596-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10597-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10597-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10599-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10599-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10603-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10603-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:41 SAST [10607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10618-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10650-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10651-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10652-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10652-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10653-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10654-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10655-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10656-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10656-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10656-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10659-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10659-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10667-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10667-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10668-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10668-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10669-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10669-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10670-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10670-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10671-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10671-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10676-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10676-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10677-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10677-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10678-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10678-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10679-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10680-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10681-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10681-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10682-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10683-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10683-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10685-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10685-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10686-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10686-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10687-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10687-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10688-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10688-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10689-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10689-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10690-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10690-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10691-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10691-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10692-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10693-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10697-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10697-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10701-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10761-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10763-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10763-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10767-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10767-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10768-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10768-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10771-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10771-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10786-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10786-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10787-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10787-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10799-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10799-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10812-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10812-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10814-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10815-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10815-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10817-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10818-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10818-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10820-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10820-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10821-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10821-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10827-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10827-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10831-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10839-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10847-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10849-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10849-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10851-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10855-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10855-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10856-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10856-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10866-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10866-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10871-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10872-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10872-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10873-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10873-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:44:42 SAST [10898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10994-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10995-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10995-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [10999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11013-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11013-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11026-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11026-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11059-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11059-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11060-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11060-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11062-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11062-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11141-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11141-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:43 SAST [11156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11164-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11164-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11168-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11168-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11236-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11236-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11237-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11237-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11242-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11242-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11243-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 07:44:44 SAST [11243-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11261-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11262-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11264-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11265-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11265-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11275-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11275-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11276-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11277-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11305-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11308-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11308-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11315-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11315-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11329-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11329-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11331-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11331-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11336-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:45 SAST [11337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11398-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11398-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11400-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11400-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11402-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11402-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11406-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11406-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11435-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11435-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11436-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11436-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11437-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11437-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11495-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11495-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11496-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11496-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11501-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11501-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11504-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11504-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11506-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11506-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11507-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11507-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11511-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11511-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11553-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11553-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 07:44:46 SAST [11558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11656-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11673-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11673-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11679-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11680-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11681-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11681-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11682-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11685-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11685-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11686-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11686-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11694-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11694-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "secret" contains null values 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE users alter column secret set not null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11741-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11741-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11745-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11753-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11753-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11767-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11767-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11768-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11768-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11773-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11773-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11791-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11791-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11794-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11810-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11811-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11814-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11821-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11821-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11852-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11852-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11856-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-20 07:44:47 SAST [11856-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [11858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [11858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [11862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [11862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 07:44:48 SAST [10374-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10374-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10374-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10374-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10374-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11927-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11925-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11929-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11929-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 72 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201811', '201812', '201901') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11936-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11936-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11930-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11930-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11930-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11930-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11916-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [10376-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 07:45:34 SAST [11918-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ax."timely" is true group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:24:02 SAST [13627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:02 SAST [13627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-20 08:24:08 SAST [13627-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-20 08:24:08 SAST [13627-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-20 08:24:08 SAST [13627-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-20 08:24:08 SAST [13627-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13660-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13660-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13667-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-20 08:24:25 SAST [13667-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13668-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13668-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13669-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13669-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13670-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13670-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13671-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13671-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13673-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13673-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13707-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13707-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13728-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13728-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13745-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13750-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13751-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13751-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13755-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13784-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13784-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13786-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13786-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13786-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13787-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13787-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13788-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13788-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13788-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13790-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13790-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13792-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13792-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13792-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13794-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13794-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13795-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13795-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13831-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:26 SAST [13833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13628-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13628-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13628-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13628-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13847-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13849-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13849-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13851-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13855-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13855-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13856-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13856-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13866-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13866-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13867-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13871-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13872-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13873-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13896-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13903-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13903-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13903-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13906-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13906-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:28 SAST [13960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [13986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14005-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14008-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14008-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14012-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14012-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14013-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14013-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14013-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14016-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14016-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14028-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14057-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14057-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14064-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14064-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14075-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14078-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14078-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14088-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14089-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14089-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14108-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14108-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14110-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14110-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14111-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14111-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14117-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14117-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14118-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14118-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14121-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14126-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14127-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14128-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14128-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14157-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14161-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14186-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14187-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14187-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14188-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14188-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14192-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14192-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14196-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14196-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:29 SAST [14233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14248-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14261-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14263-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14271-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14271-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14304-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14304-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14305-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14305-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14307-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14307-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14397-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14409-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14409-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14465-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14465-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14481-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14481-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14482-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14482-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14487-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14487-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14488-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 08:24:30 SAST [14488-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14548-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14550-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14550-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14553-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14553-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14553-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14563-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14563-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14566-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14566-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14567-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14567-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14574-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14574-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14654-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14654-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14655-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14656-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14656-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14658-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14658-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14662-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14662-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14667-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14667-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14676-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14676-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14691-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14691-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14691-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14692-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14692-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14693-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 08:24:32 SAST [14693-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14752-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14752-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14754-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14754-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14755-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14755-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14760-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14760-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14763-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14763-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14765-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14765-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14765-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14766-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14766-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14770-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14770-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14817-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14896-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "secret" contains null values 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE users alter column secret set not null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14994-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14995-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14995-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-20 08:24:33 SAST [14997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [14999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [14999-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [14999-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15005-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15017-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15017-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15025-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15025-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15026-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15026-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15028-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15030-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15049-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15049-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15064-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15064-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15107-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15107-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15111-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15111-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [15117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 08:24:34 SAST [13628-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15265-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15265-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15275-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15275-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15259-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15259-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15275-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15275-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15275-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15275-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15259-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15259-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13628-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15260-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15260-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15260-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13629-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13629-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15257-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13629-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [13629-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15267-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:34 SAST [15267-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13628-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13628-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15260-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15260-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13629-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13629-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13629-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13629-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15276-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15264-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15260-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15260-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15263-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15259-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15276-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15276-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15264-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15264-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15274-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15276-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15276-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13628-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13628-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13629-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13629-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15264-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15264-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15265-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13628-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13628-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15271-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15269-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15268-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15256-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [13627-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:25:35 SAST [15273-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15274-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15274-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15279-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15279-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15471-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15256-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15256-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15256-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15256-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15276-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15276-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15268-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15268-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15259-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15259-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15479-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15479-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15265-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15265-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13629-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13629-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15264-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15472-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15275-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15281-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15281-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13629-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13629-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13627-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13627-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15281-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15281-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15274-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15274-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15274-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15274-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13627-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [13627-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15257-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15257-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15279-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15279-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15259-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15259-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15268-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15268-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15475-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15469-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15468-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15468-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15478-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15473-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15271-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15470-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15470-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15276-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15276-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:28:43 SAST [15280-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15472-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15472-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15470-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15470-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15265-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15265-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15472-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15472-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15470-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15470-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15477-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15477-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15273-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15273-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15273-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15273-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15468-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15468-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15264-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15264-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15468-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15468-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15271-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15271-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15279-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15264-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15264-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15477-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15477-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15474-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15474-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15270-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15270-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15469-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15469-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15280-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15280-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15471-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15471-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15280-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15280-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15281-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15281-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15479-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15479-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [13628-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [13628-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15277-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15479-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15479-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [13628-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [13628-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [13627-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [13627-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15275-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15263-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15263-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15278-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15278-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15263-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15263-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15263-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15263-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15258-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15258-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15278-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15278-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15473-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15266-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15266-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15260-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15531-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15267-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15476-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15476-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15475-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15274-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15268-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15276-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:29:39 SAST [15269-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15267-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15267-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15473-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15473-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15281-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15281-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15469-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15469-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15269-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15269-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15479-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15479-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15268-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15268-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15277-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15277-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15280-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15280-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15473-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15473-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15277-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15277-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15270-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15473-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15473-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15479-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15479-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15280-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15280-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15280-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15280-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15475-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15255-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15267-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15267-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15278-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15278-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15263-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15268-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15268-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15268-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15268-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15275-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15257-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15531-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15531-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15258-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15274-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15264-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15260-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13628-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13628-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13627-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15476-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13628-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [13628-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:30:23 SAST [15471-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:43:07 SAST [16206-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:07 SAST [16206-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-20 08:43:13 SAST [16206-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-20 08:43:13 SAST [16206-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-20 08:43:13 SAST [16206-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-20 08:43:13 SAST [16206-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-20 08:43:34 SAST [16281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:34 SAST [16281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16283-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16283-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16330-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16330-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16351-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16351-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16353-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16353-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16364-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16364-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16365-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16365-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16366-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16366-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16367-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16367-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16368-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16368-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16407-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16407-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16409-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16409-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16411-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16411-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16412-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16413-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16413-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16415-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16415-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16417-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16417-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:35 SAST [16429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:36 SAST [16470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16206-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16206-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16487-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16545-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16545-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16545-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16548-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16548-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16550-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16550-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16552-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16552-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16553-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16553-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16563-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16563-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16565-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16565-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16566-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16566-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16567-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16567-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16574-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16574-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16587-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16587-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:38 SAST [16592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16650-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16650-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16654-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16654-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16655-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16655-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16658-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16658-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16668-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16668-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16669-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16669-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16670-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16670-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16671-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16671-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16673-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16673-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16683-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16683-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16686-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16686-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16687-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16687-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16688-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16688-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16689-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16689-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16690-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16690-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16691-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16691-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16692-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16699-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16699-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16701-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16707-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16745-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16750-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16751-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16751-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16752-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16752-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16753-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16753-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16755-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16759-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16759-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16760-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16760-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16761-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16762-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16765-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16765-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16768-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16769-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16769-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16773-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16773-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16794-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16799-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16799-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16818-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16818-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16827-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16827-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16831-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16839-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 08:43:39 SAST [16842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16873-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16913-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16913-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16946-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16946-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16947-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16947-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16949-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [16949-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17023-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17023-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17025-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17028-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17030-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:40 SAST [17044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17054-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17054-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17108-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17108-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17110-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17110-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17121-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17126-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17126-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17127-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17127-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17128-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17128-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17132-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "value" 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17132-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17133-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "comment" 2019-02-20 08:43:41 SAST [17133-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17167-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17167-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17171-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17173-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17173-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17178-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17179-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17179-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17180-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17186-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17187-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17187-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17188-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17188-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17192-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17192-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17196-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17196-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17198-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17198-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17202-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17202-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17203-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17203-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17204-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17204-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17208-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17208-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17209-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17209-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17211-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17211-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17212-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17214-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17214-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:42 SAST [17218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17222-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17222-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17288-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17288-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17290-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17290-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17292-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17292-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17296-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17296-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17325-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17325-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17326-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17326-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17327-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17327-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17385-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_informedpush_ct_test_join_ous depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17385-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17386-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17386-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17391-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view view_ipt_sh depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17391-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17394-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17394-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17396-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17396-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17396-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17397-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17397-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17401-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17401-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17412-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17415-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-20 08:43:43 SAST [17448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17548-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17552-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17552-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17563-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17563-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17574-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17574-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17587-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17587-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "secret" contains null values 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE users alter column secret set not null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17594-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17594-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17618-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17630-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17630-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17656-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17656-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17656-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17657-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17657-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17670-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17670-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17671-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17671-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17673-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17673-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17678-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17678-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17679-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17680-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17680-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17682-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17683-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17683-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17685-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17685-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17686-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17686-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17689-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17689-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17690-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17690-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17691-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17691-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17692-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17693-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17694-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17694-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17695-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17695-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17696-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17696-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17697-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17697-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17701-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-20 08:43:44 SAST [17713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17738-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17738-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [17748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 08:43:45 SAST [16205-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17916-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17916-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17905-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17905-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17908-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17908-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17917-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17917-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17907-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17907-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [17918-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:08 SAST [16205-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17915-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17915-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16206-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16206-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17923-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17923-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17915-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17915-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17923-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17923-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16205-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16205-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17924-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16205-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16205-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17916-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17916-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16206-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16206-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16206-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16206-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17916-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17916-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17909-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17916-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17916-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17913-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17918-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17915-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17915-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17926-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17926-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [16207-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17926-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17926-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17927-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17922-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17904-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:45:09 SAST [17925-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17922-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17922-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17922-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17922-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17913-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17913-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17926-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17926-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17918-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17918-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17926-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17926-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17922-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17922-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16205-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16205-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17918-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17918-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16207-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16207-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16207-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16207-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17926-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17926-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16205-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [16205-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17906-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17906-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17923-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17923-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17906-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17906-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17924-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17924-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17924-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17924-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17925-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17925-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17927-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17927-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17915-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17915-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18212-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17915-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17915-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17904-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17904-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17917-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17907-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17907-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18211-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18211-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18214-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18214-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17927-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17927-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18211-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18211-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17915-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17915-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18214-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18214-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17905-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17927-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17927-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18211-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18211-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17924-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17924-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [18216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17916-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:39 SAST [17916-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17924-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17924-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17909-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17909-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16205-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16205-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16206-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16206-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16207-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16207-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17916-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17916-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17913-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17913-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17913-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17913-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18218-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18218-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17922-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17922-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17922-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17922-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18218-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18218-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16205-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16205-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17908-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17908-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17914-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17914-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17927-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17927-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17913-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17913-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17916-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17916-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17906-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17906-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16206-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16206-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16207-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [16207-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17909-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17909-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17922-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [17922-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18219-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18219-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18221-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18221-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18219-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18219-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18213-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18221-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18221-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18222-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 08:50:40 SAST [18217-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17906-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17906-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17906-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17906-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17926-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17926-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17906-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17906-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18218-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18218-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17924-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17924-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17914-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17914-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17922-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17922-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18218-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18218-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17926-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17926-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17913-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17913-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17905-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17905-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17905-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17905-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17913-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17913-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17922-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17922-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17905-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17905-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [16205-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [16205-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17908-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17908-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18212-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18212-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18212-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18212-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18217-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18217-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18218-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18218-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18217-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18217-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [16205-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [16205-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [18213-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:26 SAST [17909-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17907-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17907-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17909-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17909-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18221-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18221-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18221-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18221-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17914-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17914-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17922-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17922-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17926-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17926-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17924-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17924-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17914-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17914-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18221-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18221-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17924-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17924-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17905-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17905-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17913-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [17913-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18220-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18220-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [16205-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18220-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18220-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:27 SAST [18217-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16205-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16205-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18220-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18220-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18212-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18212-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18212-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18212-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16205-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16205-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18212-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18212-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17925-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17925-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18218-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18218-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18221-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18221-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18221-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18221-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18221-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18221-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18217-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18217-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17925-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17925-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16207-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16207-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17914-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17914-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18214-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18214-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16205-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16205-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17922-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17922-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17908-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17908-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17907-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17907-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17925-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17925-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17914-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17914-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16206-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17923-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17926-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18220-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [18220-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17909-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [17909-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16207-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:17:37 SAST [16207-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17926-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17926-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17909-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17909-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17909-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17909-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17909-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17909-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17922-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17922-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17913-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17913-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17926-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17926-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17922-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17922-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17925-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17925-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [16207-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [16207-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18214-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18214-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17914-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17914-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17914-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17914-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18220-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17926-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [17926-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18214-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:17:38 SAST [18214-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17923-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17923-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17923-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17923-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19230-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19230-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19230-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19230-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18216-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18216-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17918-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17918-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19226-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19226-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17904-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18219-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18219-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18219-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18219-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19228-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19228-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18211-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [19225-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18222-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18222-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18219-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18219-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18216-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18216-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18212-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18212-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18222-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18222-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17913-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17913-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18212-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18212-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17924-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17924-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18217-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18217-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18215-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18215-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18222-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18222-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16206-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16206-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18215-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [18215-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16206-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16206-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16206-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16206-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [17915-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:19:09 SAST [16207-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17908-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17908-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17909-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17909-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17922-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17922-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17926-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17926-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18214-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18214-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18220-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18220-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17917-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17917-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18215-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18215-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17924-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17924-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17926-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17926-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17905-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17905-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17905-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17905-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17926-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17926-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18215-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18215-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18215-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18215-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19226-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19226-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19225-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19225-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19226-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19226-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19225-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19225-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19387-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19387-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19225-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19225-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18221-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17923-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19227-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19227-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [19229-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17927-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [17904-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:24:55 SAST [18222-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17907-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17907-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17907-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17907-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17926-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17926-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17926-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17926-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17923-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17923-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18215-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18215-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17905-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17905-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17926-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17926-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18212-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18212-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18218-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18218-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17907-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17907-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [16205-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [16205-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19226-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17927-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17927-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18219-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18219-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17906-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17906-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19227-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19227-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17923-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17923-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17906-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17906-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17913-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17913-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18216-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18216-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17914-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [19229-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18216-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18216-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18216-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18216-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17908-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [17909-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:37:15 SAST [18221-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [18221-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [18221-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17907-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17907-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17906-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17906-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [18214-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [18214-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17924-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17924-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [18214-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [18214-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17905-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:48:21 SAST [17905-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17922-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17922-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17915-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17915-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17909-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17909-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19230-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19230-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [16206-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [16206-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17922-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17922-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17923-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17923-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17914-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17914-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17914-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17914-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17922-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17922-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17926-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17925-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17908-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17908-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17906-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19230-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19230-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17908-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17908-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18220-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18220-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17907-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17907-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17916-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17916-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19225-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18221-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18215-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18215-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17916-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17916-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19228-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19228-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19228-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [19228-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [18222-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17916-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:48:22 SAST [17916-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17917-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17917-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17922-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17922-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18222-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18222-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18212-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18212-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18215-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18215-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17917-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17917-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18215-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18215-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17916-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17916-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17926-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [16206-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [16206-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19225-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19225-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17923-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17923-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17923-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17923-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17914-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17914-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18212-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18212-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17914-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17914-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18212-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18212-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18213-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18220-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18221-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [18221-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17917-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17917-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17924-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17913-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17913-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19229-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19229-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19228-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19229-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19229-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17925-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17925-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19229-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19229-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17907-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17925-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17925-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17925-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17925-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [19227-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:08 SAST [17915-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19230-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19230-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17923-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17923-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19226-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19226-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19230-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19230-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17923-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17923-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [16205-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [16205-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17923-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17923-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19229-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19229-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [18222-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [18222-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19229-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19229-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [16205-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [16205-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19226-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [19226-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17908-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17908-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [16205-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [16205-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17917-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17917-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17917-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17917-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:45 SAST [17909-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18214-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18214-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [16206-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [16206-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18218-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18218-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17915-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17915-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18212-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18212-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17923-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17923-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17916-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17916-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17908-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17908-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17916-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17916-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18215-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18215-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17916-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17916-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18212-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18212-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18216-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18216-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17925-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17925-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18218-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18218-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18216-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18216-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18218-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18218-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17908-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17908-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17925-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17925-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17915-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17915-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17908-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17908-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18219-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17925-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [17925-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [19228-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 09:59:46 SAST [18213-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17904-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17904-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [16207-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [16207-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17922-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17922-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18221-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18221-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19387-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19387-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17904-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17904-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19228-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19228-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17927-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17927-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17922-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17922-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [16206-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [16206-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18213-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18213-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17906-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17906-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19230-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19230-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17923-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17923-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19229-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [19229-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [16205-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [16205-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17914-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17914-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18218-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18218-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17914-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17914-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18214-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18214-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18212-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18212-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17907-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18214-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18214-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18214-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18214-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18212-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18212-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18218-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18218-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17918-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17918-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17925-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17917-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [17916-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:07:07 SAST [18219-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17918-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17918-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17914-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17914-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17907-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17907-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18219-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18219-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16206-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16206-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16205-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16205-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16205-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16205-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19230-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19230-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19230-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19230-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17918-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17918-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18214-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18214-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16207-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16207-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18215-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18215-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17913-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17913-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17917-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17917-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16207-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [16207-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17917-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17917-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19229-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19229-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18221-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18221-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17917-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17917-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18221-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18221-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17927-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17927-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17909-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17909-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17909-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17909-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19227-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19227-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17906-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17906-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17906-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17906-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17915-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17915-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17905-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17905-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17915-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17915-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18213-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19225-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19225-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17905-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [17905-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18215-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18215-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19225-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19225-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18218-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19387-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19387-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18222-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18222-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18222-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18222-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19387-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19387-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18212-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18222-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [18222-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:31:12 SAST [19226-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18215-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18215-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19229-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19229-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17905-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17905-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17917-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17917-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19229-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19229-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19387-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19387-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [16207-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [16207-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17927-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17927-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18213-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18213-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17922-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17922-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18212-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18212-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17922-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17922-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19387-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19387-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17909-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17909-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17924-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17924-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18212-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18212-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18221-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18221-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19226-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19226-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19229-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19229-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18215-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18215-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19387-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [19387-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17924-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17924-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18215-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18215-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18221-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [18221-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17924-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:34 SAST [17924-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17909-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17909-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18219-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18219-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16206-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16206-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17918-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17918-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18219-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18219-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17909-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17909-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17926-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17926-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18219-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18219-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17918-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17918-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18214-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18214-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16206-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16206-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19230-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19230-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19230-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19230-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18214-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18214-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16206-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16206-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16205-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16205-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17904-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17904-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18217-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18217-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18217-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18217-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16205-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16205-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16207-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16205-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [16205-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18217-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18217-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17904-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17904-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17909-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17909-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18220-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18220-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19225-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19225-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19225-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [19225-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18220-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [18220-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17904-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:36:35 SAST [17904-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17908-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17908-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [18211-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [18211-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17904-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17904-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [16206-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [16206-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [19225-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [19225-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17907-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17907-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17913-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17913-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [18217-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [18217-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [16205-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [16205-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [16206-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [16206-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [18214-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [18214-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17904-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:01 SAST [17904-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18216-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18216-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18211-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18211-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16206-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16206-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18211-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18211-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16207-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16207-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18213-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18213-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17906-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17906-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17906-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17906-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17907-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17907-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17907-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17907-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16205-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16205-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16205-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16205-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16205-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16205-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18216-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18216-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18214-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18214-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18216-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18216-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17907-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17907-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18217-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18217-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17906-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17906-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18218-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [18218-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16207-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [16207-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19225-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19225-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17915-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17915-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17915-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17915-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19226-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19226-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17922-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17922-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17926-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17926-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17914-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17914-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17914-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17914-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17926-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17926-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [19227-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17914-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17914-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17913-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17913-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17913-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17913-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17925-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:02 SAST [17924-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16207-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16207-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17922-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17922-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17922-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17922-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('sDex1Qy8KjA', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'W6iaLjr2XG2') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17905-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17905-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('fOTyek0LRnE', 'z3lANGQgSrn', 'ihGKgkEUpfz', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16206-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16206-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17904-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17904-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C', 'GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19387-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19387-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR', 'DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17927-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17927-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18219-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18219-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18213-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19387-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 63 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19387-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."monthly" in ('201802', '201803', '201804', '201805', '201806', '201807', '201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16207-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16207-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'W6iaLjr2XG2', 'aUuYJ25XFBb') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17905-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17905-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('JGLBWc77qrN', 'cp3Y327gAsY', 'fOTyek0LRnE', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19387-21] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19387-22] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV', 'LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19225-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19225-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GgcyILRiiJ1', 'sDex1Qy8KjA', 'nqRDBjMvulW', 'h5Y8PelBiGR') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18219-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18219-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18211-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18212-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18212-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI') and ax."co" in ('GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'jy86glDoMLO', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'XlGgWHa5Er0', 'mt9SWhh1Cre') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17904-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17904-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('BEMK0jQHPBN') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17917-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17917-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."yearly" in ('2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ihGKgkEUpfz', 'BEMK0jQHPBN', 'xvLgqMUwR1m') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19230-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19230-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('tSQ1PV3M1a3', 'vzzWr3lYcrq', 'oDnWRzD5tRi') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17917-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17917-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('z3lANGQgSrn', 'YqDGllZGA0P', 'wLWu8jzXUeV') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17907-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('VvPljTKf5rf') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18218-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18218-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17914-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17914-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19230-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [19230-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18216-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18216-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18218-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18218-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('LO70PBYrBE9', 'moPHYv36PKR') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('nqRDBjMvulW', 'tsVPADeBpHd') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ETYQ9xrOgCI', 'bA3bvKxbmDP') and ax."co" in ('jy86glDoMLO', 'binVVrXjUoo', 'e82ZBAX5mwf', 'yX8Jw94a50t', 'kuaIs6PmO6t', 'yBiyPmKY8Ys', 'Dl0azU6CIaN', 'STpw8BQw7Qy', 'mt9SWhh1Cre', 'tUiK0vIsDaX', 'GLyrxm7RamK', 'cICl8QRiG2M', 'Bm19rjxoiQo', 'hAyTxAXdvJd', 'rTBsPQLK7Zm', 'e3iIPP02AgZ', 'll3hrLhiwts', 'YCIJMYpSOWJ', 'CYDyQCJW7p9', 'Q4lUeDf2r7z', 'EfnRUWLUFgM', 'dn857qxCLjI', 'ascYulb9hGt', 'sDN7dWzFX89', 'XlGgWHa5Er0') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18216-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18216-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('OBC8BHeDort') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtO2xEjZAs4') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('ZQrJXuQJhlG') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('SsMidDhCt0C') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18217-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('DtuWBCzZ3Fo') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('pHZ9Ag31OuR') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18216-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [18216-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [17908-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 62 2019-02-20 10:37:12 SAST [16205-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."yearly" in ('2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."yearly" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18216-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18216-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18220-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18220-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18218-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18218-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18211-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18211-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18212-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18212-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17922-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17922-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18211-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18211-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18211-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18211-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17915-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17915-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19387-23] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19387-24] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17914-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17914-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18213-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18213-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17922-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17922-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17924-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17924-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19387-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19387-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17916-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17916-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19387-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19387-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17924-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17924-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17925-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17925-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17918-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17918-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17925-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17925-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17925-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17925-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17918-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17918-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18221-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [16205-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [16205-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18215-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [18215-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [16205-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [16205-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17916-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17916-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19226-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19226-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19229-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19226-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19226-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19228-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [19228-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [16205-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [16205-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17913-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17917-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:37:14 SAST [17927-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17925-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17925-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19229-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19229-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17926-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17926-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17918-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17918-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18218-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18218-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18214-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18214-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19225-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19225-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18218-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18218-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17918-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17918-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19387-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19387-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19225-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [19225-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17914-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18218-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [18218-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17918-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17918-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [16207-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:07 SAST [17908-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17922-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17922-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18222-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18222-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17909-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17909-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17923-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17923-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18222-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18222-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18222-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18222-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17923-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17923-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17915-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17915-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17904-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17904-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17922-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17922-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17925-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17925-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17925-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17925-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18211-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18211-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17915-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17915-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18211-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18211-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18213-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17915-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17915-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18212-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18212-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [18217-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17905-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17905-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17905-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17905-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17905-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:39:28 SAST [17905-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17913-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17913-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17904-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17904-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('vF1PQjQ5tGR') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-25] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-26] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17923-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17923-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('YIFDruNbmOy', 'tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-27] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-28] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18216-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18216-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('GLJ6cC4xXKG') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17907-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17907-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18222-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18222-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('x4OBIz57xEL') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17905-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17905-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18216-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18216-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17907-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17907-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Wio8sTIzvVg') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17924-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17924-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17909-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17909-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19227-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17909-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17909-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('C8RRIhJaiEQ') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17917-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17917-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19226-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19226-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17925-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17925-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17915-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17915-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17925-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17925-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19226-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19226-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2018') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [16205-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [16205-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('gVsArAHtOwn') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17917-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17917-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('Pb67rx4pVJU') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18213-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [18213-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('kTBfJl3yeB6') and ax."co" in ('LAF03P7rI6Y', 'uEOfpCTqD2h', 'E7GAgQ3gL4v', 'OJeMyXcc67d') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19226-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [19226-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('E6UFjKIbU97') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17917-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17917-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('o7DrVHtVywq') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17915-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics" does not exist at character 65 2019-02-20 10:40:05 SAST [17915-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics as ax where ax."dx" in ('hJcUlApNmaj') and ax."co" in ('tUiK0vIsDaX', 'qbWzt6MMjLj') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."yearly" in ('2019') ) group by ax."dx",ax."co",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [16205-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [16205-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17923-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17923-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19228-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19228-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19227-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19227-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [18215-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [18215-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17927-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17927-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [16206-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [16206-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17904-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17904-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [18215-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [18215-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19228-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19228-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17904-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17904-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17904-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17904-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19228-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [19228-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17915-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [17915-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [16206-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:32 SAST [16206-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17927-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17927-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16205-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16205-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18213-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16205-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16205-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17927-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17927-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17924-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17924-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19227-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19227-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17923-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17923-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17915-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17915-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17917-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17917-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17927-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17927-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17924-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17924-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19227-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19227-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17915-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17915-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17909-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17909-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17924-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17924-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17917-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17917-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19227-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19227-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17913-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16206-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16206-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19226-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19226-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16207-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16207-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17926-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17926-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18221-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18221-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18212-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18212-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18212-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18212-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18211-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18211-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18212-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18212-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19229-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19229-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18216-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18216-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17908-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17908-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18222-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18222-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18211-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18211-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16207-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16207-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18211-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18211-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16207-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [16207-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18222-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18222-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17918-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17906-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17906-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18220-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [19225-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17906-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [17906-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18218-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:46:33 SAST [18214-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18222-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18222-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18220-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18220-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17926-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17926-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19229-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19229-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18214-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18214-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17926-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17926-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18222-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18222-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18221-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18221-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18218-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18218-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18222-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18222-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18221-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18221-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18212-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18212-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17905-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18221-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18221-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17922-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17908-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18212-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18212-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17918-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18216-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18216-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17923-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17923-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19227-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19227-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18216-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18216-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17906-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19227-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19227-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17927-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18216-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18216-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18213-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17923-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17923-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19227-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19227-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17913-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17923-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17923-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18215-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17924-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [17907-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [19225-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:48:08 SAST [18211-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19229-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19229-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17923-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17923-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19229-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19229-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17923-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17923-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18213-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18213-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18211-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18211-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18211-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18211-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19227-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19227-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19227-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19227-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18211-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18211-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17906-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19227-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19227-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16207-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16207-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18214-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18214-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17905-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17905-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17917-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17917-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18218-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18218-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17924-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17924-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17927-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17927-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17918-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17918-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17918-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17918-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18220-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18220-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17905-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17905-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17922-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17922-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18212-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18212-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18218-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18218-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17924-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17924-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17925-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17925-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19228-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19228-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19226-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19226-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19230-29] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19230-30] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17915-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17915-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19230-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19230-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19226-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19226-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17925-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17925-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17926-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19228-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19228-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17909-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17909-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18219-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18219-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17916-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17916-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19228-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19228-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17904-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17904-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18214-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18214-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18214-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18214-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17924-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17924-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18218-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18218-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17922-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17922-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18220-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18220-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17918-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17918-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17927-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17927-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19226-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [19226-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [16206-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18220-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18220-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18212-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18212-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17927-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17927-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18215-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18215-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17913-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17913-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17904-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17904-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17917-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17917-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17916-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17916-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18222-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18217-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17916-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17916-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17917-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17917-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17904-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [17904-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:54:24 SAST [18221-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18221-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18221-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18217-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18217-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18214-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18214-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17905-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17905-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17917-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17917-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17913-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17913-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18218-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18218-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18218-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18218-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17925-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17925-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18215-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17913-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17913-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18219-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18218-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18218-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18214-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18214-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17915-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17915-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17905-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17905-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-39] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-40] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-41] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [19230-42] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17915-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17915-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17905-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [17905-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18214-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:39 SAST [18214-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17905-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17905-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17925-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17925-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17925-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17925-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17913-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17913-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18218-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18218-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18217-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18217-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18217-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18217-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18218-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18218-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18222-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18222-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17913-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17913-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18219-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18219-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19230-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17917-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17917-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17918-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17918-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17922-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17922-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19229-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19229-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17924-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17924-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17922-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17922-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18212-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18212-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-51] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-52] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-53] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-54] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17924-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17924-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18212-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18212-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18213-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18213-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18213-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18213-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-57] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-58] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17918-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17918-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17918-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17918-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19226-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17923-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17923-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17922-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17922-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18216-43] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18216-44] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-31] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-32] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19229-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19229-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-33] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-34] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-35] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-36] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18216-45] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18216-46] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19225-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18213-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18213-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18215-59] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18215-60] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-49] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19228-50] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19229-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19229-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [16206-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [16206-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18212-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [18212-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-37] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [19387-38] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [17927-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [16206-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 14:55:40 SAST [16206-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18215-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18215-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18221-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18221-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18218-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18218-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18218-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18218-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18215-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18215-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18221-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18221-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16205-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16205-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18219-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F', 'INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I', 'zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX', 'foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17916-55] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17916-56] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18220-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18220-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-61] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-62] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18220-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18220-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [16206-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18214-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18214-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18215-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18215-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18218-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18218-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18216-47] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18216-48] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('EPuITkhwMgu') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18214-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18214-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j', 'VsErKFEWtK2', 't5xrlim5U96') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-63] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-64] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18214-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18214-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('PZaVroJfKXF') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17927-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('t5xrlim5U96') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18220-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18220-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('VsErKFEWtK2') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel2" in ('kjLBdjeL0s3') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17917-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17909-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17926-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-65] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-66] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."monthly" in ('201901') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('GtSr7in0YLy') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17915-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-08-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-08-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-09-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-09-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19226-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-10-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-10-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17924-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-11-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-11-30' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2018-12-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2018-12-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completenesstarget" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx", sum(value) as value from analytics_completenesstarget as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) and ((ax."ouopeningdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."ouopeningdate" is null) and (ax."oucloseddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."oucloseddate" is null)) and ((ax."costartdate" <= '2019-01-01' or ax."costartdate" is null) and (ax."coenddate" >= '2019-01-31' or ax."coenddate" is null)) group by ax."dx" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [19225-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('INdFWmi24qv', 'kjLBdjeL0s3', 'EKun0CB2B6I') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('lWYVRReLFHm', 'FKtScOIe4fO', 'xgYLZCnwI8F') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [18213-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('zGn4gXfWdia', 'DWGGOv9nZen', 'wjOv8GhG8TX') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 59 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('kSB0O8PT79v') and ax."uidlevel2" in ('foUT4Wd8KY0', 'bvhpBJByjCs') and ( ax."quarterly" in ('2018Q4') ) group by ax."dx",ax."uidlevel2" 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analytics_completeness" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-20 15:10:43 SAST [17905-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select ax."dx",ax."monthly", count(value) as value from analytics_completeness as ax where ax."dx" in ('T7Itp9TYm9j') and ax."monthly" in ('201808', '201809', '201810', '201811', '201812', '201901') and ( ax."uidlevel1" in ('xkYwXdVoAD0') ) group by ax."dx",ax."monthly" 2019-02-20 15:11:47 SAST [17915-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:11:47 SAST [17915-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:11:47 SAST [17915-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:11:47 SAST [17915-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:12:00 SAST [17915-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:12:00 SAST [17915-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18213-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18213-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18213-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18213-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18215-67] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_completeness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18215-68] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_completeness_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18214-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18214-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18214-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18214-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18215-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_completenesstarget_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:11 SAST [18215-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_completenesstarget_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18214-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18214-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18214-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18214-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18214-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_orgunittarget_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18214-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_orgunittarget_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18215-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18215-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18215-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:14:12 SAST [18215-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:14:15 SAST [16205-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_adhovo4ekgt" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:15 SAST [16205-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_adhovo4ekgt cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:15 SAST [16205-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_spmglri48bm" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:15 SAST [16205-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_spmglri48bm cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:15 SAST [16205-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:15 SAST [16205-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_ogwmdbmbg2n" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_ogwmdbmbg2n cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_adhovo4ekgt" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_adhovo4ekgt cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_zck5tz7gk6h" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_zck5tz7gk6h cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_rymgykgun1n" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_rymgykgun1n cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_spmglri48bm" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_spmglri48bm cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_pdqcel2obge" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_pdqcel2obge cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_qtgwinfx0ww" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_qtgwinfx0ww cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_rmrkv5s5qq2" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_rmrkv5s5qq2 cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_t23m6dmfkte" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [18214-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_t23m6dmfkte cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_tpnzhwjj8ta" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_tpnzhwjj8ta cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_eb0einm9dch" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_eb0einm9dch cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_xs5c72vyaz6" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_xs5c72vyaz6 cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_qse6qccgjs4" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_qse6qccgjs4 cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_rpbngeacxbn" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_rpbngeacxbn cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_w6qepdfo0o8" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_w6qepdfo0o8 cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_bqwbmtf2ima" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_bqwbmtf2ima cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_gq3uijhokvt" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:14:18 SAST [17926-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_gq3uijhokvt cascade 2019-02-20 15:14:24 SAST [17926-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:14:24 SAST [17926-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:14:24 SAST [17926-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:14:24 SAST [17926-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:22:39 SAST [18219-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:22:39 SAST [18219-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:22:39 SAST [18219-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:22:39 SAST [18219-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:22:54 SAST [17924-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:22:54 SAST [17924-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:23:20 SAST [976-1] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:23:20 SAST [976-2] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:23:46 SAST [976-3] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (26 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:23:46 SAST [976-4] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:00 SAST [976-5] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:00 SAST [976-6] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:10 SAST [976-7] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:10 SAST [976-8] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:18 SAST [976-9] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:18 SAST [976-10] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:26 SAST [976-11] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:26 SAST [976-12] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:35 SAST [976-13] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:35 SAST [976-14] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:47 SAST [976-15] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:47 SAST [976-16] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:24:59 SAST [976-17] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:24:59 SAST [976-18] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:26:52 SAST [976-19] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:26:52 SAST [976-20] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:27:08 SAST [976-21] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (16 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:27:08 SAST [976-22] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:27:25 SAST [976-23] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:27:25 SAST [976-24] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:27:42 SAST [976-25] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:27:42 SAST [976-26] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:27:59 SAST [976-27] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 15:27:59 SAST [976-28] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 15:52:24 SAST [17907-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:52:24 SAST [17907-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:52:24 SAST [17907-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:52:24 SAST [17907-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:52:25 SAST [18211-69] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_completeness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:25 SAST [18211-70] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_completeness_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17907-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17907-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17907-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17907-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [19226-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_completenesstarget_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [19226-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_completenesstarget_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [18211-71] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [18211-72] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [18211-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [18211-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [18211-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_orgunittarget_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [18211-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_orgunittarget_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17908-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17908-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17908-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:52:28 SAST [17908-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [17908-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_ogwmdbmbg2n" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [17908-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_ogwmdbmbg2n cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-73] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_adhovo4ekgt" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-74] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_adhovo4ekgt cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-75] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_zck5tz7gk6h" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-76] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_zck5tz7gk6h cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_spmglri48bm" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_spmglri48bm cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_rmrkv5s5qq2" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_rmrkv5s5qq2 cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_eb0einm9dch" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_eb0einm9dch cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_qse6qccgjs4" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_qse6qccgjs4 cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_rpbngeacxbn" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_rpbngeacxbn cascade 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_event_temp_w6qepdfo0o8" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:52:31 SAST [19226-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_event_temp_w6qepdfo0o8 cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:28 SAST [17915-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:53:28 SAST [17915-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:53:28 SAST [17915-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:53:28 SAST [17915-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:53:28 SAST [17915-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_validationresult_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:28 SAST [17915-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_validationresult_temp cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-81] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-82] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-83] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-84] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_ogwmdbmbg2n" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-86] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_ogwmdbmbg2n cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17915-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_adhovo4ekgt" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17915-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_adhovo4ekgt cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-87] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_zck5tz7gk6h" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-88] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_zck5tz7gk6h cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_rymgykgun1n" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_rymgykgun1n cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-91] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_spmglri48bm" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-92] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_spmglri48bm cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-93] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-94] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_z7jwlzcvd1r cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_pdqcel2obge" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-96] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_pdqcel2obge cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-97] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_qtgwinfx0ww" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-98] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_qtgwinfx0ww cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-99] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_rmrkv5s5qq2" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-100] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_rmrkv5s5qq2 cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-101] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_t23m6dmfkte" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-102] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_t23m6dmfkte cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-103] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_tpnzhwjj8ta" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-104] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_tpnzhwjj8ta cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-105] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_eb0einm9dch" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-106] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_eb0einm9dch cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-107] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_xs5c72vyaz6" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-108] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_xs5c72vyaz6 cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-109] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_qse6qccgjs4" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-110] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_qse6qccgjs4 cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_rpbngeacxbn" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_rpbngeacxbn cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_w6qepdfo0o8" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_w6qepdfo0o8 cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_bqwbmtf2ima" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_bqwbmtf2ima cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-117] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_enrollment_temp_gq3uijhokvt" does not exist 2019-02-20 15:53:29 SAST [17908-118] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_enrollment_temp_gq3uijhokvt cascade 2019-02-20 15:53:35 SAST [18211-77] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 15:53:35 SAST [18211-78] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 15:53:35 SAST [18211-79] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 15:53:35 SAST [18211-80] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 16:28:47 SAST [17926-111] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-20 16:28:47 SAST [17926-112] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-20 16:28:47 SAST [17926-113] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-20 16:28:47 SAST [17926-114] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-20 16:29:17 SAST [17926-115] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "analytics_temp" does not exist 2019-02-20 16:29:17 SAST [17926-116] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table analytics_temp cascade 2019-02-20 16:29:41 SAST [976-29] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:29:41 SAST [976-30] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:01 SAST [976-31] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (20 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:01 SAST [976-32] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:10 SAST [976-33] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:10 SAST [976-34] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:18 SAST [976-35] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:18 SAST [976-36] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:26 SAST [976-37] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:26 SAST [976-38] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:32 SAST [976-39] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (6 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:32 SAST [976-40] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:40 SAST [976-41] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:40 SAST [976-42] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:48 SAST [976-43] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:48 SAST [976-44] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:30:56 SAST [976-45] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:30:56 SAST [976-46] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:03 SAST [976-47] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:03 SAST [976-48] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:11 SAST [976-49] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:11 SAST [976-50] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:19 SAST [976-51] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:19 SAST [976-52] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:28 SAST [976-53] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:28 SAST [976-54] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:36 SAST [976-55] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:36 SAST [976-56] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:44 SAST [976-57] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:44 SAST [976-58] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:31:52 SAST [976-59] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:31:52 SAST [976-60] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:32:01 SAST [976-61] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:32:01 SAST [976-62] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:32:09 SAST [976-63] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:32:09 SAST [976-64] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:32:18 SAST [976-65] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:32:18 SAST [976-66] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:32:26 SAST [976-67] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:32:26 SAST [976-68] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:32:43 SAST [976-69] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:32:43 SAST [976-70] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:33:48 SAST [976-71] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:33:48 SAST [976-72] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:33:58 SAST [976-73] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:33:58 SAST [976-74] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:34:06 SAST [976-75] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:34:06 SAST [976-76] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:34:16 SAST [976-77] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:34:16 SAST [976-78] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:34:25 SAST [976-79] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:34:25 SAST [976-80] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:34:34 SAST [976-81] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:34:34 SAST [976-82] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:34:44 SAST [976-83] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:34:44 SAST [976-84] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:34:53 SAST [976-85] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:34:53 SAST [976-86] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:02 SAST [976-87] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:02 SAST [976-88] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:10 SAST [976-89] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:10 SAST [976-90] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:17 SAST [976-91] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:17 SAST [976-92] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:25 SAST [976-93] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:25 SAST [976-94] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:34 SAST [976-95] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:34 SAST [976-96] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:42 SAST [976-97] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:42 SAST [976-98] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:35:53 SAST [976-99] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (11 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:35:53 SAST [976-100] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:36:06 SAST [976-101] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:36:06 SAST [976-102] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:36:24 SAST [976-103] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (18 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:36:24 SAST [976-104] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:36:40 SAST [976-105] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (16 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:36:40 SAST [976-106] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:36:57 SAST [976-107] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:36:57 SAST [976-108] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:38:09 SAST [976-109] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (16 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:38:09 SAST [976-110] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:38:22 SAST [976-111] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:38:22 SAST [976-112] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:38:34 SAST [976-113] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:38:34 SAST [976-114] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:38:44 SAST [976-115] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:38:44 SAST [976-116] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:38:55 SAST [976-117] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (11 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:38:55 SAST [976-118] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:39:05 SAST [976-119] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:39:05 SAST [976-120] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:39:15 SAST [976-121] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:39:15 SAST [976-122] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:39:24 SAST [976-123] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:39:24 SAST [976-124] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:39:36 SAST [976-125] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:39:36 SAST [976-126] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:39:55 SAST [976-127] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (19 seconds apart) 2019-02-20 16:39:55 SAST [976-128] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-20 16:57:56 SAST [17925-89] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: could not write block 18764 of temporary file: No space left on device 2019-02-20 16:57:56 SAST [17925-90] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index "in_W2mvESi9AdW_ax_2011_CrqFw" on analytics_temp_2011 ("W2mvESi9AdW") 2019-02-20 16:57:56 SAST [19225-95] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: could not extend file "base/27608/49642": No space left on device 2019-02-20 16:57:56 SAST [19225-96] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Check free disk space. 2019-02-20 16:57:56 SAST [19225-97] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index "in_UYGVVpnGZRl_ax_2011_Z7LtC" on analytics_temp_2011 ("UYGVVpnGZRl") 2019-02-20 16:58:18 SAST [18218-85] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: could not extend file "base/27608/49647": No space left on device 2019-02-20 16:58:18 SAST [18218-86] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Check free disk space. 2019-02-20 16:58:18 SAST [18218-87] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index "in_YLqGZFR1tSY_ax_2011_Id96C" on analytics_temp_2011 ("YLqGZFR1tSY") 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [964-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [964-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19387-39] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [7057-1] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [7050-1] postgres@dhis2 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19229-75] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19225-98] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19226-91] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19227-53] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [7035-1] postgres@postgres FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18221-95] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18222-105] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18214-105] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17905-85] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17904-69] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [16206-83] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [16205-111] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19230-51] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18219-81] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18220-69] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [19228-51] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18218-88] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18217-73] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18213-119] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18215-75] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18216-49] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17926-117] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18212-73] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17924-109] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [18211-81] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17922-91] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17915-101] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17927-93] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17909-101] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17908-119] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17907-87] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17925-91] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17923-75] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17916-57] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17918-89] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17917-97] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17914-59] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [16207-83] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17913-89] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [17906-63] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [979-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [976-129] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST [976-130] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-21 06:48:12 SAST [1001-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-20 17:11:16 SAST 2019-02-21 06:48:12 SAST [1001-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-21 06:48:12 SAST [1005-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-21 06:48:12 SAST [981-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-21 06:48:13 SAST [1038-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-21 07:52:11 SAST [11581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:11 SAST [11581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-21 07:52:21 SAST [11581-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-21 07:52:21 SAST [11581-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-21 07:52:21 SAST [11581-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-21 07:52:21 SAST [11581-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11617-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11617-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11618-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11624-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11664-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-21 07:52:43 SAST [11664-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11685-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11685-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11685-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11686-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11686-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11687-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11687-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11688-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11688-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11699-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11701-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11707-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11741-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11741-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11743-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11743-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11745-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11745-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11747-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11747-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11749-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11749-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11750-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11751-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11751-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11751-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11752-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11752-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:44 SAST [11791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11582-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11582-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11582-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11582-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11810-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11811-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11814-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11815-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11815-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11817-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11818-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11818-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11820-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11820-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11821-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11821-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11827-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11827-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11831-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11839-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11847-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11849-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11849-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11851-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11855-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11855-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11856-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11856-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11860-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11860-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11860-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11863-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11863-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11866-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11866-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11867-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11871-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11872-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11873-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11965-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11965-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11969-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11969-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11970-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11970-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11973-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11973-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [11999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12005-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12014-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12014-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12015-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12017-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12017-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12023-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12023-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12025-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:47 SAST [12034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12053-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12074-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12074-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12075-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12075-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12078-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12078-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12088-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12089-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12089-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12112-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12112-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12141-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12141-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12146-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12150-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12157-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12178-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12180-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12188-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12188-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12192-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12192-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12196-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12196-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12201-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12202-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12202-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12203-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12203-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12204-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12204-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12228-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12228-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12261-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12261-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12262-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12262-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12264-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-21 07:52:48 SAST [12264-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12336-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12341-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12346-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12347-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12347-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12366-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12366-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12366-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12432-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12438-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12438-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12439-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12439-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12444-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "value" 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12444-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12445-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "comment" 2019-02-21 07:52:49 SAST [12445-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12465-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12465-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12511-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12511-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12595-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12595-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12596-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12596-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12597-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12597-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12601-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12601-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12603-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12603-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12603-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12605-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12605-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12609-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12609-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-21 07:52:52 SAST [12623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12638-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12638-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12639-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12639-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12640-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12640-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12696-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12696-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12698-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12698-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12699-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12699-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12704-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12704-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12707-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12707-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12709-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12709-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12710-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12710-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12714-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12714-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12761-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12847-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12866-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 07:52:53 SAST [12866-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12944-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12944-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12970-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12970-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12971-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12971-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12994-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12994-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [12999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13005-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13006-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13006-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13008-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13009-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13009-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13010-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13010-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13013-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13013-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13015-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13017-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13017-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13025-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13052-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13052-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [13062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-21 07:52:54 SAST [11583-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-21 08:05:05 SAST [13865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:05 SAST [13865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-21 08:05:13 SAST [13865-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-21 08:05:13 SAST [13865-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-21 08:05:13 SAST [13865-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-21 08:05:13 SAST [13865-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13906-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13906-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13953-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13953-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13974-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13974-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13995-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13995-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [13997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14004-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14028-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14030-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14030-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14032-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14032-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14034-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14034-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14036-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14036-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14038-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14038-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:33 SAST [14039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14040-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14040-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14083-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:34 SAST [14084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [13863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [13863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [13863-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [13863-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [13863-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [13863-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14107-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14108-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14108-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14110-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14110-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14111-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14111-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14112-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14112-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14113-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14113-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14121-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14126-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14127-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14127-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14128-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14128-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14141-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14141-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14146-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14150-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14152-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14154-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14154-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14154-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14157-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14157-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14161-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14164-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14167-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14167-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14168-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14168-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14171-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14173-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14173-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14174-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14174-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14177-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14177-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14178-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14179-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14179-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14180-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14184-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14186-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14187-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14187-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14188-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14188-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14196-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14196-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14201-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14211-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14211-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14253-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14253-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14254-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14254-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14259-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14259-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14263-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14263-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14264-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14264-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14267-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14267-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14270-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14270-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14277-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:36 SAST [14283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14308-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14308-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14315-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14315-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14329-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14329-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14331-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14331-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14336-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14341-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14347-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14347-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14348-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14348-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14349-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14349-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14351-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14353-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14353-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14357-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14360-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14360-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14361-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14361-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14362-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14362-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14363-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14363-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14365-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14365-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14366-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14366-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14367-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14367-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14368-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14368-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14369-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14369-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14370-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14370-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14487-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14523-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14523-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14538-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14538-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14552-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14552-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14556-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14556-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14557-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14557-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14559-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-21 08:05:37 SAST [14559-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14649-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14650-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14651-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14653-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14661-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14661-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14672-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14672-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14733-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14733-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14734-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14734-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14739-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "value" 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14739-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14740-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "comment" 2019-02-21 08:05:38 SAST [14740-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14762-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14773-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14773-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14786-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14786-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14787-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14787-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14788-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14788-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14792-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14792-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14794-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14795-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14795-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14798-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14798-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14799-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14799-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14806-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14806-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14810-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14811-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14811-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14813-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14813-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14815-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14815-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14817-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14820-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14820-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14821-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14821-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14827-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14827-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14831-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14896-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14896-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14898-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14898-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14900-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14900-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14904-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14904-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14933-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14933-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14934-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14934-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14935-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14935-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14993-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14993-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14994-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:40 SAST [14994-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [14999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [14999-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [14999-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15002-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15002-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15004-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15004-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15004-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15005-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15005-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15005-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15009-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15009-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15009-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15013-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15013-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15023-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15023-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15141-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15141-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15171-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15177-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15177-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15178-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15179-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15179-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15182-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15201-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15202-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15202-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15203-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15203-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15212-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15214-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15214-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15238-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15238-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15250-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15264-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15264-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15265-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15265-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15265-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15270-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15270-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-21 08:05:41 SAST [15271-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15288-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15288-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15305-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15333-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15333-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15346-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15346-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15348-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15348-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [15356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-21 08:05:42 SAST [13863-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-21 10:19:01 SAST [13863-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column dv.timestamp does not exist at character 35 2019-02-21 10:19:01 SAST [13863-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE VIEW "_view_act" AS select dv.timestamp, ou.name as orgunit, de.name as dataelement, dv.value, tec.commenttext from trackedentitycomment tec right join programstageinstancecomments psic on tec.trackedentitycommentid=psic.trackedentitycommentid right join programstageinstance psi on psi.programstageinstanceid = psic.programstageinstanceid inner join trackedentitydatavalue dv on psi.programstageinstanceid = dv.programstageinstanceid inner join dataelement de on dv.dataelementid = de.dataelementid inner join organisationunit ou on ou.organisationunitid = psi.organisationunitid 2019-02-21 10:19:01 SAST [13863-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-21 10:19:01 SAST [13863-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-21 10:19:54 SAST [1002-1] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:19:54 SAST [1002-2] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:20:15 SAST [1002-3] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (21 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:20:15 SAST [1002-4] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:20:24 SAST [1002-5] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:20:24 SAST [1002-6] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:20:32 SAST [1002-7] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:20:32 SAST [1002-8] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:20:41 SAST [1002-9] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:20:41 SAST [1002-10] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:20:48 SAST [1002-11] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:20:48 SAST [1002-12] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:20:56 SAST [1002-13] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:20:56 SAST [1002-14] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:05 SAST [1002-15] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:05 SAST [1002-16] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:11 SAST [1002-17] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (6 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:11 SAST [1002-18] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:19 SAST [1002-19] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:19 SAST [1002-20] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:26 SAST [1002-21] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:26 SAST [1002-22] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:33 SAST [1002-23] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:33 SAST [1002-24] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:41 SAST [1002-25] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:41 SAST [1002-26] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:48 SAST [1002-27] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:48 SAST [1002-28] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:21:55 SAST [1002-29] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:21:55 SAST [1002-30] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:22:02 SAST [1002-31] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:22:02 SAST [1002-32] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:22:10 SAST [1002-33] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:22:10 SAST [1002-34] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:22:17 SAST [1002-35] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:22:17 SAST [1002-36] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:22:25 SAST [1002-37] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:22:25 SAST [1002-38] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:22:33 SAST [1002-39] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:22:33 SAST [1002-40] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:22:53 SAST [1002-41] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (20 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:22:53 SAST [1002-42] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:23:43 SAST [1002-43] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (11 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:23:43 SAST [1002-44] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:23:51 SAST [1002-45] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:23:51 SAST [1002-46] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:23:59 SAST [1002-47] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:23:59 SAST [1002-48] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:08 SAST [1002-49] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:08 SAST [1002-50] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:17 SAST [1002-51] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:17 SAST [1002-52] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:25 SAST [1002-53] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:25 SAST [1002-54] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:32 SAST [1002-55] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:32 SAST [1002-56] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:39 SAST [1002-57] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:39 SAST [1002-58] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:46 SAST [1002-59] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (7 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:46 SAST [1002-60] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:24:55 SAST [1002-61] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:24:55 SAST [1002-62] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:25:07 SAST [1002-63] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (12 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:25:07 SAST [1002-64] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:25:16 SAST [1002-65] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:25:16 SAST [1002-66] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:25:25 SAST [1002-67] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:25:25 SAST [1002-68] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:25:33 SAST [1002-69] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (8 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:25:33 SAST [1002-70] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:25:42 SAST [1002-71] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:25:42 SAST [1002-72] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:25:51 SAST [1002-73] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:25:51 SAST [1002-74] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:26:15 SAST [1002-75] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (24 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:26:15 SAST [1002-76] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:26:28 SAST [1002-77] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (13 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:26:28 SAST [1002-78] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:26:46 SAST [1002-79] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (18 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:26:46 SAST [1002-80] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:27:07 SAST [1002-81] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (21 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:27:07 SAST [1002-82] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:27:17 SAST [1002-83] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:27:17 SAST [1002-84] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:27:26 SAST [1002-85] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:27:26 SAST [1002-86] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:27:36 SAST [1002-87] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:27:36 SAST [1002-88] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:27:45 SAST [1002-89] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:27:45 SAST [1002-90] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:27:55 SAST [1002-91] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (10 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:27:55 SAST [1002-92] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:28:04 SAST [1002-93] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:28:04 SAST [1002-94] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:28:15 SAST [1002-95] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (11 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:28:15 SAST [1002-96] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:28:24 SAST [1002-97] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:28:24 SAST [1002-98] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:28:33 SAST [1002-99] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:28:33 SAST [1002-100] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:28:42 SAST [1002-101] LOG: checkpoints are occurring too frequently (9 seconds apart) 2019-02-21 10:28:42 SAST [1002-102] HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_wal_size". 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: could not extend file "base/27608/50272": No space left on device 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15518-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Check free disk space. 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15518-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index "in_weeklysunday_ax_2011_Q4BiT" on analytics_temp_2011 ("weeklysunday") 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: could not write block 8793 of temporary file: No space left on device 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index "in_biweekly_ax_2011_bbRqN" on analytics_temp_2011 ("biweekly") 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: could not write block 1750 of temporary file: No space left on device 2019-02-21 10:50:32 SAST [15423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index "in_monthly_ax_2011_swswW" on analytics_temp_2011 ("monthly") 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [981-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [981-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23324-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15530-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15451-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15519-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [1005-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23323-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23332-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15518-4] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23322-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23320-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15528-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15515-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23321-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15448-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [23319-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15526-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15529-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15447-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15525-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15445-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15440-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [13863-19] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15527-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [13864-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15517-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15423-3] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15442-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15516-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15441-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15439-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15446-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15443-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15438-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15428-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15449-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15427-3] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15514-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15426-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [13865-7] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15424-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [15425-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [1002-103] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST [1002-104] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-21 19:30:54 SAST [1006-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-21 17:32:31 SAST 2019-02-21 19:30:54 SAST [1006-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-21 19:30:54 SAST [1010-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-21 19:30:54 SAST [976-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-21 19:30:54 SAST [1055-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-21 19:31:47 SAST [976-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-21 19:31:47 SAST [976-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-21 19:31:47 SAST [1010-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-21 19:31:47 SAST [1007-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-21 19:31:47 SAST [1007-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-22 09:27:36 SAST [990-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-21 19:31:47 SAST 2019-02-22 09:27:36 SAST [990-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-22 09:27:36 SAST [994-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-22 09:27:36 SAST [972-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-22 09:27:37 SAST [1050-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-22 10:13:13 SAST [6493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:13 SAST [6493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-22 10:13:19 SAST [6493-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-22 10:13:19 SAST [6493-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-22 10:13:19 SAST [6493-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-22 10:13:19 SAST [6493-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6519-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6519-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6566-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6566-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6566-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6587-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6587-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6587-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6600-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6603-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6603-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6604-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6604-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6605-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6605-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6643-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6643-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:38 SAST [6644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6645-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6645-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6647-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6647-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6648-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6648-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6649-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6649-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6649-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6650-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6651-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6651-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6651-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6652-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6652-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6653-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6653-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6654-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6682-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6683-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6683-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6691-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6691-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6692-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6692-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:39 SAST [6693-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6493-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6493-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6493-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6493-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6703-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6703-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6704-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6704-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6705-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6705-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6706-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6706-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6707-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6707-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6719-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6723-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6723-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6724-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6732-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6732-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6734-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6734-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6735-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6735-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6741-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6741-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6745-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6745-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6750-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6750-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6751-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6751-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6752-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6752-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6753-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6753-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6755-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6757-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6759-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6761-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6762-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6762-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6762-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6765-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6765-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6765-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6768-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6768-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6769-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6769-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6773-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6773-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6786-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6786-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6787-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6787-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6788-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6788-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6792-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6792-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6794-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6795-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6795-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6801-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6801-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6805-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6805-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6839-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6867-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6867-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6871-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6871-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6872-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6872-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6875-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-22 10:13:41 SAST [6875-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6916-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6916-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6967-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6967-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6976-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6976-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6977-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6977-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6985-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6986-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6987-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6993-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6993-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6994-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6995-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6995-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [6999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7053-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7078-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7078-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7107-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7115-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7115-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7126-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7128-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7128-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7130-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7130-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7145-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7146-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7146-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:42 SAST [7161-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7163-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7163-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7164-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7164-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7166-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7166-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7248-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7249-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7249-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7260-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7268-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7268-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7329-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7329-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7335-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7335-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7340-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7340-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7341-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7341-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7346-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "value" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7346-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7347-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7347-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "comment" 2019-02-22 10:13:43 SAST [7347-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7363-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7363-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7366-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7366-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7367-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7367-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7397-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7400-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7402-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7407-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7408-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7409-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7409-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7413-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7413-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7415-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7430-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7430-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7431-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7432-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7503-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7503-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7505-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7505-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7507-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7507-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7511-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7511-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:46 SAST [7512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7540-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7540-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7541-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7541-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7542-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7542-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7600-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7600-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7600-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7601-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7601-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7606-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7606-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7609-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7609-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7611-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7611-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7612-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7612-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7616-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7616-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7658-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7658-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7659-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7659-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7708-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7708-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7709-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7709-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7710-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7710-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7730-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7730-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7731-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7731-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7736-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7736-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7737-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7737-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7738-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7738-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7739-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7739-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7747-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7747-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7748-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7748-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 10:13:47 SAST [7749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7761-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7762-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7763-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7767-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7767-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7786-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7786-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7790-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7790-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7798-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7798-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7806-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7806-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7808-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7809-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7809-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7810-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7810-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7820-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7820-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7821-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7821-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7827-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7827-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7839-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7845-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7845-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7847-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7849-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7849-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7851-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7871-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7871-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7872-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7872-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7895-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7895-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7928-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7928-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7953-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7953-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 10:13:48 SAST [7963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-22 10:13:49 SAST [6494-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [972-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [972-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9505-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9503-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9502-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9504-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9501-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8089-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9499-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9472-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9500-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8087-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9471-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8104-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9469-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8102-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [9468-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8099-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8108-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8096-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8107-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8095-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8105-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8090-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8103-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [994-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8100-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8097-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8094-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:54 SAST [8091-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [6494-11] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [6492-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [6493-11] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8086-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8088-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8093-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8098-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8101-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8106-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8109-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [8110-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [9473-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [9470-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [991-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST [991-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-22 12:37:15 SAST [994-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-22 12:36:55 SAST 2019-02-22 12:37:15 SAST [994-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-22 12:37:15 SAST [999-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-22 12:37:15 SAST [917-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-22 12:37:16 SAST [1049-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-22 13:05:12 SAST [3998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:12 SAST [3998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-22 13:05:20 SAST [3998-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-22 13:05:20 SAST [3998-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-22 13:05:20 SAST [3998-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-22 13:05:20 SAST [3998-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4053-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4053-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4064-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4064-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4100-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4100-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4121-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4121-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:39 SAST [4124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4135-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4135-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4136-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4137-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4138-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4138-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4139-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4139-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4142-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4143-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4144-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4144-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4148-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4149-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4149-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4150-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4151-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4175-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4175-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4176-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4176-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4177-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4177-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4178-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4178-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4178-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4179-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4179-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4180-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4180-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4180-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4182-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4182-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4182-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4183-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4183-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4184-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4184-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4184-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4185-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4185-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4186-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4186-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4186-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4187-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4187-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4188-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4188-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4188-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4189-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4189-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:40 SAST [4227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [3998-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [3998-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [3998-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [3998-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [3998-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [3998-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4248-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4249-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4249-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4250-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4253-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4253-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4254-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4254-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4260-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4261-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4262-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4263-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4264-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4265-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4265-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4270-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4270-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4271-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4273-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4275-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4275-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4276-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4277-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4297-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4297-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4297-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4300-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4300-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4305-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4315-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4315-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4329-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4329-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4330-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4330-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4331-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4331-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4336-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4336-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4337-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4337-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4339-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4339-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4341-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4341-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:42 SAST [4344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4396-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4396-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4397-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4397-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4400-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4402-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4402-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4406-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4406-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4407-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4407-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4410-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4410-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4426-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4426-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4451-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4451-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4466-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4487-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4492-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4511-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4511-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4512-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4512-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4525-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4525-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4526-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4529-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4529-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4534-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4534-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4576-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4576-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4577-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4577-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4578-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4578-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4579-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4579-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4580-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4580-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4581-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4581-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4582-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4582-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4583-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4583-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4584-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4584-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4585-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4585-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4586-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4586-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4587-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4587-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4588-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4588-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4589-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4589-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4590-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4590-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4591-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4591-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4594-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4594-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4650-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4650-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4652-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4652-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4653-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4655-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4657-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4657-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-22 13:05:43 SAST [4660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4665-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4665-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4666-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4666-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4679-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4680-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4681-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4681-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4682-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4683-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4683-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4684-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4684-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4688-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4688-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4693-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4693-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4694-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4694-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4696-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4696-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4698-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4698-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4699-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4699-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4701-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4701-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4770-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4770-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4773-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4773-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4774-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4774-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4791-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4791-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4792-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4792-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4795-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4795-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4803-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4803-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4807-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4807-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4814-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4855-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4855-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4872-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4873-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4875-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4875-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4876-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4876-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4881-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "value" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4881-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4882-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "comment" 2019-02-22 13:05:44 SAST [4882-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4930-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4930-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4949-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4949-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4958-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4958-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4966-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4966-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4967-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4967-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4971-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [4978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [5033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [5033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [5034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:47 SAST [5034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5039-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5039-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5041-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5041-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5043-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5043-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5047-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5047-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5076-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5076-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5077-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5077-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5078-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5078-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5078-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5134-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5134-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5136-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5136-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5136-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5137-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5137-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5137-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5142-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5142-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5145-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5145-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5145-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5147-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5147-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5148-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5148-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5152-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5152-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5152-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5167-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5167-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5194-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5194-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5262-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5263-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5273-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5275-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5275-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-22 13:05:48 SAST [5282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5313-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5313-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5314-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5314-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5315-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5315-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5338-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5338-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5342-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5342-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5343-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5343-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5345-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5345-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5346-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5357-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5359-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5359-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5360-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5360-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5361-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5361-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5362-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5362-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5363-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5363-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5364-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5364-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5368-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5368-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5372-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5372-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5381-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5381-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5386-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5387-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5398-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5398-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5407-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5407-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5407-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5408-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5408-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5408-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5410-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5410-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5411-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5411-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5412-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5412-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5413-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5414-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5425-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5425-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5430-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5430-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5431-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5431-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5445-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5445-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5466-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5489-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5489-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [5499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-17] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-18] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-19] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-22 13:05:49 SAST [3998-20] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [917-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [917-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [7821-1] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [9326-1] postgres@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [7815-1] postgres@postgres FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6193-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6192-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6186-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [5522-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6260-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6191-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6259-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [5521-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [3999-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6184-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6258-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [4000-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6183-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6257-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [5523-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6244-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [5520-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [5519-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6243-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [5524-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6245-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [3998-21] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [999-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6242-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6248-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6256-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6241-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6188-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6255-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6187-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6254-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6194-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6185-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6253-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6195-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6252-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6196-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6251-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6250-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [6249-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [996-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST [996-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-22 14:13:16 SAST [9385-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-22 14:13:15 SAST 2019-02-22 14:13:16 SAST [9385-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-22 14:13:16 SAST [9389-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-22 14:13:16 SAST [9384-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-22 14:13:17 SAST [9391-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-22 14:14:39 SAST [9592-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-22 14:14:39 SAST [9592-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-22 14:14:47 SAST [9592-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-22 14:14:47 SAST [9592-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-22 14:14:47 SAST [9592-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-22 14:14:47 SAST [9592-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9630-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9630-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9631-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9631-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9632-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9632-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9635-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9635-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9639-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9639-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9640-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9640-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9643-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9643-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9645-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9645-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:07 SAST [9646-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9678-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9678-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9678-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9698-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9698-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9699-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9699-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9699-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9700-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9700-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9701-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9701-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9702-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9702-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9712-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9712-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9713-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9714-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9715-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9715-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9716-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9716-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9717-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9717-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9718-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9718-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9720-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9720-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9721-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9721-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9722-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9725-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9726-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9726-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9727-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9727-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9728-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9728-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9729-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9746-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9746-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9749-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9749-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9752-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9752-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9753-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9753-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9754-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9754-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9755-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9755-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9755-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9756-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9756-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9757-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9757-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9757-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9758-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9758-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9759-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9759-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9759-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9760-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9760-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9761-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9761-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9761-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9762-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9762-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9763-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9763-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9763-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9764-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9764-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9765-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9765-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9765-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9766-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9766-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9793-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9793-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9794-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9794-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9795-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9795-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9802-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9802-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9803-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9803-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9804-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:08 SAST [9804-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9593-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9593-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9593-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9593-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9814-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9814-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9815-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9815-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9816-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9816-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9817-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9817-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9818-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9818-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9820-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9820-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9821-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9821-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9826-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9826-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9827-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9827-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9828-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9828-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9829-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9829-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9830-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9830-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9831-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9831-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9832-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9832-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9833-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9833-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9834-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9834-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9835-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9835-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9836-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9836-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9837-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9837-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9838-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9838-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9839-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9839-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9842-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9842-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9843-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9843-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9846-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9846-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9847-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9847-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9848-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9848-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9849-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9849-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9851-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:10 SAST [9852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9854-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9854-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9855-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9855-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9856-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9856-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9858-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9858-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9865-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9865-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9866-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9866-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9867-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9871-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9871-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9872-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9872-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9873-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9873-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9874-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9874-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9874-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9877-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9877-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9886-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9887-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9888-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9888-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9889-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9889-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9894-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9894-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9895-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9895-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9896-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9896-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9901-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9901-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9902-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9902-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9905-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9905-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9906-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9906-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9909-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9909-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9913-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9913-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9915-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9915-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9917-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9917-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9919-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9919-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9979-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9979-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9983-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9983-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9984-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9984-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9987-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9987-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9987-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9997-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9997-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9998-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9998-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [9999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10013-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10013-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10015-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10016-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10016-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10017-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10017-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10028-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10028-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10030-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10043-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10043-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10053-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10061-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10061-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10062-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10062-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10064-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10064-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10068-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10068-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10070-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10070-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10072-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10072-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10074-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10074-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10075-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10075-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10076-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10076-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10079-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10079-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10080-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10080-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10081-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10081-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10082-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10084-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10085-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10085-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10086-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10086-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10087-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10087-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10088-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10088-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10088-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10089-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10089-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10089-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10090-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10090-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10091-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10091-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10092-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10092-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10093-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10093-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10094-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10094-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10095-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10095-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10096-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10096-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10097-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10097-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10098-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10098-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10099-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10099-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10100-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10100-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10101-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10101-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10103-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10107-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10107-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10108-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10108-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10109-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10109-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10110-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10110-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10111-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:11 SAST [10111-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10114-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10114-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10123-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10123-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10126-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10128-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10128-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10147-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10147-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10154-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10155-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10155-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10157-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10159-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10161-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10163-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10164-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10165-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10167-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10167-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10168-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10168-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10171-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10190-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10190-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10191-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10191-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10193-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10193-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10195-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10195-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10203-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10203-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10204-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10204-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10206-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10206-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10208-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10208-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10209-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10209-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10210-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10210-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10211-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10211-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10212-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10212-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10213-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10213-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10214-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10214-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10215-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10215-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10216-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10216-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10243-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10243-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10260-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10261-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10262-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10271-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10276-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10276-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10277-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10277-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10279-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-22 14:15:12 SAST [10279-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10348-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10348-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10349-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10349-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10351-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10353-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10353-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10357-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10359-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10359-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10360-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10360-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10361-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10361-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10362-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10362-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10371-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10371-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10373-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10373-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10381-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10381-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10432-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10453-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10453-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10454-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10454-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10459-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "value" 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10459-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10460-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "comment" 2019-02-22 14:15:13 SAST [10460-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10493-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10516-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10516-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10517-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10517-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10519-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10519-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10520-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10520-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10521-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10521-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10522-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10522-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10523-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10523-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10524-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10524-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10526-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10526-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10526-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10528-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10528-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10531-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10531-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10533-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10533-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10535-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10535-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10537-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10537-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10539-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10539-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10540-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10540-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10541-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10541-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10542-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10542-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10543-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10543-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10544-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10544-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10545-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10545-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10546-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10546-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10547-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10547-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10548-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10548-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10549-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10549-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10550-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10550-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10552-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10552-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10553-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10553-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10554-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10554-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10555-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10555-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10616-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10616-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10618-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10618-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10620-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10620-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10624-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10624-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10624-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10625-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10625-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10626-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10626-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10627-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10627-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10628-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10628-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10629-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10629-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10637-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10637-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10653-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10653-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10653-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10654-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10654-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10654-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10655-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10655-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-22 14:15:15 SAST [10655-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10711-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10711-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10713-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10713-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10713-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10714-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10714-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10714-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10719-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10719-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10719-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10722-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10722-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10722-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10724-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10724-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10724-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10725-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10725-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10725-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10729-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10729-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10729-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10733-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10733-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10740-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10740-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10742-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10742-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10743-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10743-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10744-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10744-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10771-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10771-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10772-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10772-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10822-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10822-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10823-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10823-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10824-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10824-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10825-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10825-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10840-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10840-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10841-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10841-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10844-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10844-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10845-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10845-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10850-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10850-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10851-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10851-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10852-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10852-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10853-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10853-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10856-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10856-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10857-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10857-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10861-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10861-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-22 14:15:16 SAST [10863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10876-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10876-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10880-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10881-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10890-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10890-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10891-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10891-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10892-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10892-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10893-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10893-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10897-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10897-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10898-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10898-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10899-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10899-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10900-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10900-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10903-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10903-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10916-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10916-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10918-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10918-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10920-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10920-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10924-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10924-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10933-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10933-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10937-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10937-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10940-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10940-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10954-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10954-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10955-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10956-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10956-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10959-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10959-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10963-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10963-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10966-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10966-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10967-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10967-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10971-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10985-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10985-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10985-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10986-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10986-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10986-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10988-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10988-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10989-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10989-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10990-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10990-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10991-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10991-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10992-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10992-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10999-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [10999-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11000-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11000-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11001-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11001-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11002-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11002-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11003-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11003-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11007-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11007-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11008-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11008-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11009-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11009-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11009-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11011-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11011-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11012-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11012-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11014-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11014-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11015-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11015-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11018-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11018-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11019-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11019-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11020-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11020-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11021-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11021-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11022-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11022-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11023-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11023-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11024-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11024-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11025-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11025-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11026-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11026-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11027-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11027-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11028-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11028-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11029-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11029-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11030-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11030-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11031-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11031-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11034-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11053-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11059-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11059-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11060-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11060-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11067-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11067-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11069-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11069-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11071-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11071-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11073-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11073-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11077-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-22 14:15:17 SAST [11077-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-22 14:15:18 SAST [9593-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9384-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9384-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11167-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9591-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11162-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [14875-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11158-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11275-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11274-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11273-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11272-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11271-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11270-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11191-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11190-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11189-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11188-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9593-15] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9592-7] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11159-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9389-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11160-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11161-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11163-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11166-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11168-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11169-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11170-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11171-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11174-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11183-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11184-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11182-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11185-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11181-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11186-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11180-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11187-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11179-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11178-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11177-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11176-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [11175-1] dhis@dhis230 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9386-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST [9386-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-23 11:09:57 SAST [1006-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-22 17:40:57 SAST 2019-02-23 11:09:57 SAST [1006-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-23 11:09:57 SAST [993-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-23 11:09:57 SAST [1010-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-23 11:09:57 SAST [1056-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-23 11:25:25 SAST [993-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-23 11:25:25 SAST [993-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-23 11:25:25 SAST [1010-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-23 11:25:25 SAST [1007-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-23 11:25:25 SAST [1007-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-23 17:50:41 SAST [1001-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-23 11:25:25 SAST 2019-02-23 17:50:41 SAST [1001-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-23 17:50:41 SAST [1005-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-23 17:50:41 SAST [980-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-23 17:50:41 SAST [1051-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-23 17:50:53 SAST [980-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-23 17:50:53 SAST [980-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-23 17:50:53 SAST [1005-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-23 17:50:53 SAST [1002-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-23 17:50:53 SAST [1002-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-23 17:51:47 SAST [994-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-23 17:50:53 SAST 2019-02-23 17:51:47 SAST [994-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-23 17:51:47 SAST [998-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-23 17:51:47 SAST [973-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-23 17:51:47 SAST [1047-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-23 17:51:56 SAST [973-2] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2019-02-23 17:51:56 SAST [973-3] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2019-02-23 17:51:56 SAST [998-2] LOG: autovacuum launcher shutting down 2019-02-23 17:51:56 SAST [995-1] LOG: shutting down 2019-02-23 17:51:56 SAST [995-2] LOG: database system is shut down 2019-02-23 22:45:53 SAST [1005-1] LOG: database system was shut down at 2019-02-23 17:51:56 SAST 2019-02-23 22:45:53 SAST [1005-2] LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled 2019-02-23 22:45:53 SAST [1009-1] LOG: autovacuum launcher started 2019-02-23 22:45:53 SAST [989-1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 2019-02-23 22:45:53 SAST [1051-1] [unknown]@[unknown] LOG: incomplete startup packet 2019-02-23 22:49:20 SAST [2996-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: extension "postgis" already exists 2019-02-23 22:49:20 SAST [2996-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create extension postgis 2019-02-23 22:49:30 SAST [2996-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 73 2019-02-23 22:49:30 SAST [2996-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter drop constraint if exists unique-group 2019-02-23 22:49:30 SAST [2996-5] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "unique" at character 62 2019-02-23 22:49:30 SAST [2996-6] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table if exists sequentialnumbercounter add constraint unique-group unique (ownerUid, key) 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3032-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3032-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayonallorgunit 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3033-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 15 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3033-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select 1 from programstage_dataelements 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3034-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3034-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "valuetype" 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3034-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column valuetype type varchar(50) 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3035-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3035-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='number' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3036-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3036-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='int' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3037-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3037-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='posInt' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3038-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3038-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='positiveNumber' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negInt' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 79 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_NEGATIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='negativeNumber' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 87 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='zeroPositiveInt' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='PERCENTAGE' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='percentage' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3044-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3044-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='UNIT_INTERVAL' where valuetype='int' and numbertype='unitInterval' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3045-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='NUMBER' where valuetype='int' and numbertype is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numbertype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column numbertype 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3047-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='text' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='LONG_TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype='longText' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3049-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelement set valuetype='TEXT' where valuetype='string' and texttype is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "texttype" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column texttype 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3082-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "aggregationtype" 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3082-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column aggregationtype type varchar(50) 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3102-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3102-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column ruletype type varchar(50) 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3103-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3103-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "importance" 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3103-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column importance type varchar(50) 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3104-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3104-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='validation' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3105-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 57 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3105-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='SURVEILLANCE' where ruletype='surveillance' 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3106-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3106-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set ruletype='VALIDATION' where ruletype='' or ruletype is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3116-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smptpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3116-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smptpassword 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3117-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "smtppassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3117-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN smtppassword 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3118-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverurl" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3118-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverurl 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3119-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverusername" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3119-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverusername 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3120-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remotepassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3120-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remotepassword 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3121-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remoteserverpassword" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3121-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN remoteserverpassword 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3122-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3122-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datavalueaudit set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3124-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "datavalueaudit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3124-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalueaudit drop column timestamp 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3125-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3125-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set created=timestamp where created is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3126-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3126-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentitydatavalue set lastupdated=timestamp where lastupdated is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3129-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "timestamp" of relation "trackedentitydatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3129-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentitydatavalue drop column timestamp 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3130-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3130-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3131-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3131-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set completedby=completeduser where completedby is null 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3132-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3132-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3133-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completeduser" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:58 SAST [3133-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstageinstance drop column completeduser 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3150-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstace" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3150-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programstageinstance_deleted on programstageinstace(deleted) 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3153-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityinstance_deleted on trackedentityinstance(deleted) 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3156-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_programinstance_deleted" already exists 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3156-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_programinstance_deleted on programinstance(deleted) 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3157-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "startdate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3157-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column startdate 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "enddate" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3158-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset drop column enddate 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3159-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 101 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3159-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "dataelementlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3159-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO dataelementlegendsets (dataelementid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT dataelementid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataelement WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3160-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3160-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3161-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 89 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3161-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "datasetlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3161-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO datasetlegendsets (datasetid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT datasetid, 0, legendsetid FROM dataset WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3163-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 95 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3163-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "indicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3163-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO indicatorlegendsets (indicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT indicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM indicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3164-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3164-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3165-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3165-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3165-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3166-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3166-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3167-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 116 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3167-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "programindicatorlegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3167-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO programindicatorlegendsets (programindicatorid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT programindicatorid, 0, legendsetid FROM programindicator WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3168-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3168-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programindicator DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" does not exist at character 134 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3169-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "legendsetid" in table "trackedentityattributelegendsets", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3169-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO trackedentityattributelegendsets (trackedentityattributeid, sort_order, legendsetid) SELECT trackedentityattributeid, 0, legendsetid FROM trackedentityattribute WHERE legendsetid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3170-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendsetid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3170-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN legendsetid 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3181-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "expires" of relation "reservedvalue" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3181-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO reservedvalue(owneruid, key, value, expires, ownerobject, reservedvalueid) SELECT TEA.uid, TEA.pattern, TEARV.value, TEARV.expirydate, 'TRACKEDENTITYATTRIBUTE', nextval('hibernate_sequence') FROM trackedentityattributereservedvalue TEARV, trackedentityattribute TEA WHERE TEARV.trackedentityattributeid = TEA.trackedentityattributeid AND TEARV.expirydate > NOW() AND TEARV.trackedentityinstanceid IS NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3197-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "longitude" does not exist at character 121 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3197-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstageinstance SET geometry = ST_GeomFromText('POINT(' || longitude || ' ' || latitude || ')', 4326) WHERE longitude IS NOT NULL AND latitude IS NOT NULL AND geometry IS NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3198-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3198-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE trackedentitycomment SET created = createddate WHERE created IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3199-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "createddate" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3199-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN createddate 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3206-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3206-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS uid varchar(11) unique 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3207-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3207-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS created timestamp 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3208-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "NOT" at character 48 2019-02-23 22:49:59 SAST [3208-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS lastupdated timestamp 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [2994-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datasetid" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [2994-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create unique index dataapproval_unique on dataapproval(datasetid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid,dataapprovallevelid) 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [2994-3] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalueaudit" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [2994-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalueaudit on datavalueaudit(dataelementid,periodid,organisationunitid,categoryoptioncomboid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [2996-7] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [2996-8] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_trackedentityattributevalue_attributeid on trackedentityattributevalue(trackedentityattributeid) 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3217-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncomboname" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3217-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncomboname 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3218-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupsetstructure" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3218-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupsetstructure 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3219-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitstructure" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3219-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitstructure 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3220-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchystructure" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3220-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchystructure 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3221-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunithierarchy" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3221-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunithierarchy 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3222-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "columnorder" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3222-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE columnorder 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3223-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "roworder" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3223-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE roworder 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3224-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "sectionmembers" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3224-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE sectionmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3225-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_categoryoptioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3225-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_categoryoptioncombos 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3226-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_dataelementgroupsets" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3226-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_dataelementgroupsets 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3227-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_datamartexports" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3227-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_datamartexports 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3228-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_mapviews" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3228-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_mapviews 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3229-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_documents" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3229-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_documents 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3230-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_maps" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3230-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_maps 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3231-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reports" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3231-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reports 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3232-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_reporttables" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3232-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_reporttables 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3233-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3233-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3234-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "customvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3234-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE customvalue 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3235-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttable_displaycolumns" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3235-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttable_displaycolumns 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3236-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportreporttables" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3236-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportreporttables 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3237-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "frequencyoverrideassociation" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3237-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE frequencyoverrideassociation 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3238-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3238-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dataelement_dataelementgroupsetmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3239-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboardcontent_olapurls" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3239-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboardcontent_olapurls 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3240-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "olapurl" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3240-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE olapurl 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3241-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "target" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3241-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE target 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3242-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "calculateddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3242-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE calculateddataelement 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3243-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "systemsequence" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3243-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE systemsequence 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3244-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablecolumn" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3244-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablecolumn 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3245-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexport" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3245-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexport 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3246-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportdataelements" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3246-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportdataelements 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3247-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportindicators" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3247-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportindicators 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3248-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportorgunits" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3248-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportorgunits 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3249-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datamartexportperiods" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3249-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datamartexportperiods 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockedperiods" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3250-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockedperiods 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlocksource 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlock" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlock 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3253-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datasetlockexceptions" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3253-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datasetlockexceptions 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3254-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3254-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE indicator_indicatorgroupsetmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3255-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3255-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetindicator 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3256-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3256-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maplegendsetdataelement 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3257-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "loginfailure" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3257-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE loginfailure 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3258-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3258-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE dashboarditem_trackedentitytabularreports 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3259-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3259-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE categoryoptioncombousergroupaccesses 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3260-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3260-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationrulegroupuserrolestoalert 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3261-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3261-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE expressionoptioncombo 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3262-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupdatasets" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3262-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupdatasets 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3263-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavalue_audit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3263-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavalue_audit 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3264-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3264-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryusergroupaccesses 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3265-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionaryindicators" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3265-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionaryindicators 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3266-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionarydataelements" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3266-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionarydataelements 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3267-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datadictionary" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3267-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datadictionary 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "caseaggregationcondition" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE caseaggregationcondition 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3270-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3270-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_filters 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3271-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3271-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport_dimensions 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentitytabularreport" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentitytabularreport 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3273-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereportusergroupaccesses 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3274-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_filters" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3274-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_filters 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3275-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3275-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport_dimension 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3276-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityaggregatereport" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3276-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityaggregatereport 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3277-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot drop table validationcriteria because other objects depend on it 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3277-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: constraint fk_objecttranslation_validationcriteriaid on table validationcriteriatranslations depends on table validationcriteria constraint fk_program_criteria_validationcriteriaid on table program_criteria depends on table validationcriteria 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3277-3] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3277-4] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE validationcriteria 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "userid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column userid 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "publicaccess" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo drop column publicaccess 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3280-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptioncombo depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3280-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo alter column name type text 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption drop column categoryid 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3282-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramleafparentorganisationunit" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3282-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column paramleafparentorganisationunit 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3283-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension_type" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3283-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimension_type 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column dimensiontype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "tablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column tablename 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3286-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "existingtablename" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3286-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column existingtablename 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3287-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "docategoryoptioncombos" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3287-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column docategoryoptioncombos 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mode" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP column mode 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayorder" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN displayorder 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "label" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN label 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "title" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP COLUMN title 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3292-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "polygoncoordinates" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3292-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN polygoncoordinates 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3293-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "geocode" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3293-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN geocode 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3294-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3294-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3295-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "numeratoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3295-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN numeratoraggregationtype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3296-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "denominatoraggregationtype" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3296-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN denominatoraggregationtype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3297-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "locked" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3297-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN locked 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3298-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3298-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN skipaggregation 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3299-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completenessrecipientsid" of relation "configuration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3299-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE configuration DROP COLUMN completenessrecipientsid 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3300-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3300-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3301-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3301-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportcategoryoptioncombo 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN aggregateexportattributeoptioncombo 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "alternativename" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3305-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN alternativename 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3306-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "image" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3306-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN image 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3307-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usingorgunitgroupsets" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3307-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN usingorgunitgroupsets 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "datatype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE eventchart DROP COLUMN datatype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "type" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN type 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3310-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3310-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN active 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3311-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3311-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3312-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "datamart_crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3312-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX datamart_crosstab 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3316-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maporganisationunitrelation" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3316-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE maporganisationunitrelation 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3317-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3317-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapid 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapdatetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN mapdatetype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "featuretype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN featuretype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3322-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "bounds" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3322-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN bounds 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3323-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3323-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN valuetype 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3324-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "legendtype" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:02 SAST [3324-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE mapview DROP COLUMN legendtype 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3334-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplegend_name_key" of relation "maplegend" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3334-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplegend DROP CONSTRAINT maplegend_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "maplayer_mapsource_key" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3351-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP CONSTRAINT maplayer_mapsource_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsource" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsource 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3353-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mapsourcetype" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3353-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN mapsourcetype 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3354-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "layer" of relation "maplayer" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3354-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE maplayer DROP COLUMN layer 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3355-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3355-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3356-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3356-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3357-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3357-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT fk_indicator_extendeddataelementid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3358-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "extendeddataelementid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3358-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN extendeddataelementid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3359-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "extendeddataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3359-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE extendeddataelement 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3360-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3360-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP COLUMN hasPatients 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk4bae70f697e49675" of relation "categorycombos_optioncombos" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombos_optioncombos DROP CONSTRAINT fk4bae70f697e49675 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sort_order" of relation "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions drop column sort_order 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: multiple primary keys for table "categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions" are not allowed 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions add constraint categoryoptioncombos_categoryoptions_pkey primary key(categoryoptioncomboid, categoryoptionid) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_dataelement_categoryid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT fk_dataelement_categoryid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP CONSTRAINT dataelementcategoryoption_shortname_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP INDEX index_minmaxdataelement 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3382-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "description" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3382-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3386-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3386-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "description" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3386-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3387-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "description" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3387-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule ALTER COLUMN description TYPE text 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3390-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_ou depends on column "comment" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3390-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN comment TYPE text 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule ALTER COLUMN condition TYPE text 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "minvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3400-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME minvalue TO minimumvalue 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3401-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3401-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement RENAME maxvalue TO maximumvalue 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3402-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3402-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update minmaxdataelement set generatedvalue = generated where generatedvalue is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3403-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generated" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3403-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table minmaxdataelement drop column generated 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_shortname_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_shortname_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3406-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "section_name_key" of relation "section" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3406-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE section DROP CONSTRAINT section_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3415-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3415-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregateddatavalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE aggregatedindicatorvalue DROP COLUMN modified 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "patientid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance ALTER COLUMN patientid DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='indicator' 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit' 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3421-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3421-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='period', category='data', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='dataElement_period' 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3422-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3422-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='organisationunit', filter='period' WHERE dimension='organisationUnit_dataElement' 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3423-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3423-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period' 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3424-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" does not exist at character 84 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3424-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET series='data', category='period', filter='organisationunit' WHERE dimension='period_dataElement' 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: insert or update on table "programruleaction" violates foreign key constraint "fk_programruleaction_programnotification" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3431-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Key (programnotificationtemplateid)=(0) is not present in table "programnotificationtemplate". 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3431-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programruleaction SET programnotificationtemplateid= 0 where programnotificationtemplateid is NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3432-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 97 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3432-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE chart SET type=lower(type), series=lower(series), category=lower(category), filter=lower(filter) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3433-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimension" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3433-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER COLUMN dimension DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3434-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "size" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3434-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN size 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "verticallabels" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN verticallabels 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "targetline" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN targetline 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "horizontalplotorientation" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3437-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN horizontalplotorientation 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3438-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3438-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN monthsLastYear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN quartersLastYear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6BiMonths 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3441-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_title_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3441-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_title_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "chart_name_key" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP CONSTRAINT chart_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "domainaxixlabel" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN domainaxixlabel 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3444-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rewindrelativeperiods" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3444-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN rewindrelativeperiods 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart ALTER regression DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3461-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3461-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3463-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3463-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3464-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sofarthisfinancialyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3464-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN sofarthisfinancialyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3465-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3to6months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3465-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last3to6months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3466-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6to9months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3466-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last6to9months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last9to12months" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last9to12months 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12individualmonths" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN last12individualmonths 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualmonthsthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualmonthsthisyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "individualquartersthisyear" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN individualquartersthisyear 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3471-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitgroupsetid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3471-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN organisationunitgroupsetid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN programid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3473-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk766ae2938fd8026a" of relation "datasetsource" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3473-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetsource DROP CONSTRAINT fk766ae2938fd8026a 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "datasetlocksource" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetlocksource DROP CONSTRAINT fk582fdf7e8fd8026a 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid" of relation "completedatasetregistration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE completedatasetregistration DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datasetcompleteregistration_sourceid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3476-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid" of relation "minmaxdataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3476-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE minmaxdataelement DROP CONSTRAINT fk_minmaxdataelement_sourceid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3477-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_datavalue_sourceid" of relation "datavalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3477-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue DROP CONSTRAINT fk_datavalue_sourceid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3478-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fke509dd5ef1c932ed" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3478-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT fke509dd5ef1c932ed 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3479-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "source" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3479-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE source CASCADE 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3480-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "datavaluearchive" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3480-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE datavaluearchive 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messageconversationkey" of relation "messageconversation" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE messageconversation DROP COLUMN messageconversationkey 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagesubject" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagesubject 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3484-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagekey" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3484-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN messagekey 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3485-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sentdate" of relation "message" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3485-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE message DROP COLUMN sentdate 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "messagedate" of relation "usermessage" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usermessage DROP COLUMN messagedate 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "message_usermessages" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE message_usermessages 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3489-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataelement_code_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3489-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ADD CONSTRAINT dataelement_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3490-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "indicator_code_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3490-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ADD CONSTRAINT indicator_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3491-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "organisationunit_code_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3491-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ADD CONSTRAINT organisationunit_code_key UNIQUE(code) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3492-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3492-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "code" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3492-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3493-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3493-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "code" 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3493-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN code TYPE varchar(50) 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3494-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "attribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3494-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE attribute DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3495-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categorycombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3496-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "categoryoptioncombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3496-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE categoryoptioncombo DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE chart DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3498-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "concept" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3498-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE concept DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "constant" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE constant DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3500-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3500-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3502-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3502-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3503-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3503-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3504-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataelementgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3504-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3506-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3506-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3507-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3507-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3508-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3508-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3509-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "indicatortype" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3509-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatortype DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3510-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3510-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3511-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3511-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3512-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3512-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitlevel DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3513-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3513-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3514-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3514-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrule DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3515-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uuid" of relation "validationrulegroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3515-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE validationrulegroup DROP COLUMN uuid 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3518-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3518-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3527-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3527-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set allowfutureperiods = false where allowfutureperiods is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3530-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3530-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = false where approvedata is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3532-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "haspatients" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3532-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update organisationunit set haspatients = false where haspatients is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3536-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3536-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regression = false where regression is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3551-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "paramparentorganisationunit" of relation "report" does not exist at character 19 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3551-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update report set paramparentorganisationunit = false where paramorganisationunit is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3556-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3556-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3557-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3557-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3558-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3558-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3559-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3559-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3560-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:50:03 SAST [3560-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3561-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3561-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3562-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3562-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3563-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3563-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3564-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3564-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3565-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3565-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3566-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3566-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3567-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3567-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3568-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3568-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3569-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3569-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3570-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3570-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3571-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 52 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3571-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3572-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3572-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3573-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3573-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set thisfinancialyear = false where thisfinancialyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3574-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastfinancialyear" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3574-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set lastfinancialyear = false where lastfinancialyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3575-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5financialyears" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3575-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set last5financialyears = false where last5financialyears is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3593-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3593-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3594-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3594-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3596-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3596-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update reporttable set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3598-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3598-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table reporttable drop column totals 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3601-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 74 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3601-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3602-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3602-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3606-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3606-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column counttype 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3607-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingmonth" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3607-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingmonth = false where reportingmonth is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3608-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingbimonth" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3608-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingbimonth = false where reportingbimonth is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3609-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportingquarter" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3609-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set reportingquarter = false where reportingquarter is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3610-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthsthisyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3610-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthsthisyear = false where monthsthisyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3611-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quartersthisyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3611-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quartersthisyear = false where quartersthisyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3612-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "thisyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3612-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set thisyear = false where thisyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3613-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "monthslastyear" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3613-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set monthslastyear = false where monthslastyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3614-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "quarterslastyear" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3614-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set quarterslastyear = false where quarterslastyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3615-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastyear" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3615-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastyear = false where lastyear is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3616-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastsixmonth" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3616-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set lastsixmonth = false where lastsixmonth is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3617-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last12months" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3617-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last12months = false where last12months is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3618-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last3months" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3618-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last3months = false where last3months is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3619-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last5years" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3619-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last5years = false where last5years is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3620-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3620-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3621-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last6bimonths" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3621-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last6bimonths = false where last6bimonths is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3622-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last4quarters" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3622-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last4quarters = false where last4quarters is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3623-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "last2sixmonths" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3623-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set last2sixmonths = false where last2sixmonths is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3631-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3631-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set counttype = 'events' where counttype is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3633-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 44 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3633-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set totals = true where totals is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3634-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3634-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set coltotals = totals where coltotals is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3636-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" does not exist at character 36 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3636-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventreport set rowtotals = totals where rowtotals is null 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3638-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "totals" of relation "eventreport" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3638-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventreport drop column totals 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3641-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 73 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3641-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'EVENT' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'events' 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3642-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" does not exist at character 91 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3642-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set outputtype = 'TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE' where outputtype is null and counttype = 'tracked_entity_instances' 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3644-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "counttype" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3644-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column counttype 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3646-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3646-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "filter" in table "chart_filters", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3646-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into chart_filters (chartid, sort_order, filter) select chartid, 0, filter from chart 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3647-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "filter" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3647-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column filter 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3660-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3660-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroupmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3661-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reportgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3661-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reportgroup 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3662-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3662-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroupmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3663-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "reporttablegroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3663-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE reporttablegroup 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3664-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroupmembers" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3664-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroupmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3665-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "chartgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3665-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE chartgroup 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3669-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skipaggregation" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3669-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET skipaggregation = false WHERE skipaggregation IS NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3674-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3674-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 12 where allowfutureperiods is true 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3675-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3675-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataset SET openfutureperiods = 0 where allowfutureperiods is false 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3677-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowfutureperiods" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3677-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN allowfutureperiods 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3679-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3679-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3679-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelement ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3680-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3680-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3680-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3682-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3682-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "shortname" 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3682-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit ALTER COLUMN shortname TYPE character varying(50) 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3775-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "organisationunit_name_key" of relation "organisationunit" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3775-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE organisationunit DROP CONSTRAINT organisationunit_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3776-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroup_name_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3776-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroup ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroup_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3777-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "orgunitgroupset_name_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3777-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE orgunitgroupset ADD CONSTRAINT orgunitgroupset_name_key UNIQUE (name) 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3778-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_name_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3778-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3779-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicator_shortname_key" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3779-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicator DROP CONSTRAINT indicator_shortname_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3780-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroup_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3780-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroup DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroup_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3781-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "indicatorgroupset_name_key" of relation "indicatorgroupset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3781-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE indicatorgroupset DROP CONSTRAINT indicatorgroupset_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3782-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3782-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3783-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "dataset_shortname_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3783-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT dataset_shortname_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3784-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "document_name_key" of relation "document" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3784-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE document DROP CONSTRAINT document_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3785-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "reporttable_name_key" of relation "reporttable" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3785-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE reporttable DROP CONSTRAINT reporttable_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3786-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "report_name_key" of relation "report" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3786-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE report DROP CONSTRAINT report_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3787-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "usergroup_name_key" of relation "usergroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3787-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE usergroup DROP CONSTRAINT usergroup_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3788-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3788-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategory DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3789-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "conceptid" of relation "dataelementcategoryoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3789-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataelementcategoryoption DROP COLUMN conceptid 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3796-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viweid" does not exist at character 30 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3796-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set sqlviewid=viweid 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3797-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "viewid" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3797-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column viewid 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3798-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3798-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update sqlview set type = 'QUERY' where query is true 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3800-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "query" of relation "sqlview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:04 SAST [3800-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table sqlview drop column query 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3808-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3808-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "lastupdated" 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3808-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datavalue ALTER COLUMN lastupdated TYPE timestamp 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3812-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "crosstab" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3812-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index crosstab 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3819-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "symbol" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3819-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP COLUMN symbol 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3859-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentityattributedimension" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3859-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributedimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3860-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "operator" of relation "trackedentitydataelementdimension" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3860-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitydataelementdimension DROP COLUMN operator 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3862-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "programruleaction" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3862-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programruleaction DROP COLUMN name 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3863-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3863-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programrule SET rulecondition = condition WHERE rulecondition IS NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3864-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "condition" of relation "programrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3864-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programrule DROP COLUMN condition 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3867-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" does not exist at character 32 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3867-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DELETE FROM dataapproval WHERE categoryoptiongroupid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3868-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptiongroupid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3868-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptiongroupid 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3869-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" does not exist at character 76 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3869-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE dataapproval SET attributeoptioncomboid=categoryoptioncomboid WHERE categoryoptioncomboid IS NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3870-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "categoryoptioncomboid" of relation "dataapproval" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3870-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataapproval DROP COLUMN categoryoptioncomboid 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3874-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" does not exist at character 114 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3874-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'SKIP_IF_ANY_VALUE_MISSING' where missingvaluestrategy is null and (nullifblank is true or nullifblank is null) 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3875-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "nullifblank" at character 94 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3875-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update expression set missingvaluestrategy = 'NEVER_SKIP' where missingvaluestrategy is null nullifblank is false 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3877-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "nullifblank" of relation "expression" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3877-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table expression drop column nullifblank 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3878-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressiondataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3878-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressiondataelement 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3879-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "expressionsampleelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3879-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table expressionsampleelement 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3880-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3880-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "startdate" 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3880-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column startdate type date 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3881-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3881-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "enddate" 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3881-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column enddate type date 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3882-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3882-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column sortorder 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3883-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "indicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3883-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator drop column sortorder 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3884-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sortorder" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3884-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataset drop column sortorder 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3885-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "active" of relation "dataelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3885-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement drop column active 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3886-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3886-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "value" 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3886-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column value type varchar(50000) 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3887-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3887-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "comment" 2019-02-23 22:50:05 SAST [3887-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column comment type varchar(50000) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3904-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "version_versionkey_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3904-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table version add constraint version_versionkey_key unique(versionkey) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3907-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3907-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3908-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 64 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3908-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update categorycombo set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3910-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "categorycombo" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3910-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3911-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 75 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3911-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'DISAGGREGATION' where dimensiontype = 'disaggregation' 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3912-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" does not exist at character 70 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3912-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataelementcategory set datadimensiontype = 'ATTRIBUTE' where dimensiontype = 'attribute' 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3914-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dimensiontype" of relation "dataelementcategory" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3914-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategory drop column dimensiontype 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3921-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" does not exist at character 42 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3921-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set enrollmentdatelabel = dateofenrollmentdescription where enrollmentdatelabel is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3922-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3922-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set incidentdatelabel = dateofincidentdescription where incidentdatelabel is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3923-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3923-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set incidentdate = dateofincident where incidentdate is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3925-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofenrollmentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3925-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofenrollmentdescription 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3926-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3926-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column dateofincidentdescription 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3927-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincident" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3927-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programinstance drop column dateofincident 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3929-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" does not exist at character 38 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3929-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set repeatable = irregular where repeatable is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3931-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3931-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column reportdatedescription 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3932-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "irregular" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3932-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column irregular 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3934-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storecopy" of relation "programmessage" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3934-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programmessage drop column storecopy 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3935-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "missingvaluereplacement" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3935-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column missingvaluereplacement 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3936-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3936-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update keyjsonvalue set namespacekey = key where namespacekey is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3938-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "key" of relation "keyjsonvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3938-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table keyjsonvalue drop column key 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3939-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "encrypted_value" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3939-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattributevalue drop column encrypted_value 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3941-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "predictororglevels" of relation "predictor" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3941-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table predictor drop column predictororglevels 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3942-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3942-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3943-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3943-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3944-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3944-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3945-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregateddatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3945-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregateddatavalue_temp 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3946-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3946-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3947-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3947-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3948-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3948-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3949-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3949-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatasetcompleteness_temp 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3950-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3950-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3951-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3951-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitdatavalue_temp 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3952-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3952-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3953-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3953-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table aggregatedorgunitindicatorvalue_temp 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3955-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3955-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_popdatavalue depends on column "storedby" 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3955-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datavalue alter column storedby TYPE character varying(255) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3957-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "orgunitlevel_name_key" of relation "orgunitlevel" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3957-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitlevel drop constraint orgunitlevel_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3959-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3959-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretationcomment_mentions_username on interpretationcomment using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3960-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_interpretation_mentions_username" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3960-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_interpretation_mentions_username on interpretation using GIN((mentions->'username') jsonb_path_ops) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3961-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3961-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3962-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3962-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3964-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "chart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3964-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table chart drop column regression 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3965-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 53 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3965-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'NONE' where regression is false or regression is null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3966-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" does not exist at character 55 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3966-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set regressiontype = 'LINEAR' where regression is true 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3968-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "regression" of relation "eventchart" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3968-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table eventchart drop column regression 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3969-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "ruletype" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3969-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column ruletype 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3970-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "skiptestexpressionid" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3970-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column skiptestexpressionid 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3971-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevel" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3971-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column organisationunitlevel 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3972-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3972-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialsamplecount 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3973-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "annualsamplecount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3973-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column annualsamplecount 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3974-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "sequentialskipcount" of relation "validationrule" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3974-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule drop column sequentialskipcount 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3975-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3975-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table trackedentityattribute drop column trackedentityattributegroupid 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3976-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3976-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP CONSTRAINT fk_trackedentityattribute_attributegroupid 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3977-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3977-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3978-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3978-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3979-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3979-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3980-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datainputperiod" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3980-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datainputperiod DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3981-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3981-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN uid 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3982-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3982-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN created 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3983-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3983-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN lastupdated 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3984-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "code" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [3984-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE datasetelement DROP COLUMN code 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4039-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "in_datavalue_deleted" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4039-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: create index in_datavalue_deleted on datavalue(deleted) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4040-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_code" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4040-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_code ( code VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4041-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_access_token" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4041-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_access_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication_id VARCHAR(256) PRIMARY KEY, user_name VARCHAR(256), client_id VARCHAR(256), authentication BYTEA, refresh_token VARCHAR(256)) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4042-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "oauth_refresh_token" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4042-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE oauth_refresh_token ( token_id VARCHAR(256), token BYTEA, authentication BYTEA) 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4045-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" does not exist at character 96 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4045-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementid" in table "mapview_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4045-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelements ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementid from mapview where dataelementid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4046-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:08 SAST [4046-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4047-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" does not exist at character 110 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4047-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "dataelementoperandid" in table "mapview_dataelementoperands", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4047-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_dataelementoperands ( mapviewid, sort_order, dataelementoperandid ) select mapviewid, 0, dataelementoperandid from mapview where dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4048-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementoperandid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4048-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementoperandid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4049-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" does not exist at character 92 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4049-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "indicatorid" in table "mapview_indicators", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4049-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_indicators ( mapviewid, sort_order, indicatorid ) select mapviewid, 0, indicatorid from mapview where indicatorid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4050-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4050-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4051-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" does not exist at character 106 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4051-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_organisationunits ( mapviewid, sort_order, organisationunitid ) select mapviewid, 0, parentorganisationunitid from mapview where parentorganisationunitid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4052-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "parentorganisationunitid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4052-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column parentorganisationunitid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4053-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" does not exist at character 86 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4053-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "periodid" in table "mapview_periods", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4053-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_periods ( mapviewid, sort_order, periodid ) select mapviewid, 0, periodid from mapview where periodid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4054-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "periodid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4054-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column periodid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4055-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column m.organisationunitlevelid does not exist at character 145 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4055-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into mapview_orgunitlevels ( mapviewid, sort_order, orgunitlevel ) select m.mapviewid, 0, o.level from mapview m join orgunitlevel o on (m.organisationunitlevelid=o.orgunitlevelid) where m.organisationunitlevelid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4056-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "organisationunitlevelid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4056-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column organisationunitlevelid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4057-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataelementgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4057-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column dataelementgroupid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4058-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "indicatorgroupid" of relation "mapview" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4058-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table mapview drop column indicatorgroupid 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4063-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "approvedata" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4063-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update dataset set approvedata = approvedata where datasetid < 0 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4065-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dataapproval_unique_key" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4065-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataapproval add constraint dataapproval_unique_key unique (dataapprovallevelid,workflowid,periodid,organisationunitid,attributeoptioncomboid) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4066-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lowoutliers" does not exist at character 41 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4066-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update validationrule set lowoutliers = lowoutliers where validationruleid < 0 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4067-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "optionsetmembers" does not exist at character 178 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4067-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into optionvalue(optionvalueid, code, name, optionsetid, sort_order) select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), optionvalue, optionvalue, optionsetid, ( sort_order + 1 ) from optionsetmembers 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4082-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thismonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4082-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4082-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thismonth=reportingmonth 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4083-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisbimonth" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4083-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4083-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisbimonth=reportingbimonth 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4084-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: null value in column "thisquarter" violates not-null constraint 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4084-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: Failing row contains (19582705, null, null, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, t, f, f, f, f, null, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, f). 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4084-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update relativeperiods set thisquarter=reportingquarter 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4140-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: syntax error at or near "user" at character 13 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4140-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table user alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4142-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4142-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getorganisationunit depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4142-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table organisationunit alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4143-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4143-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_orgunitgroup depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4143-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table orgunitgroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4148-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4148-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getdataelements depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4148-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelement alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4151-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4151-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_categoryoptions depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4151-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table categorycombo alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4153-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4153-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_deoption depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4153-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table dataelementcategoryoption alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4154-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4154-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_sr_getindicators depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4154-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table indicator alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4158-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4158-2] dhis@dhis230 DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view _view_validationrule depends on column "name" 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4158-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table validationrule alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4162-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "attributegroup" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4162-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table attributegroup alter column name type character varying(230) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4169-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.dataelementoperandid does not exist at character 344 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4169-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set dataelementoperand_dataelementid = ( select op.dataelementid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ), dataelementoperand_categoryoptioncomboid = ( select op.categoryoptioncomboid from dataelementoperand op where di.dataelementoperandid=op.dataelementoperandid ) where di.dataelementoperandid is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4171-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist at character 321 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4171-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programattribute_programid = (select programid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid), programattribute_attributeid = (select trackedentityattributeid from program_attributes where programtrackedentityattributeid=di.programattributeid) where programattributeid is not null and (programattribute_programid is null and programattribute_attributeid is null) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4172-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column di.programdataelementid does not exist at character 298 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4172-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update datadimensionitem di set programdataelement_programid = (select programid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid), programdataelement_dataelementid = (select dataelementid from programdataelement where programdataelementid=di.programdataelementid) where di.programdataelementid is not null and (programdataelement_programid is null and programdataelement_dataelementid is null) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4173-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "objectid" of relation "translation" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4173-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table translation add column objectid integer 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4200-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4200-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4201-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column tt.constantid does not exist at character 681 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4201-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Constant' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from constanttranslations tt where tt.constantid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from constant where constantid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from constant where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4204-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4204-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4205-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "dashboarditemid" does not exist at character 756 2019-02-23 22:50:09 SAST [4205-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'DashboardItem' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemtranslations tt where tt.dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where dashboarditemid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from dashboarditemid where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4250-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4250-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4251-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messagetranslations" does not exist at character 650 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4251-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'Message' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messagetranslations tt where tt.messageid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from message where messageid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from message where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4252-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4252-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4253-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "messageconversationtranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4253-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'MessageConversation' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from messageconversationtranslations tt where tt.messageconversationid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where messageconversationid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from messageconversation where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4268-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4268-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4269-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programdataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 661 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4269-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programdataelementtranslations tt where tt.programdataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where programdataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programdataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4272-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4272-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4273-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4273-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programinstancetranslations tt where tt.programinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programinstance where programinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4278-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4278-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4279-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstagedataelementtranslations" does not exist at character 666 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4279-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageDataElement' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelementtranslations tt where tt.programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where programstagedataelementid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstagedataelement where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4280-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4280-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4281-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstageinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 663 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4281-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramStageInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programstageinstancetranslations tt where tt.programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where programstageinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programstageinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4284-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4284-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4285-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programattributestranslations" does not exist at character 672 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4285-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramTrackedEntityAttribute' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programattributestranslations tt where tt.programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where programtrackedentityattributeid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programtrackedentityattribute where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4288-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4288-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4289-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programruleactiontranslations" does not exist at character 660 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4289-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleAction' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programruleactiontranslations tt where tt.programruleactionid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where programruleactionid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programruleaction where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4290-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4290-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4291-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programrulevariabletranslations" does not exist at character 662 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4291-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'ProgramRuleVariable' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from programrulevariabletranslations tt where tt.programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where programrulevariableid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from programrulevariable where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4302-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4302-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4303-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityinstancetranslations" does not exist at character 664 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4303-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'TrackedEntityInstance' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstancetranslations tt where tt.trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where trackedentityinstanceid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from trackedentityinstance where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4304-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4304-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4305-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "userinfotranslations" does not exist at character 647 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4305-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'User' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from userinfotranslations tt where tt.userinfoid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from userinfo where userinfoid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from userinfo where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4308-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4308-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4309-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "usertranslations" does not exist at character 658 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4309-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into objecttranslation ( objecttranslationid, locale , property , value ) select t.translationid, t.locale, case when t.objectproperty = 'shortName' then 'SHORT_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'formName' then 'FORM_NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'name' then 'NAME' when t.objectproperty = 'description' then'DESCRIPTION' else t.objectproperty end , t.value from translation as t where t.objectclass = 'UserCredentials' and t.objectproperty is not null and t.locale is not null and t.value is not null and not exists ( select 1 from objecttranslation ot where ot.objecttranslationid = t.translationid ) and not exists ( select 1 from usertranslations tt where tt.userid = t.objectid ) and ( exists ( select 1 from users where userid = t.objectid ) or exists ( select 1 from users where uid = t.objectuid ) ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4318-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4318-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into datasetelement(datasetelementid,uid,datasetid,dataelementid,created,lastupdated) select nextval('hibernate_sequence') as datasetelementid, CONCAT(substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' from 1 + cast(floor(52*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1), substring('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' from 1 + cast(floor(62*random()) as int) for 1)) as uid, dsm.datasetid as datasetid, dsm.dataelementid as dataelementid, now() as created, now() as lastupdated from datasetmembers dsm 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4319-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "uid" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4319-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column uid set not null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4320-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "created" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4320-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column created set not null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4321-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdated" of relation "datasetelement" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4321-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table datasetelement alter column lastupdated set not null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4325-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist at character 66 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4325-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update maplegend l set maplegendsetid = (select legendsetid from maplegendsetmaplegend m where m.maplegendid = l.maplegendid) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4326-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "maplegendsetmaplegend" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4326-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table maplegendsetmaplegend 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4327-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4327-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update chart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4328-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hideemptyrows" does not exist at character 56 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4328-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update eventchart set hideemptyrowitems = 'NONE' where hideemptyrows is false or hideemptyrows is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4331-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" does not exist at character 45 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4331-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programindicator set analyticstype = programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4332-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programindicatoranalyticstype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4332-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop programindicatoranalyticstype 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4340-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "analyticsperiodboundary" does not exist at character 380 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4340-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: INSERT INTO periodboundary(periodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid) SELECT analyticsperiodboundaryid, uid, code, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, boundarytarget, analyticsperiodboundarytype, offsetperiods, offsetperiodtypeid, programindicatorid FROM analyticsperiodboundary 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4344-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "configurable" of relation "jobconfiguration" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4344-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table jobconfiguration drop column configurable 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4346-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "userroleprogram" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4346-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table userroleprogram 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4348-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_programid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4348-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_programid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4349-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroleprogram_userroleid" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4349-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fk_userroleprogram_userroleid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4350-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fkd6350dd7a3100c9f" of relation "program_userroles" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4350-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program_userroles drop constraint fkd6350dd7a3100c9f 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4351-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_datasetid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4351-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_datasetid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4352-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_userroledataset_userroleid" of relation "userroledataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4352-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table userroledataset drop constraint fk_userroledataset_userroleid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4361-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "key_deleted_object_klass_code" of relation "deletedobject" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4361-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table deletedobject drop constraint key_deleted_object_klass_code 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4362-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "storagestatus" of relation "fileresource" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4362-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table fileresource drop column storagestatus 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4363-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" of relation "relationshiptype" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4363-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE relationshiptype RENAME description TO name 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4364-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4364-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN showOnReport 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4365-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "hidedateofincident" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4365-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN hidedateofincident 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4366-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4366-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN dataentrymethod 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4367-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4367-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=2 where singleevent=true 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4368-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4368-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET type=3 where anonymous=true 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4369-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "singleevent" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4369-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN singleevent 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4370-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "anonymous" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4370-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN anonymous 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4374-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4374-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4375-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentitycommentid" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4375-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN trackedentitycommentid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4376-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4376-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programinstanceid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4377-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstageinstanceid" of relation "trackedentitycomment" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4377-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentitycomment DROP COLUMN programstageinstanceid 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4378-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4378-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributevalue 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4379-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programinstance_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4379-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programinstance_attributes 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4380-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4380-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattributeoption 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4381-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "programattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4381-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE programattribute 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4382-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4382-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage_dataelements SET allowProvidedElsewhere=false WHERE allowProvidedElsewhere is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4383-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "providedbyanotherfacility" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4383-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN providedbyanotherfacility 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4384-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4384-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN stageInProgram 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4385-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "reportdatedescription" does not exist at character 67 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4385-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programstage SET reportDateDescription='Report date' WHERE reportDateDescription is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4387-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" does not exist at character 46 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4387-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programstage.executiondatelabel". 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4387-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set executiondatelabel = excecutiondatelabel where executiondatelabel is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4388-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "excecutiondatelabel" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4388-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programstage drop column excecutiondatelabel 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4389-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4389-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET generatedByEnrollmentDate=false WHERE generatedByEnrollmentDate is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4390-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "stageinprogram" of relation "programstage" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4390-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage DROP COLUMN stageinprogram 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4391-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_programinstance" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4391-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_programinstance ON programinstance( programinstanceid ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4392-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4392-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalue_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalue( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4393-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid" already exists 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4393-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: CREATE INDEX index_trackedentitydatavalueaudit_programstageinstanceid ON trackedentitydatavalueaudit( programstageinstanceid ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4394-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "maxdaysallowedinputdata" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4394-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN maxDaysAllowedInputData 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4395-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayinreports" does not exist at character 58 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4395-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET programstage_dataelements=false WHERE displayInReports is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4399-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" does not exist at character 47 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4399-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET blockEntryForm=false WHERE blockEntryForm is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4400-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "program_name_key" of relation "dataset" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4400-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE dataset DROP CONSTRAINT program_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4404-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "prorgam" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4404-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update prorgam set "operator"='times' where "operator"='SUM' 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4405-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4405-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program set remindCompleted=false where remindCompleted is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4413-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" does not exist at character 43 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4413-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "programinstance.completedby". 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4413-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=0 WHERE completed=false 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4414-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column pi.completed does not exist at character 209 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4414-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "pi.completedby". 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4414-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE programinstance SET status=2 WHERE programinstanceid in ( select psi.programinstanceid from programinstance pi join programstageinstance psi on psi.programinstanceid = psi.programstageinstanceid where pi.completed=true and psi.completed = false ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4416-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4416-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4417-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "disableregistrationfields" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4417-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN disableRegistrationFields 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4418-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dateofincidentdescription" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4418-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program ALTER COLUMN dateofincidentdescription DROP NOT NULL 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4419-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayonallorgunit" does not exist at character 51 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4419-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET displayOnAllOrgunit=true where displayOnAllOrgunit is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4420-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "useformnamedataelement" does not exist at character 54 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4420-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET useFormNameDataElement=true where useFormNameDataElement is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4427-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "generatedbyenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4427-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN generatedByEnrollmentDate 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4428-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "blockentryform" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4428-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN blockEntryForm 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4429-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "remindcompleted" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4429-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN remindCompleted 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4430-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "displayprovidedotherfacility" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4430-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN displayProvidedOtherFacility 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4431-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "dataentrymethod" does not exist at character 48 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4431-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET dataEntryMethod=false WHERE dataEntryMethod is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4435-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "facilitylb" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4435-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN facilityLB 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4436-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4436-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowDateInFuture=false where allowDateInFuture is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4437-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer at character 109 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4437-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4437-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage set autoGenerateEvent=true where programid in ( select programid from program where type=2 ) 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4439-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasincidentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4439-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsIncidentDate 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4440-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "usebirthdateasenrollmentdate" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4440-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program DROP COLUMN useBirthDateAsEnrollmentDate 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4442-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "relationshipfroma" does not exist at character 50 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4442-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program SET relationshipFromA=false WHERE relationshipFromA is null 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4443-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "name" does not exist at character 82 2019-02-23 22:50:10 SAST [4443-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update userroleauthorities set "name"='trackedEntityExcelTemplateFileName' where "name"='patientExcelTemplateFileName' 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4446-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityid" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4446-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN trackedentityid 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4447-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "program_identifiertypes" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4447-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE program_identifiertypes 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4448-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifier" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4448-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifier 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4449-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "patientidentifiertype" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4449-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE patientidentifiertype 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4450-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid" for table "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4450-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute RENAME CONSTRAINT fk_patientidentifiertype_periodtypeid TO trackedentityattribute_periodtypeid 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4451-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programattributeid" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4451-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes RENAME COLUMN programattributeid TO programtrackedentityattributeid 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4452-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "trackedentityattributeoptionid" of relation "trackedentityattributevalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4452-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattributevalue DROP COLUMN trackedentityattributeoptionid 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4453-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityattributeoption" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4453-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE trackedentityattributeoption 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4454-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column trackedentityattribute.mandatory does not exist at character 224 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4454-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: UPDATE program_attributes SET mandatory = trackedentityattribute.mandatory FROM program_attributes pa INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=trackedentityattribute.trackedentityattributeid where trackedentityattribute.mandatory is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4455-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "mandatory" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4455-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN mandatory 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4456-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "groupby" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4456-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN groupBy 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4457-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "aggregationype" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist at character 35 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4457-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityattribute set aggregationype='AVERAGE' where aggregationtype is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4458-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "trackedentityattribute" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4458-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE trackedentityattribute DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4459-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "orgunitgroupprograms" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4459-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP TABLE orgunitgroupprograms 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4460-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "completed" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4460-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstageinstance DROP COLUMN completed 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4462-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "searchscope" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4462-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN searchscope 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4467-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4467-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4468-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist at character 8 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4468-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstage_dataelements set allowfuturedate = false where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4469-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "programstage_dataelements" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4469-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstage_dataelements DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4470-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" does not exist at character 49 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4470-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program_attributes set allowfuturedate = allowdateinfuture where allowfuturedate is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4472-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowdateinfuture" of relation "program_attributes" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4472-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE program_attributes DROP COLUMN allowdateinfuture 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4474-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: sequence "period_periodid_seq" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4474-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: DROP SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4475-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: constraint "programstagesection_name_key" of relation "programstagesection" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4475-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: ALTER TABLE programstagesection DROP CONSTRAINT programstagesection_name_key 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4481-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "valuetype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4481-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column valuetype 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4482-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "rootdate" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4482-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column rootdate 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4483-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "eventoutputtype" of relation "programindicator" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4483-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table programindicator drop column eventoutputtype 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4486-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: index "index_patientdatavalue" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4486-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop index index_patientdatavalue 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4487-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "trackedentityform" does not exist at character 69 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4487-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update program p set dataentryformid = (select dataentryformid from trackedentityform tf where tf.programid=p.programid limit 1) 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4488-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: table "trackedentityform" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4488-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: drop table trackedentityform 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4495-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "programstagesectionid" does not exist at character 104 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4495-2] dhis@dhis230 HINT: There is a column named "programstagesectionid" in table "programstagesection_dataelements", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query. 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4495-3] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: insert into programstagesection_dataelements (programstagesectionid, sort_order, dataelementid) select programstagesectionid, section_sort_order, dataelementid from programstagedataelement where programstagesectionid is not null and section_sort_order is not null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4497-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "trackedentityinstance" does not exist at character 34 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4497-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update trackedentityinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4499-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programinstance" does not exist at character 28 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4499-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4501-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "lastupdatedatatclient" of relation "programstageinstance" does not exist at character 33 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4501-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: update programstageinstance set lastUpdatedAtAtClient=lastupdated where createdatclient is null 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4505-1] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: column "allowauditlog" of relation "program" does not exist 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [4505-2] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: alter table program drop column allowauditlog 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-9] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_indicators" does not exist at character 40 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-10] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select reporttableid, indicatorid from reporttable_indicators order by reporttableid, sort_order 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-11] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-12] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-13] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: relation "reporttable_orgunitgroups" does not exist at character 61 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-14] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: select distinct d.reporttableid, gsm.orgunitgroupsetid from reporttable_orgunitgroups d inner join orgunitgroupsetmembers gsm on d.orgunitgroupid=gsm.orgunitgroupid 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-15] dhis@dhis230 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block 2019-02-23 22:50:11 SAST [2996-16] dhis@dhis230 STATEMENT: